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HU0001: Usuhs

Vendor Name
Modification Parent
Major Agency Category
Modification Agency
Major Funding Agency
Procurement Instrument ID
Product Or Service Code Dollars Obligated Fiscal Year
NK000200307COPNBAW5173GS28FN0013 7110: Office Furniture $686.00 2003
NK000200306COPNBAX1773GS28FN0013 7110: Office Furniture $768.00 2003
NK000200210COPNBAT7403GS28FM0003 7110: Office Furniture $1,511.00 2003
NK000200210COPNBAT7393GS28FM0003 7110: Office Furniture $761.00 2003
NK000200210COPNBAT7383GS28FM0003 7110: Office Furniture $1,033.00 2003
NK000200306COPNBAX1753GS28FN0013 7110: Office Furniture $583.00 2003
NK000200306COPNBAX1763GS28FN0013 7110: Office Furniture $1,688.00 2003
00674200211C674W30071V674P3333 R408: Program Management/Support Services $136,585.00 2003
NK000200210COPNBAT7423GS28FM0003 7110: Office Furniture $578.00 2003
NK000200210COPNBAT7413GS28FM0003 7110: Office Furniture $916.00 2003
NK000200305COPNBAW5163GS28FN0013 7110: Office Furniture $1,087.00 2003
HU000104F4076 H265: Eq Test Svcs/Medical-Dental-Vet Eq $48,343.00 2004
MDA90504C8V01 R612: Information Retrieval $33,365.00 2004
MDA90501C0007 Q999: Other Medical Services $690,366.00 2004
MDA90504P7506 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies $27,243.00 2004
MDA90504C8V05 R612: Information Retrieval $50,682.00 2004
MDA90504F4038 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies $61,074.00 2004
MDA90504P1501 D307: Automated Information System Svcs $40,426.00 2004
MDA90502F0800 7010: Adpe System Configuration $207,230.00 2004
HU000104F6561 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies $37,000.00 2004
HU000104M6534 E127: Purch Of Govt Elct & Comm Sys Fac $44,944.00 2004
HU000104C1505 R499: Other Professional Services $9,500.00 2004
GSOPNBB92434 7110: Office Furniture ($410.62) 2004
HU000104MX690 6840: Pest Cont Agents & Disinfectants $370,255.00 2004
HU000104F6551 3610: Printing,duplicating & Bookbind Eq $77,274.00 2004
HU000104M0110 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies $37,842.00 2004
GSOPNBB92434 7110: Office Furniture $8,916.74 2004
HU000104C1505 R499: Other Professional Services $485,817.00 2004
HU000104FX652 6630: Chemical Analysis Instruments $59,000.00 2004
HU000104C1504 R799: Other Management Support Services $413,880.00 2004
MDA90501C0007 Q999: Other Medical Services $739,727.00 2004
HU000104F6540 7042: Mini & Micro Computer Cont Devices $38,786.00 2004
MDA90504F0125 R602: Courier And Messenger Services $45,000.00 2004
GSOPNBB90974 7110: Office Furniture $3,789.70 2004
MDA90504F0137 5805: Telephone And Telegraph Equipment $77,617.00 2004
HU000104M1507 Q999: Other Medical Services $105,800.00 2004
MDA90501C0021 S206: Guard Services $816,863.00 2004
HU000104F4077 6630: Chemical Analysis Instruments $71,974.00 2004
MDA90504F5001 J070: Maint-Rep Of Adp Eq & Supplies $56,916.00 2004
HU000104F5013 6720: Cameras, Still Picture $29,015.00 2004
0136 J066: Maint-Rep Of Instruments & Lab Eq $30,820.00 2004
HU000104FX673 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup $55,400.00 2004
MDA90503C0007 7630: Newspapers And Periodicals $117,050.00 2004
MDA90501M0524 J066: Maint-Rep Of Instruments & Lab Eq $30,700.00 2004
HU000104P5002 U009: Education Services $42,500.00 2004
MDA90504F0135 3610: Printing,duplicating & Bookbind Eq $27,845.00 2004
HU000104F8V30 7110: Office Furniture $81,712.00 2004
MDA90503C0011 U010: Cert & Accrediations For Educationa $49,685.00 2004
HU000104C1502 AN91: Other Medical (Basic) $4,096,260.00 2004
MDA90504F5003 7025: Adp Input/Output & Storage Devices $35,360.00 2004
HU000104PX656 8820: Live Animals, Not Raised For Food $46,000.00 2004
HU000104FX651 6625: Elect Electronic Measuring Instrumt $30,000.00 2004
HU000104M0114 6780: Photographic Sets Kits & Outfits $63,000.00 2004
HU000104P8014 J099: Maint-Rep Of Misc Eq $50,000.00 2004
MDA90504F0136 3610: Printing,duplicating & Bookbind Eq $115,622.00 2004
HU000104C1506 Q999: Other Medical Services $259,563.00 2004
GSUPNBBT1744 7110: Office Furniture $1,080.12 2004
MDA90503C0014 7630: Newspapers And Periodicals $73,408.00 2004
HU000104F4085 6650: Optical Instruments $102,677.00 2004
HU000104MX674 6615: Auto Pilot Mechanisms Airborne Gyro $30,000.00 2004
MDA90504F8V00 R612: Information Retrieval $89,000.00 2004
0008 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup $709,328.00 2004
HU000104C1500 R412: Simulation $0.00 2004
HU000104M7518 AN11: Biomedical (Basic) $35,000.00 2004
HU000104MX689 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup $49,850.00 2004
HU000104MX655 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies $73,000.00 2004
MDA90503C0012 D304: Adp Svcs/Telecomm & Transmission $116,884.00 2004
HU000104F8V24 7610: Books And Pamphlets $0.00 2004
0001 S113: Telephone And-Or Communications Ser $31,680.00 2004
MDA90504F6045 6630: Chemical Analysis Instruments $53,897.00 2004
MDA90504C8002 7630: Newspapers And Periodicals $92,237.00 2004
HU000104F8V24 7610: Books And Pamphlets ($98,166.00) 2004
MDA90504C8002 7630: Newspapers And Periodicals $171,789.00 2004
HU000104F5015 6650: Optical Instruments $45,905.00 2004
MDA90501C0003 B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses $320,446.00 2004
MDA90504P4015 R499: Other Professional Services $5,025.00 2004
MDA90503C0003 R499: Other Professional Services $2,837,250.00 2004
HU000104F3034 7030: Adp Software $31,577.00 2004
GSOPNBB92014 7110: Office Furniture $2,032.60 2004
GSOPNBB92024 7110: Office Furniture $231.91 2004
HU000104F8V21 7610: Books And Pamphlets $26,997.00 2004
HU000104F5511 6650: Optical Instruments $259,281.00 2004
HU000104MX675 Q301: Laboratory Testing Services $35,040.00 2004
0002 U004: Scientific And Management Education $152,400.00 2004
0004 R612: Information Retrieval $196,623.00 2004
MDA90500C0006 B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses $60,305.00 2004
HU000104F8018 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies $116,319.00 2004
MDA90504P3012 Z142: Maint-Rep-Alt/Labs & Clinics $25,661.00 2004
MDA90504F8V12 7610: Books And Pamphlets $25,269.00 2004
GSOPNBB90984 7110: Office Furniture $1,693.40 2004
MDA90503C0003 R499: Other Professional Services $606,600.00 2004
MDA90504P1500 9999: Miscellaneous Items $65,771.00 2004
HU000104PX801 Z235: Maint-Rep-Alt/Epg - Nuclear $87,300.00 2004
HU000104M4078 Y142: Construct/Laboratories & Clinics $56,250.00 2004
HU000104C5004 R499: Other Professional Services $38,263.00 2004
MDA92899C0006 AN92: Other Medical (Applied/Exploratory) ($62,396.00) 2004
HU000104C5000 AR91: R&D-Other Space-B Res $142,837.00 2004
HU000104C5004 R499: Other Professional Services $255,165.00 2004
HU000104FX678 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies $40,344.00 2004
HU000104C1500 R412: Simulation $121,278.00 2004
