,'. ,':rhE;! ,true whether uses,
always is ,:p,la.intiff ,
"ented'. In this case;'th.e :first united' 'fin,ger, p.nd jack when. ;pllwed i; them, for Ii similar use, when vertical.. , The t"herefore, of the' plaintiff's claim is on the word. "horizontaL", Now, Whatever advantages of '< tNr ;ppsiti9n and ·tee s: [lQr they "'. c-.. : ' . _,' ;
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alte'Jlativedeyipe, !,nd,not pat' ,: .
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Tije tmle te$t .of infringement is the use by the defendant. anything ,,:hich the !lomplaiJ;lap.t has invented, wb.icll includes mere colorable variations of his'invention, '
.' 'toWELL, O.J: "The pariliel:H6this suitare the sam:e'Bl3those in No. 308,· and plaintiff, as in that suit, relies'llpotl a patent :;Itdhis case he'complains that the defehdants'hit-te'adSOptad' to drop-boxes or shuttle-botss : These' aretequiredt6 assttriie on, acMrding t'o'the numbrerdhiblots in the"#eft 'of r86l( "case; i60til talned two' 'sWell' aJ H'he}ei idflii1 it1& j acks";la.s· ibtt, tensible and contractible links, as tteci ri pi ltti'& 'aoWti, of aI to' i
rIh:Eqtiify. . ,,',j:; :',,\ ,rOau8Mn''BroW'ne, r;, i :Gluiunde:y; Smith-Bind B · .F/ Thurston, 'foi'dMeridiirits.
fife' f.tc!l),*Ws-(\fsMJ M:tnbW;thtl 'Cal!!hjtir
tim I He>ll.i &alfedll(!8Mitr
im\! 'ljffb1M£l.t b:
rod which holds the shuttle-boxes is shifted into if&M' lJi,' cbr'd' 'alicP!
time the
use, as I have said, loj) lL tliiried'bY1tM"tWotlErvers.'J'iL. ,),! 1.)d'I(U: r.Ji t i ['Phli lind 'in 18'lt;;
'Wlil .1")£1
scribes levers with movable fulcrums, .or :nec'ekJaty'nibtion to
sIx hoteli'iita
11lts 1itli
co'nnectiHg rod;\\.hich 1's by a; l{ ghaftlliLVlng' a toothed wheel. Tit ese wheels' are'conrlected with! back'and'fottlh1t1der the·itn.pulse of pawls wHich a .. pin can revohtidrom the' l:ippercenter to the lower'title inde,;, «'Ante, 199; · · . ·)
" .
pendent of the motion of any other pin in the set, and a. pawl rocks a rocking arm the ratchet-pari and the a tootheq' turns a c:pauk-pin, 'and r;lo!o rod, shifts ; L' : ; , ., ,.,The originalpl!>tent the generltlly. The haa n;ineclaims, :whi<;h are saidJo by: ;" :' . ' :' t?f a. laye,r, of w4ich with crank-pin and cona:qpthe acponnecting rod thete9,f, wher,eby four play be.,actuated; tbecombip.,ation l:>eingsuQstanii,aJly. sl¥Jhas 4es,cribed." . ,,,The is less as to the, of boxes ,tQ claimand "in two ,at;ld.t'r0,toothed, jsurfaces, the toothed i ,wheels the ; tb e, combj.natiqn being as herein fortb," ,'; ') , " . ,i, I is fOl .a been, One form :. ,i r 'I'." ., ' T4e says, .speaking of "Sue4 levers a.re not new as applied to a.nd ml+Y be. iJ;l and patent prio:r to ,of J:li'y,invention, . llY, inventipnis
1 ;,
: ". " .
; ,'\ .
J ,"
tl;le plain@ in &Stev.en, publisge4 1$60,. which /.l.nQiM.l;astrl1<tes . much . mqdefJ of. by ().f levers of levers
levers to be connected with the crank-pins of the actuating
..,!i()els bya in: on.'eplaceanda>pih inca'udther,and this' mode eficonnection:is less vs;uable tlhan:tl.iat of apitfuilinor. connecting'rod to ehange the: motlonof the1:otatingwheeltO' that of the reciprocatlng:.lev61'; " The exp&rts differtipon the question whether the iIitrtldu.otio'D: of coimecting rods1by man, supposing this to be 8;11 thbu he did; would ina.kea,naw combination. This is thevitlt}point case. )Both experts agree that every;mechanic' knewJ'.andfor yeaTS that a. slot andJJ pin and" oJ 6onne,etirig'rod' \Vete: altern:a.tivb' Iriode8 of obtaining this .cha:nge ofl moiioii. If soi the change didDOt"require,invention... Ili ','f! -' ;The patentaibledifferences, jihen;, ftheE'nglil'lij: eon,trivance.a.nd!iWyinain's.aTe ;hOt in their :WyerS or their tion with the crank-wheels. Wymanihas parts double hooked pawls and sliding, reciprocating racks, to actuate the crank-wheels, instead of single toothed pawls and wheels constantly revolving in one direction. I suppose this j
to be a ne;v and patentable; but It IS so by vutue of the novelty of these parts. It was suggested.inargumenf'thltt'the·Whitesmith & Steven ttfi,nk loom may bpth Iqlel.J,l' it .migb.t ,h,ave have norloubt that/it is 0ne of the pllitdlnts referred, ,to,byolW;yman telisbii',fdi'(t,111s opini?n is' Wyllian is conneoting rads 8 partofhisI;combination. probable thait he thought th'e world at'Ubertytooluse.}evers w.lth slotS' iifallsuch' In both points I consider him mistaken. He was not oound to liIll;ithis own particular in that way. 'hand, by Jt,d(1ip.g If the novelty of the plaintifl"a·combiha.tion;oonsist811iu{,the mechanism to I above referred as )' · .J
!, ..
;. .'
, . . . . . ..·.
t .·
" ..
tb.eir own pecular
J. ·.
_,J ( :. \"-
",' '"
In,this (JalSe; 81s:ill';N!o.J308-,1
the doctrine of),'known substitutes" was referred to. If the by inventing a new mode of actuating the old levers. can enjoin all known meanS of. a\ltuatingthelll, then he can. enjoin Whitestllith&.Steven, which, as Ihave already shown" ul1til I cannot be maintained. the. test used in case 308 aaS the defendaJ;lt which the plaiJ;ltiff Under is inolu!iad . me,l:9 colorable evasions: j·This q\1estion is CQuld not enjoin Whitesmith; & $teven if should: adopt: connecting: rods, they cannot ,enjoin',the; defendt, ants, who, in law, have the right to takefr.om the· eal1lier Qf,two inventors, if he' does milt Gompl!!oin, whateverli.a, common to him,and the later inventor; .. ' d;. Bill. disIIiissed,. with· costs·. , ., ',,' .' ,; , !
"', I, , " I .. f
and' others.
(Oircuit (Jot/ire,E. E. iMi8souri" May 19, 1881.) 1.lNFRmGEMENT OF PATENT-FoRFEITURE OF LICENSE.
Where the owner of a pateht licenses any one to manufacture and seH the patented article, and the license is upon express condition tllat it shall become void on the P8rtof the licensee to' pay a specified royalty to the licensor, and iti\l agreed that after breach of con<htion by the licensee he maybe treated as an infringer of the patent if lie continues to manufaeture or sell the patented'article, helll,. that the licensee cannot be treated by the as an Infringer, and sued as !luch ,in a !lpurt ofequity, for eontin,uiJlg to man'ufacture and sell the 'pat'ented article after breach of condiiion, ,and notice to 'hun from the licensor that he claitns a forfeiture 'of'th'e license; 2. ,SA,ME-,1.R&)QIlDIEij.
Under circumstanoes such as lire aopve set forth the oWjler of the patent Jl1Sy bring his action at' Jaw and, establish his royalty and recover what Is due, or file a bill in chancery and have the license annulltld. Ha?!tMt v. TiZgnman, 99 U. 8.647.
The bili alleges that complaillant'is' a citizen of Illinois, that defendants are citizens of Missouri;tha.t complainant is tbe :owner of'iJ. patent on an' improved lantern; that he licensed defendants to manufac-
. ' .. ' I" 11 . This is Be suit to charge defeItdants as infringers'.'of a patent. It. ; , · J "j
In Equity.