),leJlmended,tmnc',pro if any ,amendment deemed' to make ,the proce-edingi;,cregular..-c' tQ,vacate and set aside :theadjudicatiou. is' deniec{..' .'! ! . ) "J , I
,', Rl:1IZ-P,. EWKERMAN.· (U,ifi:u.it 1 .'.
A discharge in pankruptcy can . the domestic
to the suit of a foreign, .'
·Demurrer to Plea of Discharge.! ! ',' ; "1; ',Myers IX Arnstein, for demurrer. :MMshall« Barclay,eo7Jtra. -,U3REAT,: D;,J. >:A demurrer is inlerposedtothe answer of' Eickerman, who plea.ds discnarge in baril>!ruptey..The plaintifftillan,ali n,non.resident, insis1ting uponhi$Cdemand against, the defendant I 'and that,a discharge in lawll 'of the United States does not,rllliev6'1the defimdant of plaintiffs, The: r:proposition involved pertains to international. la,wll; 'cQuoernihg which to be no discQm·. If law/!!! as'aJ;riong the states of this country,. cousideredl"' the fullest eJCpo.. : sition of which is given in Cook v. Moffet, 5 How. 307, or, as t9 foreign;demands, inMurra'lv. De RottiYl'hem,. 6J ohmCh. 52, it:will be al!!certain(,)d that the rule is this.: An insolvent. law-, or baI1bup't- law, has n(;): extraterritorial 'force. If,theparty Ilues, ·despitethe:inso!ventor,bankrtipt discharge, in the .law of the forum, he 'must oodeptthe rules perta.ining withtheexeepticw..of,9.11ch modifications as spring from' of out atate and.federalgovernments.. As t'M the laws of the federailgovernment in bankruptcy a.re supxeme,;. a $uffioientj whether the creditor is a ·of a 'state <>thel'tb;an thatinwhi!lh ·the:bfl,nkrupt is a re'sident, or is an alien, a 'resident of a foreign country. Of
:dourse there can be no extraterritorial o'ipera.non of a' United. States statute' as to the discharge .of pers6liaJ obligation. 'when theinttaterritorial litw has granted,.such.a discharge as to all creditors, the foreign' creditorauing hi the 11iouoal· issnbject to the 'leat fori, his right to Bue'is suit had a dllrUse.. of .uependent thateim. The plaintiff in against "the' defendant: "The plairitiff was a. nO:!i-reBi· and citizen of SpaIn, as such jttd'ginent. But defendant availed himself ,of pri>visionsi of the bankrupt act under which the plaintiff could, by! pt0pe.r proceedings, have' proved hi$ denisndaind: 'shared in dividends rilaue.:'!Ie elected not/to and therefore·his demand is diRcharged' as to· this defendant, ao'far 1lJl·the United:Stlttes JaJwoperates; that' lis,' 'WTthini theterritortal Ltl1e 'United 'States.· The ilJ; :v.alid,; in the dhsenoe of fraud} indwhatatet; cdutt the. United. 'is brought, aithough': it' may not'ptritectthe :defelldant rromalmit brought itNlj,fore'ign jurisdiction;, if he' shoulli be found therein. The dem:un..e.t ttifthia special answer of)'lEick.. efman is Jl! J 'i
.In ;... '," :
., oJ.' ;,':'
W, D. JWisoon,in. January 26, 1881.) l:_. 1 f
A discharge :from all d,etM. by of,cqmpoaition proceedings.is a discharge!/yitl1in the meaJ;lipg Of section 5116 of the Revised Statutes rel8;tingto the ofa voluntary bankrupt.-[ED. " .. " . . ' . . j
In Banklluptoy. Applietttibn for 'RUjUB B. forbll.hkiiipt. ' ), ;I:.ewi8,r--euiis: 'c1; Halt) ful'lhoeditol'f! objecting. ::' j , 111 I" BtiNN, Dr;;( ';Ftom thtlfstipul'8ttion of facts in thifl da!l'Milt appears ,that the"'bankrtlptdiledhis voluntary 'petiticiln 'in bankruptb'y;\ 'and waS ai·bitllkrUpt; and·hl.ts paid a fracti011:over 15 pm." !hil'l,dehts,lbut ihas obtained-the