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0DPDV: Department Of Agric/Agric Stabiliz And Cons Svc

Vendor Name
Modification Parent
Major Agency Category
Modification Agency
Major Funding Agency
Procurement Instrument ID
Product Or Service Code Dollars Obligated Fiscal Year
0DPDV199911DVDOD04621 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $55,000.00 2000
0DPDV200003DVDOD04772 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $86,000.00 2000
0DPDV199910DVDOD04595 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $11,000.00 2000
0DPDV199910DVDOD04521 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $437,000.00 2000
0DPDV200006DVDOD04843 8945: Food, Oils And Fats $9,000.00 2000
0DPDV199912DVDOD04674 8925: Sugar, Confectionery, And Nuts $85,000.00 2000
0DPDV199911DVDOD04618 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $133,000.00 2000
0DPDV200003DVDOD04759 8925: Sugar, Confectionery, And Nuts $157,000.00 2000
0DPDV200005DDPDV04809 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $90,000.00 2000
0DPDV199911DVDOD04619 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $27,000.00 2000
0DPDV199910DVDOD04564 8945: Food, Oils And Fats $718,000.00 2000
0DPDV200003DVDOD4769 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $17,000.00 2000
0DPDV199910DVDOD04574 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $21,000.00 2000
0DPDV200007DVDOD04859 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $150,000.00 2000
0DPDV199910DVDOD04527 8945: Food, Oils And Fats $476,000.00 2000
0DPDV200003DVDOD04769 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $17,000.00 2000
0DPDV200005DVDOD04801 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $491,000.00 2000
0DPDV199910DVDOD04559 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $10,000.00 2000
0DPDV200008DVDOD04875 8925: Sugar, Confectionery, And Nuts $61,000.00 2000
0DPDV200007DVDOD04846 8910: Dairy Foods And Eggs $120,000.00 2000
0DPDV200009DVDOD04920 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $24,000.00 2000
0DPDV200008DVDOD04879 8945: Food, Oils And Fats $10,000.00 2000
0DPDV200003DVDOD04754 8945: Food, Oils And Fats $75,000.00 2000
0DPDV199911DVDOD04620 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $9,000.00 2000
0DPDV200002DVDOD04734 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $174,000.00 2000
0DPDV200002DVDOD04723 8945: Food, Oils And Fats $60,000.00 2000
0DPDV200006DVDOD04835 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $10,000.00 2000
0DPDV200009DVDOD04933 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $812,000.00 2000
0DPDV199910DVDOD04573 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $85,000.00 2000
0DPDV199912DVDOD04659 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $67,000.00 2000
0DPDV199912DVDOD04681 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $169,000.00 2000
0DPDV200008DVDOD04874 8925: Sugar, Confectionery, And Nuts $30,000.00 2000
0DPDV200007DVDOD04849 8910: Dairy Foods And Eggs $11,000.00 2000
0DPDV200008DVDOD04886 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $89,000.00 2000
0DPDV199911DVDOD04599 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $89,000.00 2000
0DPDV199910DVDOD04518 8925: Sugar, Confectionery, And Nuts $1,041,000.00 2000
0DPDV200002DVDOD04744 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $9,000.00 2000
0DPDV199910DVDOD04538 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $7,000.00 2000
0DPDV200008DVDOD04880 8945: Food, Oils And Fats $93,000.00 2000
0DPDV200008DVDOD04891 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $53,000.00 2000
0DPDV200009DVDOD04916 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $51,000.00 2000
0DPDV199911DVDOD04642 8945: Food, Oils And Fats $36,000.00 2000
0DPDV199911DVDOC00866 8910: Dairy Foods And Eggs $2,498,000.00 2000
0DPDV199912DVDOD04682 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $23,000.00 2000
0DPDV199912DVDOD04687 8945: Food, Oils And Fats $21,000.00 2000
0DPDV200005DVDOD04817 8925: Sugar, Confectionery, And Nuts $132,000.00 2000
0DPDV200003DVDOD04774 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $46,000.00 2000
0DPDV200003DVDOD04768 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $112,000.00 2000
0DPDV200006DVDPD04844 8945: Food, Oils And Fats $80,000.00 2000
0DPDV200003DVDOC00907 8910: Dairy Foods And Eggs $1,016,000.00 2000
0DPDV200003DVDOD04767 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $389,000.00 2000
0DPDV200007DVDOD04862 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $316,000.00 2000
0DPDV200001DVDOD04706 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $136,000.00 2000
0DPDV200007DVDOD04865 8925: Sugar, Confectionery, And Nuts $761,000.00 2000
0DPDV199910DVDOD04557 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $77,000.00 2000
0DPDV199911DVDOD04608 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $70,000.00 2000
0DPDV199910DVDOD04576 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $82,000.00 2000
0DPDV200008DVDOD04892 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $83,000.00 2000
0DPDV200008DVDOD04884 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $101,000.00 2000
0DPDV200004DVDOD04780 8945: Food, Oils And Fats $43,000.00 2000
0DPDV200007DVDOD04863 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $6,000.00 2000
0DPDV200002DVDOD04747 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $23,000.00 2000
0DPDV199910DVDOD04596 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $8,000.00 2000
0DPDV200005DVDOD04816 8925: Sugar, Confectionery, And Nuts $1,582,000.00 2000
0DPDV199912DVDOD04673 8925: Sugar, Confectionery, And Nuts $33,000.00 2000
0DPDV199910DVDOD04582 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $38,000.00 2000
0DPDV199910DVDPD04556 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $245,000.00 2000
0DPDV199910DVDOD04539 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $26,000.00 2000
0DPDV200008DVDOD04905 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $52,000.00 2000
0DPDV200007DVDOD04861 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $25,000.00 2000
0DPDV200001DVDOD04717 8925: Sugar, Confectionery, And Nuts $453,000.00 2000
0DPDV200001DVDOD04703 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $55,000.00 2000
0DPDV200005DVDOD04820 8925: Sugar, Confectionery, And Nuts $166,000.00 2000
0DPDV199910DVDOD04547 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $49,000.00 2000
0DPDV199910DVDOD04549 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $108,000.00 2000
0DPDV200008DVDOD04889 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $53,000.00 2000
0DPDV200003DVDOD04775 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $37,000.00 2000
0DPDV200007DVDOD04851 8910: Dairy Foods And Eggs $347,000.00 2000
0DPDV200005DVDOD04787 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $135,000.00 2000
0DPDV200002DVDOD04748 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $73,000.00 2000
0DPDV200007DVDOD04866 8925: Sugar, Confectionery, And Nuts $351,000.00 2000
0DPDV200004DVDOD04779 8945: Food, Oils And Fats $12,000.00 2000
0DPDV199910DVDOD04542 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $1,292,000.00 2000
0DPDV199911DVDOD04639 8945: Food, Oils And Fats $92,000.00 2000
0DPDV200001DVDOD04707 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $15,000.00 2000
0DPDV199911DVDOD04644 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $15,000.00 2000
0DPDV200007DVDOD04857 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $128,000.00 2000
0DPDV200004DVDOD04781 8925: Sugar, Confectionery, And Nuts $118,000.00 2000
0DPDV200005DVDOD04819 8925: Sugar, Confectionery, And Nuts $1,359,000.00 2000
0DPDV199911DVDOD04615 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $92,000.00 2000
0DPDV199910DVDOD04546 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $324,000.00 2000
0DPDV200005DVDOD04792 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $968,000.00 2000
0DPDV199912DVDOD04670 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $10,000.00 2000
0DPDV199910DVDOD04587 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $69,000.00 2000
0DPDV200008DVDOD04902 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $574,000.00 2000
0DPDV200003DVDOD04770 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $28,000.00 2000
0DPDV200005DVDOD04786 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $472,000.00 2000
0DPDV200004DVDOC00925 8910: Dairy Foods And Eggs $7,154,000.00 2000
0DPDV199910DVDOD04575 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $38,000.00 2000
0DPDV199911DVDOD04646 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products $10,000.00 2000
