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00109: Department Of Agric/Forest Service

Vendor Name
Modification Parent
Major Agency Category
Modification Agency
Major Funding Agency
Procurement Instrument ID
Product Or Service Code Dollars Obligated Fiscal Year
00109200004B43010900100 B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses $80,000.00 2000
00109200008C010900052605530109000526 B506: Study/Data - Other Than Scientific $31,000.00 2000
00109200004B43010900102 B516: Animal And Fisheries Studies $5,000.00 2000
00109199908D500109900517 Z222: Maint-Rep-Alt/Hwys-Rds-Sts-Brdgs-Ra $5,000.00 2000
00109199903D530109900501 V221: Passenger Air Charter Service $232,000.00 2000
00109200006B43010900128 Z299: Maint, Rep/Alter/All Other $68,000.00 2000
00109200008B43010900149 B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses $17,000.00 2000
00109200008D540109000540 T016: Audio/Visual Services $250,000.00 2000
00109200009C0109000053404530109000534 C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio $21,000.00 2000
00109200005B43010900108 Z299: Maint, Rep/Alter/All Other $90,000.00 2000
00109199902D530109900500 C219: Other Architects & Engin Gen $2,000.00 2000
00109200008B43010900153 B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses $10,000.00 2000
00109199909B500116900367 Y291: Construct/Rec Non-Bldg Structs $2,000.00 2000
00109200008D5301090000542 R499: Other Professional Services $143,000.00 2000
00109200003C010942100006530109600421 B510: Study/Environmental Assessments $5,000.00 2000
00109200002C0109000052801530109000528 C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio $7,000.00 2000
00109200007D540109000538 T010: Photographic - General - Still $24,000.00 2000
00109199908C010942199004530109600421 F999: Other Envir Svc/Stud/Sup $56,000.00 2000
00109199908C990043303530109800433 C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio ($2,000.00) 2000
00109199906C010941999007530109600419 F110: Dev Envir Impact Stmt/Assess $5,000.00 2000
530109000512 R499: Other Professional Services $0.00 2000
530109000526 B506: Study/Data - Other Than Scientific $0.00 2000
5301090000534 C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio $0.00 2000
530109000528 C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio $0.00 2000
530109000534 C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio $0.00 2000
530109000511 R499: Other Professional Services $0.00 2000
00109200001D530109000531 V211: Air Passenger Service $70,000.00 2000
00109200009D500109000547 Z169: Maint-Rep-Alt/Other Residential Bld $51,000.00 2000
00109200003C0109000053401530109000534 C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio $7,000.00 2000
00109199906C010941999008530109600419 F110: Dev Envir Impact Stmt/Assess $2,000.00 2000
00109199908D500109900514 Z291: Maint-Rep-Alt/Recrea Non-Bldg Struc ($2,000.00) 2000
00109200002D530109000532 V211: Air Passenger Service $696,000.00 2000
00109200008C01094210007530109600421 T099: Other Photo Mapping Printing Svc $15,000.00 2000
00109200007C0109000051202530109000512 R499: Other Professional Services $5,000.00 2000
00109199908D500109900514 Z291: Maint-Rep-Alt/Recrea Non-Bldg Struc $38,000.00 2000
00109200008C0109000053403530109000534 C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio $73,000.00 2000
00109200009D500109000548 Z222: Maint-Rep-Alt/Hwys-Rds-Sts-Brdgs-Ra $130,000.00 2000
00109200009D500109000550 Z222: Maint-Rep-Alt/Hwys-Rds-Sts-Brdgs-Ra $383,000.00 2000
00109199909B500109900522 Z119: Maint-Rep-Alt/Other Admin Bldgs $7,000.00 2000
00109200006B43010900129 B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses $13,000.00 2000
00109200007C01090000534015301090000534 C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio $0.00 2000
00109199910D500109000525 Y291: Construct/Rec Non-Bldg Structs $76,000.00 2000
00109200008D530109000539 R404: Prof Svcs/Land Surveys - Cadastral $86,000.00 2000
00109200008D500109000541 Z169: Maint-Rep-Alt/Other Residential Bld $18,000.00 2000
00109200007C01090000534015301090000534 C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio $67,000.00 2000
00109199904D530109900503 Z222: Maint-Rep-Alt/Hwys-Rds-Sts-Brdgs-Ra $126,000.00 2000
00109199910D500109000525 Y291: Construct/Rec Non-Bldg Structs ($1,000.00) 2000
00109200007D540109000536 T010: Photographic - General - Still $14,000.00 2000
00109200006B43010900130 B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses $25,000.00 2000
00109200009D500109000522 Z291: Maint-Rep-Alt/Recrea Non-Bldg Struc $90,000.00 2000
00109200009D540109000546 9999: Miscellaneous Items $1,486,000.00 2000
00109199910D570109900298 X299: Lease-Rent Of All Oth Non-Bldg Facs $3,000.00 2000
00109199908D500109900514 Z291: Maint-Rep-Alt/Recrea Non-Bldg Struc ($1,000.00) 2000
00109200003C0109000053401530109000534 C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio $59,000.00 2000
00109199903D530109900502 V221: Passenger Air Charter Service $224,000.00 2000
00109200001D530109000529 V211: Air Passenger Service $128,000.00 2000
00109199911D530109000527 C219: Other Architects & Engin Gen $5,000.00 2000
00109200009D500109000549 Z222: Maint-Rep-Alt/Hwys-Rds-Sts-Brdgs-Ra $139,000.00 2000
00109199912C01094209906530109600420 D315: Digitizing Svcs $0.00 2000
00109200005D530109000535 C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio $50,000.00 2000
00109199909C990043304530109800433 C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio ($2,000.00) 2000
00109199908C010942099005530109600420 F110: Dev Envir Impact Stmt/Assess $421,000.00 2000
00109200008C0109000051203530109900512 R499: Other Professional Services $250,000.00 2000
00109200005B43010900109 F108: Harz Remv/Clean-Up/Disp/Op $246,000.00 2000
00109200009C0109000043305530109800433 C219: Other Architects & Engin Gen $242,000.00 2000
00109200008C0109000051203530109900512 R499: Other Professional Services ($180,000.00) 2000
00109200005B43010900111 B516: Animal And Fisheries Studies $158,000.00 2000
00109200002C0109420699005530109600420 F110: Dev Envir Impact Stmt/Assess $37,000.00 2000
00109200009D500109000545 Z222: Maint-Rep-Alt/Hwys-Rds-Sts-Brdgs-Ra $31,000.00 2000
00109200003C0109000051101530109000511 R499: Other Professional Services $7,000.00 2000
00109199706D500109700352 Z191: Maint-Rep-Alt/Exhibition Buildings $8,000.00 2000
00109200002C0109420699005530109600420 F110: Dev Envir Impact Stmt/Assess $0.00 2000
00109200009D5301090000543 R499: Other Professional Services $50,000.00 2000
00109200009D530109000551 R404: Prof Svcs/Land Surveys - Cadastral $150,000.00 2000
00109199912C01094209906530109600420 D315: Digitizing Svcs $1,000.00 2000
00109200001C0109000051201530109000512 R499: Other Professional Services $13,000.00 2000
00109200005B43010900113 B516: Animal And Fisheries Studies $31,000.00 2000
00109200009D500109000544 Z222: Maint-Rep-Alt/Hwys-Rds-Sts-Brdgs-Ra $24,000.00 2000
00109199912C010900052601530109000526 B524: Mathematical/Statistical Analyses $12,000.00 2000
00109200007D540109000537 T010: Photographic - General - Still $5,000.00 2000
00109200005B43010900114 B516: Animal And Fisheries Studies $39,000.00 2000
00109199911C0004P5000085304H157440 R408: Program Management/Support Services $55,000.00 2000
00109200006B43010900126 B516: Animal And Fisheries Studies $118,000.00 2000
00109200002C01090052602530109000526 B524: Mathematical/Statistical Analyses $6,000.00 2000
00109200001C01090052603530109000526 B524: Mathematical/Statistical Analyses $3,000.00 2000
00109199809D500109800359 Z222: Maint-Rep-Alt/Hwys-Rds-Sts-Brdgs-Ra ($20,000.00) 2000
00109199809D500109800363 Z191: Maint-Rep-Alt/Exhibition Buildings $2,000.00 2000
00109200008C43010900162GS00K94ALD0001 J070: Maint-Rep Of Adp Eq & Supplies $23,000.00 2000
00109199908B500109900515 Y291: Construct/Rec Non-Bldg Structs $3,000.00 2000
00109200003B43010900097 B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses $48,000.00 2000
00109200007C01090052604530109000526 B524: Mathematical/Statistical Analyses $35,000.00 2000
00109200001D530109000529 V211: Air Passenger Service $135,000.00 2001
00109199909C990043501530109800435 C219: Other Architects & Engin Gen $8,000.00 2001
00109200107B43010910265 W070: Lease-Rent Of Adp Eq & Supplies $13,000.00 2001
00109200105B43010910203 W070: Lease-Rent Of Adp Eq & Supplies $3,000.00 2001
00109200012C010942001008530109600420 T099: Other Photo Mapping Printing Svc $536,000.00 2001
00109200103B43010910108 B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses $19,000.00 2001
00109199912C010900052601530109000526 B524: Mathematical/Statistical Analyses $10,000.00 2001
00109200010C00503530109900503 Z222: Maint-Rep-Alt/Hwys-Rds-Sts-Brdgs-Ra $17,000.00 2001
00109200103B43010910097 W070: Lease-Rent Of Adp Eq & Supplies $1,000.00 2001
