BUF'FALO BILL'S WILD WEST 00. v. ROSER. (Circuit Court of Appeals, Se'cond Oircuit·. March 11, 1896.) No. 591. In Error to the Circuit Court of the United Sta.tes for the Southern District of New York. S. L. Samuels, tOr plaintiff in error. R. H. Landale, for defendant 'In error. No opinion. Reversed in open cou1'!t.
BURT v. GLENN. (Circuit Court of Appeals, Second Circuit.) No. 815. App.eaI from the Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of York. George Zabriskie, for appellant, B. N. Harrison, Oharles Marshall, and A. H. Masten, for appellee. No opinion. Decree atfirmed, with costs, on opinion in Furnald v. Glenn, 12 C. C. A. 27. 64 Fed. 49.
CANADA SHIPPING 00. v. HASKELL. (Circuit Oourt of Appeals, First Olrcult. November 28, 1896.) No. 133. Appeal .from the District Court of the States for the District of Massachusetts. Edward S. Dodge, for appellant. . Frederic Ounningham; for appellee. Diem_ed pursuaILt to. atipulatlon of counsel, Without coste to either party.
CENTRAL R. CO. OF NEW JERSEY (Ciloicuit Court of Appeals, Third Circulit.
v. WIEGAND et aL February 22, 189'7.)
In Error to the Ofrcuit -Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. For opinion, see 75 Fed. 370. Samuel Dickson, tor Central R. Co. of New Jersey. WebSoter A. Melcher, for Wiegand. Before AOHESON and DALLAS, Olrcult Judges, and WALES, Distr'lct Judge. PER CURIAM. The judges by whom this case was heard, including the IateJudge WALES, had, some time previous to his death, all agreed upon the disposition to be made of it. The survivors of those who then constituted the court do not deem It necessary, under the circumstances, to do more than annonnce the judgment which had thus been unanimously determined upon. In accordance therewith the judgment of the court below is atfirmed.
CHASE v. OATLIN. (Oircu1t Court of Appeals, Second Circuit. December 20, 1895.) No. 526. Appeal from the Oircuit Court of the United States tor the Southern District of New York. W. P. Preble, Jr., for appellant. Knevals & Perry, for appellee. No opinion. Ordered dismIssed.
Ex Parte CITIZENS' NAT, BANK OF DIDS MOINES, IOWA. SPARKS v. NATIONAL MASONIC AOe. ASS'N OF DES MOINES, lOWA. (Circuit Court of Appeals, Eighth Olrcuit. December 8, 1896.) No.7, original. Petil-
FlllD;JllRAL RlllPORTlllR.
tlon In the alternative tor writ of mandamus to compel the allowance of a writ of error and 8upe1'l!ledeas by the circuit court of the United States for the Southern district of Iowa, or for the allowance of a writ of error and supersedeas by the circuit court of appeals. OJark Varnum, tor· petltioner. No opinion. Denied. CITY OF HASTINGS, NEB., v. THOMAS. (Olrcult Court of Appenls. FJiglhth Circnlt. January 18, 1897.) No. 825. IDrror to the Circuit Court or tb,e United States for the District of Nebraska. Harry S. Dungan, for plaintiff In error. Lionel C. Burr and Oharles L. BUlT, for defendant in error. No opinion. Affirmed, with costs.
CITY OF HUMBOLDT v. JACKSON et a1. (Circuit Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit. December 9, 1896.) No. 665. Error to the Olrcuit Oourt ot the VnltW. States for the District of Kansas. L; W. Keplinger, for plalnti!! in error. C. E. Epler, B. P. Waggener, David Martin, James W. Orr, W. O. Perry, and John H. Crain, for defendants In error. Dismissed., with coats, pursuant to stipulation of the parties.
CITY OF at. v. NEW ENGLAND LOAN & TRUST 00. (Ok'cult Court of Appeals,Eighth Circuit. May 13, 1896.) No. 746. Appeal from the Circuit Court. of the United States tor the District of Nebraska. W. J. Connell, for appellants. E. D. Samson, for appellee. No opinion. Dismissed, with costs, pursuant to twenty-third rule, tor failure to print record, on motion of appellee.
= COOKRILL T. WOODSON et ala (Circuit Court ot Appeals, Eighth O!rcult. December 8, 1896.) No. 883. Error to the Oircult Court of the United States for the Western Dlstriot of MiSSOUri. Ben. J. Woodson, for defendants In error. No opinion. DockElted and dismissed, with costs, pursuant to the 11.:rteenth rule. on motion ot counsel for defendants in error.
(Circuit Oourt of Appeals, Third Circuit. February 22, 1897.) PATENTS-ApPARATUS FOR MOJ,DING EARTHENWARE.
Appeal from the Circuit Oourt ot the United States tor the District ot New J<ersey. For opinion, see 71 Fed. 967. Francis '1'. and F. O. Lowthrop, for appellant. James Buchanari, for appellee. Before DALLAS; OIrcuit Judge, and BUTLER and WALES, District .Judges. PER OURIAM. The judges by whom this case was heard, Including late Judge WALES, had, some time previous to his death, all agreed upon disposition to be made of It. The survivors of those who then constituted court do not deem It necessary, under the circumstances, to do. more than nounce the judgment which had thus been unanimously determln¢d upon. accordance therewith the decree of the court below Is affirmed. the the the an-