DANIEL v. BROWN et al. (Oircuit Oourt of Appeals, Eighth Circuit. December 9, 1896.) No. 733. Appeal from the Oircuit Court of the United States for the District of Oolorado. Cuarles J. Hughes, Jr., for appellant. C. S. Thomas, Wm. H. Bryant, ·and H. H. Lee, for appellees. No opinion. Dismissed, with costs, pursuant to the twenty-third rule, for failure to print the record, on motion of counsel for appellees.
DAVIS v. CORNWALL. (et'rcult Court of Appeals, Second CIrcuit. May 28, 1895.) No. 207. Appeal from the Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. W. S. Logan, for appellant. A. B. Maltby, for appellee. No opinion. Judgment affirmed.
DAVIS v. WAKELEE. (Circuit Court of Appeals, Second Circuit. May 28, 1895.) No. 206. Appeal from the Circult Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. W. S. Logan, for appellant. A. B. Maltby, for appellee. No opinion. Judgment affirmed.
EAUCABERT v. APPLETON. (C1renlt Court of Appeals, Second Circuit. November 8, 1895.) No. 479. Appeal from the Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. Francis Forbes, for appellant. R. B. McMaster, for appellee. No opinion. Ordered dismissed, with costs.
EBNER V. JUNEAU MIN. & .MANUF'G al. (Circuit Court. of Appeals. Ninth CircuIt. FebruarY 4, 1897.) No. 331. Appeal from the 'District Court of' the United States for the District of Alaska. William Hoif Cook, .for appellant·. Lorew;o S. B. Sawyer, for appellees. No opinion. Appeal dismissed on motion of LorenZ<l S. B. Sawyer.
ECLIPSE MANUF'G CO. v. STANDARD RADIATOR CO. (Circuit Court of Appeals,Second Circuit. ' December 18, 1895.) No. 520. Appeal from the Circuit Court of the United States for the Northern District of New York. Smith & Denison and DyrEmfOrth & Dyrenforth, for ap1lellant. E. S. Jenney and' George n. Lothrop, fOt'· appellee. . No opinion; Decree affirmed, with costs, on opinion of court below. see 62 'Fed. 465.
EDDY v. GLENN. (Circuit Court of Appeals, second Circuit.) No. 317. Appeal from the Circult Court of the United States for the Southern District George Zabclskle, for appellant. B. N. Harrison, Charles Marshall, and A. H. Masten,' for appellee. No opinion. Decree alfirmed, with costs, on opinion in Furnald v. Glenn, 12 C. C. A. 27. 64 Fed. 49. 79 F.-63
EDISON ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. v. STAFFORD et 8.1. (Circuit Court· of Appeals, Second Circuit. July 26, 1895.) No. 466. Appeal from the Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. E. H. Lewis and Dyer & Seely, for appellant. Hobbs & Gifford, for appellees.Dismissed by consent. '
EXCELSIOR PEBBLE PHOSPHATE CO. et a1. v. BROWN et a1. (Circuit Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit. November 11, 1896.) No. 169. Appeal from the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of West Virginia. W. E. Chilton, for appellants. J. S. Sanderson,' for appellees. No opinion. Cause dismissed, pursuant ,to twenty-third rule, for failure to file printed records.
FARMERS' LOAN & TRUST CO. et a1. v. FARMERS' LOAN & TRUST CO. (BIlJI." Intervener). Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit. November 9, 1896.) No. 776. Appeal from the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of North Dakota. D. A. Lindsay and F. W.' M. Cutcheon, for appellants. Samuel L. Glaspell, for Bill, intervener. Dismissed on motioll of appellants. FARMERS' LOAN & TRUST 00. et a1. v. FARMIDRS' LOAN & TRUST CO. (COMASKY, Intervener). (Circuit Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit. November 9, 1896.) No. 775. Appeal from the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of North Dakota. D. A. Lindsay and F. W. M. Cutcheon, for appellants. Taylor Crum, for Comasky, intervener. DismisseQ. on motion of appellants. FARMERS' LOAN & TRUST CO. et a,l. v. FARMERS' LOAN &: TRUST 00. (OONATY et a1., Interveners). (CircuitOourt of Appeals, Eighth CIrcuit.
November 16, 1896.) No. 777. Appeal from the Circuit Court of the United States for the District ot North Dakota. D. A. Lindsay and F. W. M. Outcheon, for appellants. Samuel 1.. Glaspell, for Conaty and others, interveners. Dismissed on motion of appellants.
FIDELITY INSURANCE1 TRUST & SAFE-DEPOSIT 00. et aJ.. v. VIR· GINIA & T. COAL & CO. (Circuit Court of Appeals, Fourth Circult. February 13, 1897.) No. 177. Appeal from the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Virginia. Wm. W. Old and Richard C. Dale, tor appellants. Daniel Trigg, for appellee. No oplnlon. Cause settled and dismissed. pursuant to the twentieth rule.
FOPPES et a.l. v. UNITED STATES, (Olrcuit Court ot Appeals, Second Circuit. December 2, 1895.) No. 680. Appeal from tlle Circuit Court 01" the United States tor the Southern District of New York. Stanley, Clark & Smith, tor appellants. Wallace Macta:rlane, U. S. Atty. No oplnlon. Appeal dismissed.