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Federal Contracts
Opinions Mentioning Colonie
Opinions of the United States Supreme Court and Federal Appellate Courts organized by this particular term.
113 F3d 1304 C-Tc 9th Avenue Partnership C-Tc 9th Avenue Partnership v. Norton Company
13 F3d 625 Rounseville v. Zahl M P
305 F3d 67 Tcg New York Inc Tc Tcny v. City of White Plains
477 F3d 1361 Sevenson Environmental Services Inc v. Shaw Environmental Inc
55 F3d 151 Dennis v. County of Fairfax
768 F2d 34 Raysor v. Port Authority of New York and New Jersey M Nw
776 F2d 1560 Genova v. Town of Southampton Pba
790 F2d 584 Rex Stockman v. Eugene Lacroix, Jr.
96 F3d 1204 Federation of African American Contractors v. City of Oakland