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Opinions Mentioning MARCY
Opinions of the United States Supreme Court and Federal Appellate Courts organized by this particular term.
101 F3d 109 Palaimo v. Lutz Jecko E
101 F3d 686
108 F3d 1369
14 F3d 766 United States v. Johnson
187 F3d 298 Keith Muller v. Joseph J Costello
193 F3d 82 Alberto Duran v. Janet Reno US Doris Meissner Usins
241 F3d 260 Warren Goins v. Joan Decaro Tyrone Houston
294 F3d 365 Alfano v. J Costello a a III S G
318 F3d 138 Larkin v. Savage Po
407 F2d 1149 Wolcott v. United States
422 F2d 842 Bazydlo v. Placid Marcy Co