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Social Security Administration

Vendor Name
Modification Parent
Major Agency Category
Modification Agency
Major Funding Agency
Procurement Instrument ID
Product Or Service Code Dollars Obligated Fiscal Year To Record
0060020000... Q523: Surgery Services $24,000.00 2000
0060019990... Q999: Other Medical Services $6,000.00 2000
0015019981... Q518: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation $25,000.00 2000
0015019981... Q518: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation $49,000.00 2000
0060019990... Q999: Other Medical Services $6,000.00 2000
0060020000... 7630: Newspapers And Periodicals $44,000.00 2000
0060019991... Q999: Other Medical Services $6,000.00 2000
0012020000... Q509: Internal Medicine Services $7,000.00 2000
0014020000... Q519: Psychiatry Services $26,000.00 2000
0060020000... Q519: Psychiatry Services $24,000.00 2000
0019019991... Q526: Medical/Psych Consultation Svcs ($13,000.00) 2000
0060019991... 7030: Adp Software $39,000.00 2000
0015019981... Q516: Pediatric Services $22,000.00 2000
0015019981... Q509: Internal Medicine Services $14,000.00 2000
0015019981... Q509: Internal Medicine Services $2,000.00 2000
0015019981... Q509: Internal Medicine Services $7,000.00 2000
0060020000... 7025: Adp Input/Output & Storage Devices $77,000.00 2000
0060019991... 7010: Adpe System Configuration ($157,000.00) 2000
0060020000... R411: Prof Svcs/Real Property Appraisals $57,000.00 2000
0060020000... R411: Prof Svcs/Real Property Appraisals $33,000.00 2000
0060019990... R411: Prof Svcs/Real Property Appraisals ($10,000.00) 2000
0060020000... R411: Prof Svcs/Real Property Appraisals $94,000.00 2000
0060020000... R411: Prof Svcs/Real Property Appraisals $36,000.00 2000
0014020000... Q519: Psychiatry Services $53,000.00 2000
0060019991... W036: Lease-Rent Of Sp Industry Machinery ($9,000.00) 2000
0060020000... Q523: Surgery Services $24,000.00 2000
0060020000... R499: Other Professional Services $160,000.00 2000
0060020000... 7010: Adpe System Configuration $34,000.00 2000
0060019991... R608: Admin Svcs/Translation-Sign Languag $96,000.00 2000
0060020000... D306: Adp Systems Analysis Services $289,000.00 2000
0019019951... Q526: Medical/Psych Consultation Svcs $66,000.00 2000
0060020000... S218: Snow Removal/Salt Service $14,000.00 2000
0060019991... 7110: Office Furniture $17,000.00 2000
0060019980... S112: Electric Services $43,000.00 2000
0060020000... Q518: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation $24,000.00 2000
0060019991... 7510: Office Supplies $30,000.00 2000
0060020000... S214: Carpet Laying And Cleaning $7,000.00 2000
0014019971... Q523: Surgery Services $4,000.00 2000
0060020000... Z300: Maint, Rep-Alt/Restoration $361,000.00 2000
0060020000... 7110: Office Furniture $76,000.00 2000
0060020000... 7110: Office Furniture $63,000.00 2000
0060020000... 7110: Office Furniture $30,000.00 2000
0060020000... 7110: Office Furniture $6,000.00 2000
0060020000... 7110: Office Furniture $21,000.00 2000
0060020000... 7035: Adp Support Equipment $717,000.00 2000
0060020000... 7110: Office Furniture $24,000.00 2000
0060020000... 7110: Office Furniture $185,000.00 2000
0060019971... J070: Maint-Rep Of Adp Eq & Supplies $28,000.00 2000
0060020000... 7110: Office Furniture $12,000.00 2000
0060020000... J070: Maint-Rep Of Adp Eq & Supplies $47,000.00 2000
0060020000... R411: Prof Svcs/Real Property Appraisals $42,000.00 2000
0060020000... R411: Prof Svcs/Real Property Appraisals $31,000.00 2000
0060019991... Q521: Pulmonary Services $13,000.00 2000
0060020000... 5836: Video Recording And Reproducing Equ $0.00 2000
0060020000... Q519: Psychiatry Services $12,000.00 2000
0060020000... 7510: Office Supplies $6,000.00 2000
0060020000... R604: Mailing And Distribution Services $402,000.00 2000
0060019981... D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs $508,000.00 2000
0011020000... Q519: Psychiatry Services $9,000.00 2000
0060019990... Q509: Internal Medicine Services $6,000.00 2000
0060019971... 9999: Miscellaneous Items $22,125.00 2000
0060019991... Q521: Pulmonary Services $6,000.00 2000
0015020000... M111: Operation Of Office Buildings $2,000.00 2000
0015020000... M111: Operation Of Office Buildings $2,000.00 2000
0012019970... Q518: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation $1,000.00 2000
0012019970... Q519: Psychiatry Services $18,000.00 2000
0060020000... B546: Study/Security (Physical & Personal $190,000.00 2000
0060019980... S201: Custodial Janitorial Services $209,000.00 2000
0060019950... J070: Maint-Rep Of Adp Eq & Supplies $315,000.00 2000
0060019991... Q510: Neurology Services $19,000.00 2000
0012019970... Q509: Internal Medicine Services ($9,000.00) 2000
0012020000... Q509: Internal Medicine Services $4,000.00 2000
0060019990... Q516: Pediatric Services $6,000.00 2000
0060019990... D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs $14,000.00 2000
0060019981... 7030: Adp Software $38,000.00 2000
0060019991... 7490: Miscellaneous Office Machines $117,000.00 2000
0060020000... S206: Guard Services $0.00 2000
0014020000... Q526: Medical/Psych Consultation Svcs $4,000.00 2000
0060020000... 7610: Books And Pamphlets $89,000.00 2000
0060019970... S201: Custodial Janitorial Services $40,000.00 2000
0019019991... Q526: Medical/Psych Consultation Svcs $20,000.00 2000
0018019990... Q509: Internal Medicine Services $15,000.00 2000
0012020000... Q518: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation $7,000.00 2000
0015019981... Q519: Psychiatry Services $22,000.00 2000
0060020000... 7530: Stationery And Record Forms $102,000.00 2000
0060020000... R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs $0.00 2000
0060020000... Q505: Gastroenterology Services $22,000.00 2000
0060019991... 6750: Photographic Supplies $50,000.00 2000
0018019990... Q513: Orthopedic Services $20,000.00 2000
0060019991... 9999: Miscellaneous Items $18,000.00 2000
0014020000... S113: Telephone And-Or Communications Ser $17,000.00 2000
0060020000... Q999: Other Medical Services ($7,000.00) 2000
0060020000... 7030: Adp Software $91,000.00 2000
0015019991... M111: Operation Of Office Buildings $1,000.00 2000
0060020000... 7021: Adp Central Processing Unit-Digital $505,000.00 2000
0015020000... M111: Operation Of Office Buildings $1,000.00 2000
0018019990... Q516: Pediatric Services $10,000.00 2000
0014019980... Q523: Surgery Services $4,000.00 2000
0060020000... Q516: Pediatric Services $3,000.00 2000
0017019991... Q509: Internal Medicine Services $56,000.00 2000
