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Opinions Mentioning Petroleum
Opinions of the United States Supreme Court and Federal Appellate Courts organized by this particular term.
212 F2d 812 West Petroleum Co v. Atchison T & Sf Ry Co
222 F2d 75 Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co Ltd of London England M/s v. United States
224 F2d 86 Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co Limited of London England the Goldshell v. United States
275 F3d 191 Roberta Todd v. Exxon Corporation
338 F3d 557 Shah v. Racetrac Petroleum Co
340 US 190 Phillips Petroleum Co v. State of Oklahoma
414 F3d 1169 Cunningham v. Bhp Petroleum Great Britain Plc
427 F3d 1238 Cunningham v. Bhp Petroleum Great Britain Plc
553 F2d 896 United States v. Wilson
67 F3d 1200 Cleveland Tankers Inc M/v "'Jupiter" New Connecticut Bank Trust v. Mussa
804 F2d 907 Consumers Petroleum Co v. Texaco Inc