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Geological Survey

Vendor Name
Modification Parent
Major Agency Category
Modification Agency
Major Funding Agency
Procurement Instrument ID
Product Or Service Code Dollars Obligated Fiscal Year To Record
0000319990... C219: Other Architects & Engin Gen $170,000.00 2000
0000319990... C219: Other Architects & Engin Gen $15,000.00 2000
0000120000... 6625: Elect Electronic Measuring Instrumt $86,000.00 2000
0000220000... 7690: Miscellaneous Printed Matter $1,000.00 2000
0000320000... J070: Maint-Rep Of Adp Eq & Supplies $27,000.00 2000
0000120000... 7022: Adp Central Processing Unit-Hybrid $183,000.00 2000
0000220000... R421: Technical Assistance $51,000.00 2000
0000220000... R421: Technical Assistance $12,000.00 2000
0000119991... 7030: Adp Software $1,130,000.00 2000
0000219991... R706: Logistics Support Services $120,000.00 2000
0000120000... C219: Other Architects & Engin Gen $14,000.00 2000
0000120000... F015: Well Drilling/Exploratory Services $63,000.00 2000
0000119970... D303: Adp Data Entry Services $91,000.00 2000
0000120000... 7030: Adp Software $2,000.00 2000
0000120000... Z111: Maint-Rep-Alt/Office Bldgs $9,000.00 2000
0000120000... 7030: Adp Software $1,000.00 2000
0000220000... B517: Geological Studies $66,000.00 2000
0000220000... B529: Scientific Data Studies $6,000.00 2000
0000119960... J070: Maint-Rep Of Adp Eq & Supplies $15,000.00 2000
0000120000... 7010: Adpe System Configuration $77,000.00 2000
0000220000... 7640: Maps, Atlases, Charts, And Globes $107,000.00 2000
0000119990... 7030: Adp Software $85,000.00 2000
0000520000... 7010: Adpe System Configuration $57,000.00 2000
0000220000... D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs $32,000.00 2000
0000120000... 7030: Adp Software $1,000.00 2000
0000119980... D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs $138,000.00 2000
0000219970... M181: Oper Of Govt R&D Goco Facilities $3,600,000.00 2000
0005419991... 7021: Adp Central Processing Unit-Digital $28,000.00 2000
0000220000... 7021: Adp Central Processing Unit-Digital $43,033,000.00 2000
0000119991... 7010: Adpe System Configuration $90,000.00 2000
0000219990... F108: Harz Remv/Clean-Up/Disp/Op $100,000.00 2000
0000220000... 6655: Geophysical Instruments $376,000.00 2000
0000219990... B525: Natural Resource Studies $3,000.00 2000
0000219970... R604: Mailing And Distribution Services $22,000.00 2000
0000220000... C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio $9,000.00 2000
0000320000... C219: Other Architects & Engin Gen $71,000.00 2000
0000319981... R604: Mailing And Distribution Services $125,000.00 2000
0000120000... R499: Other Professional Services $0.00 2000
0000119990... R499: Other Professional Services ($4,000.00) 2000
0000119990... R499: Other Professional Services $2,000.00 2000
0000319990... B517: Geological Studies $3,000.00 2000
0000319980... B517: Geological Studies ($4,000.00) 2000
0000120000... R499: Other Professional Services ($11,000.00) 2000
0000120000... D302: Adp Systems Development Services $41,000.00 2000
0000120000... AP91: Other Natural Resources (Basic) $206,000.00 2000
0000120000... B504: Study/Chemical-Biological $26,000.00 2000
0000219991... 6830: Gases: Compressed And Liquefied $1,000.00 2000
0000219991... 6830: Gases: Compressed And Liquefied ($1,000.00) 2000
0010320000... 6655: Geophysical Instruments $48,000.00 2000
0000119990... D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs $519,000.00 2000
0000219991... D315: Digitizing Svcs $135,000.00 2000
0000220000... D301: Adp Facility Management $18,000.00 2000
0000319990... F015: Well Drilling/Exploratory Services $25,000.00 2000
ING06HFFS6... 6695: Combination & Misc Instruments $97,496.00 2000
0000220000... F103: Water Quality Support Services $17,000.00 2000
0000220000... F103: Water Quality Support Services $0.00 2000
0000120000... R499: Other Professional Services $30,000.00 2000
0000120000... 7030: Adp Software $54,000.00 2000
0000119981... S216: Facilities Operations Support Svcs $2,000.00 2000
0000120000... D311: Adp Data Conversion Services $95,000.00 2000
0000119991... J070: Maint-Rep Of Adp Eq & Supplies $8,000.00 2000
0000220000... D315: Digitizing Svcs $25,000.00 2000
0000120000... 7010: Adpe System Configuration $57,000.00 2000
0000219991... F108: Harz Remv/Clean-Up/Disp/Op $200,000.00 2000
0000219990... B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses $12,000.00 2000
0000220000... D301: Adp Facility Management $75,000.00 2000
0000219970... R604: Mailing And Distribution Services $152,000.00 2000
0000219981... S201: Custodial Janitorial Services $6,000.00 2000
0000220000... 7690: Miscellaneous Printed Matter ($238,000.00) 2000
0000119951... B503: Study/Archeological-Paleontological $12,000.00 2000
0000220000... C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio $9,000.00 2000
0000220000... C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio $34,000.00 2000
0000120000... 7030: Adp Software $9,000.00 2000
0000220000... 7030: Adp Software $29,000.00 2000
0000120000... J041: Maint-Rep Of Refrigeration - Ac Eq $23,000.00 2000
0000120000... 8999: Food Items For Resale $28,000.00 2000
0000319990... B517: Geological Studies $33,000.00 2000
0000119991... R499: Other Professional Services $6,000.00 2000
0000120000... R499: Other Professional Services ($5,000.00) 2000
0000220000... D315: Digitizing Svcs $44,000.00 2000
0000319991... B504: Study/Chemical-Biological $3,000.00 2000
0000320000... 5995: Cable Cord Wire Assembly - Comm Eq $29,000.00 2000
0000219991... 6830: Gases: Compressed And Liquefied $1,000.00 2000
0000119981... R702: Data Collection Services $856,000.00 2000
0000220000... B525: Natural Resource Studies $48,000.00 2000
0000219991... B510: Study/Environmental Assessments $11,000.00 2000
0000219990... AJ11: Physical Sciences (Basic) $1,000.00 2000
0000120000... J067: Maint-Rep Of Photographic Eq $20,000.00 2000
0000319991... S201: Custodial Janitorial Services $13,000.00 2000
0000119991... J076: Maint-Rep Of Books-Maps-Pubs $10,000.00 2000
0000220000... F103: Water Quality Support Services $18,000.00 2000
0000319971... F108: Harz Remv/Clean-Up/Disp/Op $51,000.00 2000
0000120000... Z111: Maint-Rep-Alt/Office Bldgs $0.00 2000
0000119981... S216: Facilities Operations Support Svcs $2,000.00 2000
0000120000... S201: Custodial Janitorial Services $20,000.00 2000
0000119990... 7030: Adp Software $15,000.00 2000
0000220000... B553: Communications Studies $30,000.00 2000
0000320000... C219: Other Architects & Engin Gen $325,000.00 2000
0000120000... R703: Accounting Services $22,000.00 2000
0000120000... D301: Adp Facility Management $0.00 2000
