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Opinions Mentioning Roanoke Redev
Opinions of the United States Supreme Court and Federal Appellate Courts organized by this particular term.
131 F3d 610 Marie v. Edgar H
188 F3d 172 Catherine Figueroa v. Buccaneer Hotel Inc
19 F3d 83 Rumsey v. New York State Department of Correctional Services
318 F3d 42 Rolland
380 F3d 1258 Qwest Corporation v. City of Santa Fe New Mexico
832 F2d 748 Mrs v. N Tirozzi a L S
849 F2d 424 Clallam County v. Department of Transportation of State of Washington Washington State Department of Transportation
852 F2d 572 North Pacific Fishing Vessel Owners' Association v. Sheffield
868 F2d 653 Virginia Hospital Association v. Baliles
93 F3d 861 Doe Fein v. District of Columbia
959 F2d 883 Yvonne Lewis v. New Mexico Department of Human Services
980 F2d 1043 Resident Council of Allen Parkway Village v. United States Department of Housing & Urban Development