| | PD00219991... | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $4,500,000.00 | 2000 | 622 |
| | PD00120000... | 7010: Adpe System Configuration | $3,000.00 | 2000 | 1228 |
| | PD00119991... | R604: Mailing And Distribution Services | $150,000.00 | 2000 | 1435 |
| | PD00119980... | 7010: Adpe System Configuration | $221,000.00 | 2000 | 1516 |
| | PD00120000... | U009: Education Services | $30,000.00 | 2000 | 1692 |
| | PD00120000... | 7050: Adp Components | $16,000.00 | 2000 | 1731 |
| | PD00220000... | U012: Information Training | $45,000.00 | 2000 | 1910 |
| | PD00120000... | R701: Advertising Services | $8,000.00 | 2000 | 2328 |
| | PD00219990... | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $10,000.00 | 2000 | 2345 |
| | TLOS008645 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2363 |
| | TLOS008718 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2366 |
| | TCIN008511 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2368 |
| | TCHI101540 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2375 |
| | TLOS008967 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2378 |
| | TLOS009600 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2379 |
| | TCHI100932 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2382 |
| | TCHI100920 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $1,704.25 | 2000 | 2383 |
| | TLOS009118 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $6,551.79 | 2000 | 2387 |
| | TLOS009124 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2390 |
| | TCHI100923 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2391 |
| | TLOS009191 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2392 |
| | TCHI100968 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $2,255.73 | 2000 | 2393 |
| | TCHI101260 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $615.52 | 2000 | 2394 |
| | TCHI101237 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2396 |
| | TCIN002143 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $4,256.00 | 2000 | 2397 |
| | TLOS008638 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2398 |
| | TLOS008967 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $6,238.89 | 2000 | 2399 |
| | TLOS009118 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2400 |
| | TSEA002356 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2401 |
| | TCHI101408 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $511.72 | 2000 | 2403 |
| | TLOS008966 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2404 |
| | TLOS008999 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2405 |
| | TCHI101139 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $1,961.50 | 2000 | 2407 |
| | TLOS009617 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $1,568.50 | 2000 | 2408 |
| | TSEA002358 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2412 |
| | TLOS008633 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2413 |
| | TCHI101132 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2414 |
| | TLOS008741 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2415 |
| | TCHI100923 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2416 |
| | TCIN005917 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2418 |
| | TLOS008723 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2419 |
| | TCHI100954 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2420 |
| | TLOS009618 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $1,627.54 | 2000 | 2422 |
| | TLOS008639 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2424 |
| | TCIN002012 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2425 |
| | TCHI101247 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2426 |
| | TLOS009193 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2427 |
| | TLOS008762 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2429 |
| | TCHI101245 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $1,071.20 | 2000 | 2431 |
| | TLOS009107 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2432 |
| | TCIN008495 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2433 |
| | TCHI100999 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2434 |
| | TLOS009119 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $14,485.17 | 2000 | 2436 |
| | TLOS009591 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2437 |
| | TLOS008646 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 2439 |
| | PD00219990... | R604: Mailing And Distribution Services | $5,000.00 | 2000 | 2644 |
| | TCHI106206 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $882.90 | 2000 | 2685 |
| | TBAL109140 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $662.85 | 2000 | 2687 |
| | PD00119991... | 7050: Adp Components | $39,000.00 | 2000 | 2887 |
| | PD00220000... | V301: Relocation Services | $0.00 | 2000 | 6184 |
| | PD00120000... | R702: Data Collection Services | $31,000.00 | 2000 | 6371 |
| | PD00219980... | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $73,000.00 | 2000 | 7021 |
| | PD00219991... | R499: Other Professional Services | $100,000.00 | 2000 | 7568 |
| | PD00220000... | R799: Other Management Support Services | $290,000.00 | 2000 | 8110 |
| | TFSW101561 | 5805: Telephone And Telegraph Equipment | $0.00 | 2000 | 8582 |
| | TFSW100938 | 5805: Telephone And Telegraph Equipment | $1,099.17 | 2000 | 8583 |
| | TFSW004576 | 5805: Telephone And Telegraph Equipment | $1,414.66 | 2000 | 8594 |
| | PD00120000... | 7010: Adpe System Configuration | ($3,000.00) | 2000 | 12438 |
| | PD00119990... | R710: Financial Services | $54,000.00 | 2000 | 14726 |
| | PD00219991... | R799: Other Management Support Services | $45,000.00 | 2000 | 16227 |
| | PD00220000... | R499: Other Professional Services | $3,000.00 | 2000 | 18145 |
| | TFSW101546 | 5805: Telephone And Telegraph Equipment | $1,028.20 | 2000 | 19552 |
| | TFSW101308 | 5805: Telephone And Telegraph Equipment | $631.43 | 2000 | 19554 |
| | PD00120000... | 7010: Adpe System Configuration | $11,000.00 | 2000 | 22861 |
| | PD00219991... | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $100,000.00 | 2000 | 23662 |
| | PD00220000... | X112: Lease-Rent Of Conf Space & Fac | $15,000.00 | 2000 | 23913 |
| | TCHI100953 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $624.33 | 2000 | 24154 |
| | PD00220000... | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $150,000.00 | 2000 | 24454 |
| | PD00219991... | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $150,000.00 | 2000 | 26139 |
| | PD00120000... | 7050: Adp Components | $156,000.00 | 2000 | 26465 |
| | PD00120000... | 7050: Adp Components | $8,000.00 | 2000 | 26468 |
| | PD00119991... | 7050: Adp Components | $5,000.00 | 2000 | 27146 |
| | PD00119960... | S201: Custodial Janitorial Services | $30,000.00 | 2000 | 27507 |
| | PD00119991... | 7010: Adpe System Configuration | $72,000.00 | 2000 | 27616 |
| | PD00120000... | 7195: Misc Furniture & Fixtures | $31,000.00 | 2000 | 27921 |
| | PD00120000... | R701: Advertising Services | $12,000.00 | 2000 | 27973 |
| | PD00120000... | R701: Advertising Services | $5,000.00 | 2000 | 27997 |
| | TSEA002591 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $418.20 | 2000 | 28066 |
| | TLOS008656 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 28317 |
| | TLOS009646 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 28322 |
| | TLOS009080 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 28332 |
| | TLOS009141 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 28334 |
| | TLOS009613 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $1,296.78 | 2000 | 28335 |
| | TLOS009617 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 28336 |
| | TCHI101250 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 28343 |
| | TCHI100946 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $742.14 | 2000 | 28344 |
| | TLOS009093 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $2,373.83 | 2000 | 28345 |
| | TLOS008986 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 28346 |
| | TCHI101038 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $108.82 | 2000 | 28347 |
| | TCHI100932 | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $0.00 | 2000 | 28348 |