wra,ppe:l1, 'i),nd :fold :it right' Oiel' i t:;h,e ;paateboatd;. whack forms the box." :' ,i!, .· :i+' . '" I, In view of 'it 41;'1 not that the complainantsdid.,not! s,ustain .the validity of their patePl. "It is1antic.ipatedi by these exhibits, and,being void, for, want of nov9lty" ,the bill mU,st be dismisSlild wit!), )' ! i,'
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Of the four .ikill,: not proved tp my satisfaction at times'or in a that Nos. 1 ana 2 were sold by the
mode to bring the iscaleswithin;the stiptihition.' They were ordered of the defendant for the purpose of making evidencet atid were by hitn proeured of the manufa.cturers about the tin16i .that the stiprilationW'as made, and 'arenot, lin my opinionj!tairly within its 'scope.. In No.4 I am 'bf':opinion that the varnish a).OM is cQlored,' In iNo. 31: discover Tuckllr bronze, and the sale of articles like this exhibitlfitid to have been made, and to infringe. The able argument£orthe defendant requires me to say a. word upon the law of the case. No question of novelty or patentability is left open excepting the validity of the re-issue as a re-issue. The original patent was for the process of thaking a. n:ew'kindOf' and was re-issued in two parts.-.-PJ3.6 for the-process, ,andone,!@rlhe new artrele.' 'The new patent fOl'tlfeproeel1B waS'sustained by Clifford; T-ikkerManJ'9 present patent for the product was upheld by me on a 'motion for an injunction in this case, on the authority aftha 'Gti6d· .rSeeGoodyeaf' ·v.1J.>ay, 2 Wall; ,Jrl"283,; Goodyear v. Railroad, ld. 356; 2 Gliff.: i BfSl'; RUibbe'l"Co.v.aOodyear; 9 Wam798.Cout.wil at hell.rllighave'eited' Powd'er Co. v. Powde1;'fW'Ol'ks,98U;, mJwhieh''it;Wajibeld 'tli8lt issue fortM Mn1p0und ,'of bitro-glycenne-'wtth 'certain other original' patent was for'a, prooess' -of exploding' '1'6 earefnlly cases.' If!f,'L'sa'yt! Mr. Jusdititinguished,fl'oili. lliltdbeen,ndtfdr"tlie J mode'df plodingi nitro-glyeeritiejl;rbut folthe"procesg:of 6bnipOUlld li ing' ni:lro.. and "othe'rgubstances; ihadvertentl:1 dnilttitig40 lll'laimitheeiclti!rlve use- or ,the sub· lrtiancegf 8orptbduced, the case'wMldh'8:ve 'beerr'orie'tifveiydif.' f4l1'entconsi,dieration.;" ,Page 186. He then 'this theJ case tif Gdodyeal') RiB'also 'ptkoissfy this' case. Bronzed: 'irOI1' ii thenMessa.ryprod\1ctof'the'proc'ess of the Ol"i.Wnal"pa.1lentl",jl mltY faiHo' !lee the difference'uet«reebthe Goodyear and the Powder cases, but I must'aXlcepHhe
therenis fli lliffe1t ence;' I ; '
,,In a,ocordanoe 'with the ,sti llint wcut{)ry deeree, for' the complaine.nt for .accQUnt;, :tJae j,l.lhQtion 'heretof9re, granted to untilifurther!
,'NdirE;' See l'uekerv: BtJrditt, 5 FE]), REP; 808, attd'1'ltekclr ,V'.iCot-bitt, ld. ,81l1. j', ill . Ii ,'I' 'j) "I ,
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'cembef 12' 1865, iforaI1""rrnfi'liigehldnll Ji iri SflW;iJ'lgmaehlheS','U1I,eld f _ ·· i in/'rir;gea, 1l1th!>ugh c.wt"'in· IIP\lCljft.¢.deyiMIil tn · Lfl int:!!l, ill; ,tpe r )ql" InyentlOns,-[ .D. ., , · :- )'i - ,"r.," ' .., " (" , ' J ; j'1 0\. - -,' i i /,r , ' ,I .
" 0:801'.[le Gifford, and Solomon .J, Gordon, lilt I'
Wiiliam,H; McDouga14 for defendant.",? H r r ! . · ) · ;«(r This sllit iii! brought letters 1l3otent No., 2,125, granted! to ,J Decemoor.' 121 t 1B65j' for an "improvemarit:in'6ew.ing maclWres,;" (-the orighml f pstBrit,hlliviiIg.been·'granted .to S'; 1849jandi e'Xtehded: fur seven'yearflfrdmMay .8; 1863) and·!re<issueditb ,him temb61' .22; the pateIit;'haNing an congress approiVsd lUlly t14; 1870ji'(f16i St·. af.;I!.iail'ge" 65'6i) ·extendedrfdr.,seven yearsThia ;same: '1'e-iBsue 1fu; P'VUerJ'h Braunsd!ilip'78BUitchfJ andom lBAdlelder: ton, 11 Blatchf. 304.. Ci,NumerouSJ questiOns raised ·'ifi' I the> :J,BtATCHFORD/ C.' JI'