| | V512U69394 | 5961: Semi Conductor Devices | $876.95 | 2006 |
| | V5126U1269 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $423.54 | 2006 |
| | V512U68633 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $686.00 | 2006 |
| | V512P62419 | 8940: Special Dietary Food & Special Prep | $93.60 | 2006 |
| | V512U68132 | 6850: Miscellaneous Chemical Specialties | $165.00 | 2006 |
| | V512U68090 | 6520: Dental Instruments Eq & Supplies | $365.76 | 2006 |
| | V512U67102 | 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies | $1,125.00 | 2006 |
| | V512U65922 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $368.00 | 2006 |
| | V512P63032 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $4,361.79 | 2006 |
| | V512P63125 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $195.79 | 2006 |
| | V512P62556 | 6505: Drugs And Biologicals | $92.78 | 2006 |
| | V512P62349 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $36.00 | 2006 |
| | V512U65858 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $457.20 | 2006 |
| | V512U67880 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $1,352.00 | 2006 |
| | V512U66697 | R499: Other Professional Services | $29.00 | 2006 |
| | V512R67377 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $495.20 | 2006 |
| | V512D60062 | 7021: Adp Central Processing Unit-Digital | $19,139.00 | 2006 |
| | V512U67034 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $480.00 | 2006 |
| | V512C60447 | J070: Maint-Rep Of Adp Eq & Supplies | $590.32 | 2006 |
| | V512P63080 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $64.53 | 2006 |
| | V512U68533 | J065: Maint-Rep Of Medical-Dental-Vet Eq | $2,000.00 | 2006 |
| | V512U68350 | 6510: Surgical Dressing Materials | $95.19 | 2006 |
| | V512U68084 | 9999: Miscellaneous Items | $132.79 | 2006 |
| | V512R68649 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $430.32 | 2006 |
| | V5126U0915 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $431.10 | 2006 |
| | V512U68746 | 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies | $1,791.00 | 2006 |
| | V512U66473 | 7930: Cleaning/Polishing Compounds & Prep | $1,411.60 | 2006 |
| | V512P62930 | 7920: Brooms, Brushes, Mops, And Sponges | $665.40 | 2006 |
| | V512P61686 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $56.21 | 2006 |
| | V512R67426 | 9999: Miscellaneous Items | $916.04 | 2006 |
| | V512U66558 | 5510: Lumber & Related Wood Materials | $2,499.37 | 2006 |
| | V512U66592 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $848.76 | 2006 |
| | V512U69062 | 9999: Miscellaneous Items | $1,100.00 | 2006 |
| | V512U69040 | 7510: Office Supplies | $106.27 | 2006 |
| | V5126U1913 | 7510: Office Supplies | $358.96 | 2006 |
| | V512U69873 | 7510: Office Supplies | $115.53 | 2006 |
| | V5126U1051 | 7510: Office Supplies | $80.71 | 2006 |
| | V512U68785 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $2,300.00 | 2006 |
| | V512U69520 | 6240: Electric Lamps | $21.30 | 2006 |
| | V512U68567 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $1,310.00 | 2006 |
| | V512P62985 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $156.50 | 2006 |
| | V512U66078 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $772.00 | 2006 |
| | V512U69277 | Q502: Cardio-Vascular Services | $750.00 | 2006 |
| | V512P61660 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $1,122.00 | 2006 |
| | V5126U0449 | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $1,195.00 | 2006 |
| | V5126U1225 | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $1,026.00 | 2006 |
| | V512U69480 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $252.45 | 2006 |
| | V512A60764 | 7510: Office Supplies | $1,536.83 | 2006 |
| | V512P61809 | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $50.71 | 2006 |
| | V512P61677 | 6532: Hospital & Surgical Clothing | $1,620.19 | 2006 |
| | V512U69527 | 5975: Electrical Hardware And Supplies | $37.59 | 2006 |
| | V512U67377 | 9999: Miscellaneous Items | $277.39 | 2006 |
| | V512U68535 | 7510: Office Supplies | $89.65 | 2006 |
| | V5126U0832 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $205.20 | 2006 |
| | V512P62114 | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $683.34 | 2006 |
| | V512P62647 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $62.00 | 2006 |
| | V512P62765 | 6510: Surgical Dressing Materials | $287.73 | 2006 |
| | V512U67351 | 6550: In Vitro Diagno Substances,reagents | $58.85 | 2006 |
| | V512U67100 | 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies | $96.60 | 2006 |
| | V512U66441 | 6550: In Vitro Diagno Substances,reagents | $326.42 | 2006 |
| | V512P62730 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $6,814.47 | 2006 |
| | V5126U1078 | 7510: Office Supplies | $311.28 | 2006 |
| | V512U69604 | 8415: Clothing, Special Purpose | $624.55 | 2006 |
| | V512U67721 | 7510: Office Supplies | $89.10 | 2006 |
| | V5126U1534 | 7610: Books And Pamphlets | $2,314.31 | 2006 |
| | V512U68345 | 6520: Dental Instruments Eq & Supplies | $311.06 | 2006 |
| | V512R67097 | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $630.50 | 2006 |
| | V512P62226 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $1,274.73 | 2006 |
| | V512P62242 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $600.48 | 2006 |
| | V512U68192 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $1,357.80 | 2006 |
| | V512U69967 | 8915: Fruits And Vegetables | $976.15 | 2006 |
| | V512P63155 | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $2,349.80 | 2006 |
| | V512U68989 | 7510: Office Supplies | $56.82 | 2006 |
| | V512U67314 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $874.50 | 2006 |
| | V512P62578 | 8940: Special Dietary Food & Special Prep | $798.00 | 2006 |
| | V512P63025 | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $2,008.52 | 2006 |
| | V512P63154 | 8520: Toilet Soap,shave Prep & Dentifrice | $482.40 | 2006 |
| | V5126U0111 | 7510: Office Supplies | $370.58 | 2006 |
| | V512P63502 | 8520: Toilet Soap,shave Prep & Dentifrice | $420.48 | 2006 |
| | V5126U1515 | 7510: Office Supplies | $219.45 | 2006 |
| | V512P61775 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $1,639.66 | 2006 |
| | V512U68218 | 6550: In Vitro Diagno Substances,reagents | $488.34 | 2006 |
| | V512A60832 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $5,050.00 | 2006 |
| | V5126U0336 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $599.00 | 2006 |
| | V512P62552 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $82.42 | 2006 |
| | V512P62397 | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $352.18 | 2006 |
| | V512P61959 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $825.53 | 2006 |
| | V512P62103 | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $1,923.32 | 2006 |
| | V512U65969 | 9999: Miscellaneous Items | $156.05 | 2006 |
| | V512A60989 | 4110: Refrigeration Equipment | $4,398.90 | 2006 |
| | V512U67989 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $314.30 | 2006 |
| | V5126U0377 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $332.64 | 2006 |
| | V512A60777 | 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies | $1,414.25 | 2006 |
| | V512U69994 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $92.00 | 2006 |
| | V512U66079 | 6520: Dental Instruments Eq & Supplies | $637.50 | 2006 |
| | V5126U1640 | 7610: Books And Pamphlets | $2,184.00 | 2006 |
| | V5126U0101 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $418.00 | 2006 |
| | V512U66066 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $1,419.00 | 2006 |
| | V5126U1897 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $82.50 | 2006 |
| | V512U66256 | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $232.50 | 2006 |