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00105: Department Of Hhs/Off Of Human Development Svcs

Vendor Name
Modification Parent
Major Agency Category
Modification Agency
Major Funding Agency
Procurement Instrument ID
Product Or Service Code Dollars Obligated Fiscal Year
00105199910AS531977ACF200036 E152: Purchase Of Maintenance Buildings $9,000.00 2000
00105199912AS332504ACF200035 R419: Educational Services $1,000.00 2000
00105200003AAFA0001035ACF200081 R611: Credit Reporting Services $1,000.00 2000
00105199708B105968502 R407: Program Evaluation Services $360,000.00 2000
00105200009C1105008300 AD26: Services (Management/Support) $259,000.00 2000
00105199910AAFA0000562ACF200014 H969: Other Qc Svcs/Training Aids-Devices $2,000.00 2000
00105200005AAFA0001107ACF200103 AD21: Services (Basic) $49,000.00 2000
00105200002ARX0002ACF200075 E224: Purch Of Govt Parking Facilities $2,000.00 2000
00105199609D105962010 R421: Technical Assistance $1,427,000.00 2000
00105200009C12105008300 AD26: Services (Management/Support) $44,000.00 2000
00105199809D105987011 R421: Technical Assistance $143,000.00 2000
00105200009C15105008300 AD26: Services (Management/Support) $272,000.00 2000
00105199910AAFA0000550ACF20001 AS33: Rail Transportation (Advanced) $34,000.00 2000
00105200006AAFE0000021ACF200125 U008: Training/Curriculum Development $2,000.00 2000
00105200001AAFA0000596ACF200010 S113: Telephone And-Or Communications Ser $1,000.00 2000
00105200005AAFA0001094ACF200087 7035: Adp Support Equipment $15,000.00 2000
00105200009C18105008300 AD26: Services (Management/Support) $115,000.00 2000
00105199910AS531979ACF200038 E152: Purchase Of Maintenance Buildings $1,000.00 2000
00105200005AAFE0000016ACF200115 7035: Adp Support Equipment $3,000.00 2000
00105200009C19105008300 AD26: Services (Management/Support) $111,000.00 2000
00105199912AAFA0000575ACF200026 7630: Newspapers And Periodicals $5,000.00 2000
00105200006AAFA0001168ACF200128 AS31: Rail Transportation (Basic) $41,000.00 2000
00105199910CAFA0000611ACF200021 E152: Purchase Of Maintenance Buildings $7,000.00 2000
00105200002BACF200046 T001: Arts/Graphics Services $22,000.00 2000
00105199911AAFA0000570ACF200033 E152: Purchase Of Maintenance Buildings $1,000.00 2000
00105199609D105962010 R421: Technical Assistance $669,000.00 2000
00105200004AS336254ACF200100 V231: Lodging - Hotel/Motel $1,000.00 2000
00105200001AAFA0000611ACF200021 E152: Purchase Of Maintenance Buildings $32,000.00 2000
00105200001AS332506ACF200040 N010: Installation Of Equipment: Weapons $20,000.00 2000
00105199910CAFA0000611ACF200021 E152: Purchase Of Maintenance Buildings $0.00 2000
00105200004AR90011ACF200091 R426: Communications Services $3,000.00 2000
00105199709D105978206 R499: Other Professional Services $145,000.00 2000
00105200006AAFA0001152ACF200122 U008: Training/Curriculum Development $2,000.00 2000
00105200002BACF200065 R404: Prof Svcs/Land Surveys - Cadastral $22,000.00 2000
00105199911BACF200025 T012: Reproduction Services $1,000.00 2000
00105199912D105008301 R799: Other Management Support Services $189,000.00 2000
00105199910AAFA0000554ACF200004 D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs $1,000.00 2000
00105199910AAFA0000553ACF200003 S113: Telephone And-Or Communications Ser $1,000.00 2000
00105199912D105008301 R799: Other Management Support Services $12,000.00 2000
ACF200100 V231: Lodging - Hotel/Motel $0.00 2000
ACF200010 S113: Telephone And-Or Communications Ser $0.00 2000
ACF200047 AD21: Services (Basic) $0.00 2000
ACF200115 7035: Adp Support Equipment $0.00 2000
ACF200034 AS31: Rail Transportation (Basic) $0.00 2000
ACF200006 S113: Telephone And-Or Communications Ser $0.00 2000
ACF200005 S113: Telephone And-Or Communications Ser $0.00 2000
ACF200062 7630: Newspapers And Periodicals $0.00 2000
ACF200039 T012: Reproduction Services $0.00 2000
ACF200094 AD21: Services (Basic) $0.00 2000
ACF200044 T012: Reproduction Services $0.00 2000
ACF200071 D302: Adp Systems Development Services $0.00 2000
ACF200098 7035: Adp Support Equipment $0.00 2000
ACF200021 E152: Purchase Of Maintenance Buildings $0.00 2000
ACF200019 E152: Purchase Of Maintenance Buildings $0.00 2000
ACF200130 E152: Purchase Of Maintenance Buildings $0.00 2000
ACF200128 AS31: Rail Transportation (Basic) $0.00 2000
ACF200087 7035: Adp Support Equipment $0.00 2000
ACF200103 AD21: Services (Basic) $0.00 2000
ACF200045 T012: Reproduction Services $0.00 2000
105942017 R407: Program Evaluation Services $0.00 2000
ACF200072 AS31: Rail Transportation (Basic) $0.00 2000
ACF200075 E224: Purch Of Govt Parking Facilities $0.00 2000
ACF200061 AS31: Rail Transportation (Basic) $0.00 2000
ACF98163M3 AD21: Services (Basic) $0.00 2000
ACF200042 E152: Purchase Of Maintenance Buildings $0.00 2000
ACF200084 H969: Other Qc Svcs/Training Aids-Devices $0.00 2000
ACF200003 S113: Telephone And-Or Communications Ser $0.00 2000
ACF200111 U008: Training/Curriculum Development $0.00 2000
ACF200004 D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs $0.00 2000
ACF200063 AD21: Services (Basic) $0.00 2000
ACF200118 AD26: Services (Management/Support) $0.00 2000
ACF200040 N010: Installation Of Equipment: Weapons $0.00 2000
ACF200069 E152: Purchase Of Maintenance Buildings $0.00 2000
ACF200020 E152: Purchase Of Maintenance Buildings $0.00 2000
ACF200013 E152: Purchase Of Maintenance Buildings $0.00 2000
ACF200049 AS31: Rail Transportation (Basic) $0.00 2000
ACF200007 S113: Telephone And-Or Communications Ser $0.00 2000
ACF200037 E152: Purchase Of Maintenance Buildings $0.00 2000
ACF200096 7035: Adp Support Equipment $0.00 2000
ACF200091 R426: Communications Services $0.00 2000
ACF200036 E152: Purchase Of Maintenance Buildings $0.00 2000
ACF200026 7630: Newspapers And Periodicals $0.00 2000
ACF200015 E152: Purchase Of Maintenance Buildings $0.00 2000
ACF200090 AS31: Rail Transportation (Basic) $0.00 2000
ACF200035 R419: Educational Services $0.00 2000
ACF200073 AS31: Rail Transportation (Basic) $0.00 2000
ACF200123 AD21: Services (Basic) $0.00 2000
ACF200122 U008: Training/Curriculum Development $0.00 2000
ACF200031 AS31: Rail Transportation (Basic) $0.00 2000
ACF200109 E152: Purchase Of Maintenance Buildings $0.00 2000
ACF200125 U008: Training/Curriculum Development $0.00 2000
ACF200082 AS31: Rail Transportation (Basic) $0.00 2000
ACF200078 AD21: Services (Basic) $0.00 2000
ACF200081 R611: Credit Reporting Services $0.00 2000
ACF200050 V231: Lodging - Hotel/Motel $0.00 2000
ACF200009 E152: Purchase Of Maintenance Buildings $0.00 2000
ACF200033 E152: Purchase Of Maintenance Buildings $0.00 2000
ACF200027 V231: Lodging - Hotel/Motel $0.00 2000
ACF200014 H969: Other Qc Svcs/Training Aids-Devices $0.00 2000
ACF200070 E152: Purchase Of Maintenance Buildings $0.00 2000
