| | V504P64074 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $665.76 | 2006 |
| | V504G60139 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $625.80 | 2006 |
| | V504P64045 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $337.54 | 2006 |
| | V504G60264 | 7540: Standard Forms | $1,231.80 | 2006 |
| | V504P64925 | 6550: In Vitro Diagno Substances,reagents | $4,595.00 | 2006 |
| | V504P66868 | R701: Advertising Services | $492.80 | 2006 |
| | V504P66318 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $807.69 | 2006 |
| | V504P66074 | 6520: Dental Instruments Eq & Supplies | $55.78 | 2006 |
| | V504P66995 | 6520: Dental Instruments Eq & Supplies | $727.47 | 2006 |
| | V504P64373 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $60.93 | 2006 |
| | V504G60155 | 7350: Tableware | $1,479.31 | 2006 |
| | V504P64186 | J099: Maint-Rep Of Misc Eq | $1,425.00 | 2006 |
| | V504P65648 | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $98.45 | 2006 |
| | V504P66120 | 4120: Air Conditioning Equipment | $40.20 | 2006 |
| | V504P65189 | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $275.00 | 2006 |
| | V504A67043 | 7035: Adp Support Equipment | $13,706.85 | 2006 |
| | V504P64418 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $588.00 | 2006 |
| | V504P66375 | 7110: Office Furniture | $1,128.17 | 2006 |
| | V504P66210 | C129: Other Non-Building Structures | $75.00 | 2006 |
| | V504P63788 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $510.00 | 2006 |
| | V504P65871 | 7910: Floor Polishers & Vacuum Cleaners | $97.42 | 2006 |
| | V504P65630 | 4940: Misc Maint Eq | $5.67 | 2006 |
| | V504P67145 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $665.76 | 2006 |
| | V504P63736 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $222.37 | 2006 |
| | V504P63797 | 8540: Toiletry Paper Products | $1,255.20 | 2006 |
| | V504P64399 | 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies | $1,633.20 | 2006 |
| | V504P67131 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $338.80 | 2006 |
| | V504P65705 | 6508: Medicated Cosmetics And Toiletries | $119.94 | 2006 |
| | V504P66415 | 7510: Office Supplies | $267.39 | 2006 |
| | V504P67134 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $239.32 | 2006 |
| | V504P64568 | 8405: Outerwear, Men'S | $718.22 | 2006 |
| | V504P65376 | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $52.13 | 2006 |
| | V504P65883 | R799: Other Management Support Services | $39.00 | 2006 |
| | V504G60254 | 6505: Drugs And Biologicals | $307.67 | 2006 |
| | V504P66029 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $1,075.32 | 2006 |
| | V504P64098 | 6550: In Vitro Diagno Substances,reagents | $139.50 | 2006 |
| | V504P64343 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $498.32 | 2006 |
| | V504P66797 | 6520: Dental Instruments Eq & Supplies | $49.55 | 2006 |
| | V504P64013 | 6105: Motors, Electrical | $310.13 | 2006 |
| | V504X60043 | S222: Waste Treatment And Storage | $250.00 | 2006 |
| | V504A60040 | 7610: Books And Pamphlets | $10,750.00 | 2006 |
| | V504P64404 | 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies | $198.32 | 2006 |
| | V504P64378 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $231.15 | 2006 |
| | V504G60157 | 8540: Toiletry Paper Products | $7,550.55 | 2006 |
| | V504P65567 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $521.20 | 2006 |
| | V504P64575 | 6520: Dental Instruments Eq & Supplies | $32.50 | 2006 |
| | V504C60103 | Z141: Maint-Rep-Alt/Hospitals & Infirmary | $36,796.00 | 2006 |
| | V504P64076 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $91.60 | 2006 |
| | V504P64873 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $670.00 | 2006 |
| | V504P64666 | J046: Maint-Rep Of Water Purification Eq | $1,650.00 | 2006 |
| | V504A67032 | 7021: Adp Central Processing Unit-Digital | $213,966.70 | 2006 |
| | V504P66100 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $130.00 | 2006 |
| | V504P65369 | 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies | $186.00 | 2006 |
| | V504P64886 | 8540: Toiletry Paper Products | $1,255.20 | 2006 |
| | V504P66723 | 7195: Misc Furniture & Fixtures | $395.76 | 2006 |
| | V504P67189 | 7110: Office Furniture | $4,804.83 | 2006 |
| | V504P66020 | 7910: Floor Polishers & Vacuum Cleaners | $50.26 | 2006 |
| | V504P64402 | 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies | $136.50 | 2006 |
| | V504A60018 | 4110: Refrigeration Equipment | $94.83 | 2006 |
| | V504P64047 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $2,706.06 | 2006 |
| | V504P67027 | 7520: Office Devices And Accessories | $419.95 | 2006 |
| | V504A60068 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $7,436.55 | 2006 |
| | V504P64617 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $270.00 | 2006 |
| | V504P65085 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $42.75 | 2006 |
| | V504P66118 | 7510: Office Supplies | $263.78 | 2006 |
| | V504P65768 | 4810: Valves, Powered | $2,667.00 | 2006 |
| | V504P65846 | 4940: Misc Maint Eq | $63.75 | 2006 |
| | V504G60227 | 6505: Drugs And Biologicals | $554.09 | 2006 |
| | V504P64613 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $1,659.70 | 2006 |
| | V504P63231 | 6520: Dental Instruments Eq & Supplies | $561.00 | 2006 |
| | V504P65266 | 2640: Tires & Tubes Rebuilding-Rep Mtl | $1,241.31 | 2006 |
| | V504P66053 | 6510: Surgical Dressing Materials | $91.23 | 2006 |
| | V504P66598 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $917.56 | 2006 |
| | V504P66235 | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $395.29 | 2006 |
| | V504P65568 | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $893.20 | 2006 |
| | V504P66082 | 6520: Dental Instruments Eq & Supplies | $38.46 | 2006 |
| | V504P65457 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $80.00 | 2006 |
| | V504P64745 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $147.84 | 2006 |
| | V504P65181 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $464.80 | 2006 |
| | V504G60162 | 7350: Tableware | $785.91 | 2006 |
| | V504P66784 | 6520: Dental Instruments Eq & Supplies | $105.49 | 2006 |
| | V504P66150 | 6830: Gases: Compressed And Liquefied | $1,658.01 | 2006 |
| | V504P64105 | 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies | $521.68 | 2006 |
| | V504P64398 | 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies | $103.74 | 2006 |
| | V504P64971 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $425.00 | 2006 |
| | V504P67273 | 7930: Cleaning/Polishing Compounds & Prep | $125.84 | 2006 |
| | V504P64829 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $198.72 | 2006 |
| | V504P64759 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $218.00 | 2006 |
| | V504P64306 | Q523: Surgery Services | $215.00 | 2006 |
| | V504P64363 | 6810: Chemicals | $650.16 | 2006 |
| | V504P65096 | 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies | $98.00 | 2006 |
| | V504P64177 | 5306: Bolts | $56.80 | 2006 |
| | V504P64502 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $1,535.52 | 2006 |
| | V504P65512 | Z299: Maint, Rep/Alter/All Other | $2,000.00 | 2006 |
| | V504P63708 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $331.20 | 2006 |
| | V504P64235 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $510.00 | 2006 |
| | V504P64930 | 6550: In Vitro Diagno Substances,reagents | $71.37 | 2006 |
| | V504P64917 | 6520: Dental Instruments Eq & Supplies | $27.80 | 2006 |
| | V504P64437 | 6520: Dental Instruments Eq & Supplies | $92.35 | 2006 |
| | V504P65611 | 4940: Misc Maint Eq | $207.44 | 2006 |