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Vendor Name
Modification Parent
Major Agency Category
Modification Agency
Major Funding Agency
Procurement Instrument ID
Product Or Service Code Dollars Obligated Fiscal Year
NMA10000F0355 7042: Mini & Micro Computer Cont Devices $19,379.00 2000
0019 7030: Adp Software $51,708.00 2000
NMA10000F0337 7010: Adpe System Configuration $198,529.00 2000
NMA10000F0179 7010: Adpe System Configuration $48,252.00 2000
NMA10000C0002 J066: Maint-Rep Of Instruments & Lab Eq $81,712.00 2000
NMA10097C5007 D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs $6,000,000.00 2000
0043 7021: Adp Central Processing Unit-Digital $93,000.00 2000
NMA10000F0074 7050: Adp Components $201,841.00 2000
0009 D301: Adp Facility Management $32,779.00 2000
0016 U012: Information Training $116,640.00 2000
0007 7042: Mini & Micro Computer Cont Devices $1,155,511.00 2000
0003 R426: Communications Services $191,053.00 2000
NMA10000F0112 7030: Adp Software $793,650.00 2000
0075 7021: Adp Central Processing Unit-Digital $46,500.00 2000
NMA10000F0097 7025: Adp Input/Output & Storage Devices $97,266.00 2000
NMA10000F0266 7010: Adpe System Configuration $66,298.00 2000
0202 7050: Adp Components $62,650.00 2000
NMA10000F0160 W070: Lease-Rent Of Adp Eq & Supplies $64,640.00 2000
0038 D301: Adp Facility Management $63,310.00 2000
0204 7050: Adp Components $35,996.00 2000
0004 R426: Communications Services $217,593.00 2000
0039 7050: Adp Components $89,504.00 2000
0023 J070: Maint-Rep Of Adp Eq & Supplies $33,744.00 2000
NMA10000P0085 7030: Adp Software $27,423.00 2000
NMA10000F0105 7025: Adp Input/Output & Storage Devices $351,974.00 2000
NMA10000F0051 7030: Adp Software $470,730.00 2000
NMA10000P0066 7030: Adp Software $113,948.00 2000
0011 D301: Adp Facility Management $138,903.00 2000
NMA10000P0053 7050: Adp Components $175,976.00 2000
NMA10097C5007 D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs $219,457.00 2000
NMA10000F0004 7030: Adp Software $0.00 2000
NMA10000F0035 7050: Adp Components $114,851.00 2000
0003 R799: Other Management Support Services $128,007.00 2000
NMA10000F0137 R799: Other Management Support Services $107,478.00 2000
NMA10097F5193 T099: Other Photo Mapping Printing Svc $152,000.00 2000
DMA80095C8077 7025: Adp Input/Output & Storage Devices $522,654.00 2000
NMA10097C5007 D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs $160,000.00 2000
NMA10000F0121 7050: Adp Components $78,132.00 2000
0041 D301: Adp Facility Management $59,736.00 2000
0005 5805: Telephone And Telegraph Equipment $89,931.00 2000
0001 U012: Information Training $151,470.00 2000
NMA10000F0072 7025: Adp Input/Output & Storage Devices $97,502.00 2000
NMA10000F0110 7050: Adp Components $35,513.00 2000
0002 7030: Adp Software $29,862.00 2000
0001 D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs $158,640.00 2000
NMA10000F0137 R799: Other Management Support Services $64,969.00 2000
0025 7050: Adp Components $140,124.00 2000
NMA10000F0218 W070: Lease-Rent Of Adp Eq & Supplies $49,215.00 2000
NMA10000F0132 7050: Adp Components $91,061.00 2000
NMA10000F0103 7010: Adpe System Configuration $1,412,711.00 2000
0006 5805: Telephone And Telegraph Equipment $110,628.00 2000
NMA10000F0020 7030: Adp Software $114,116.00 2000
0004 R799: Other Management Support Services $400,900.00 2000
0020 7050: Adp Components $81,966.00 2000
NMA10000F0024 J059: Maint-Rep Of Elect-Elct Eq $676,549.00 2000
0249 7050: Adp Components $29,627.00 2000
0388 7050: Adp Components $58,414.00 2000
NMA10000F0350 7010: Adpe System Configuration $102,243.00 2000
NMA10000F0037 7010: Adpe System Configuration $33,854.00 2000
NMA10000F0056 7030: Adp Software $146,280.00 2000
NMA10000F0289 7021: Adp Central Processing Unit-Digital $27,408.00 2000
NMA10000F0348 7030: Adp Software $50,000.00 2000
NMA10097F5193 T099: Other Photo Mapping Printing Svc $205,000.00 2000
0001 5805: Telephone And Telegraph Equipment $69,803.00 2000
BQ03 D307: Automated Information System Svcs $4,395,685.00 2000
0001 7030: Adp Software $7,783,000.00 2000
0001 D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs $337,288.00 2000
0046 D301: Adp Facility Management $27,006.00 2000
0005 R799: Other Management Support Services $59,993.00 2000
NMA10000F0329 7010: Adpe System Configuration $36,354.00 2000
NMA10000F0139 7030: Adp Software $312,988.00 2000
NMA10000F0330 D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs $33,619.00 2000
0008 7010: Adpe System Configuration $1,175,565.00 2000
0040 7050: Adp Components $38,824.00 2000
0002 U012: Information Training $220,050.00 2000
NMA10000F0142 6625: Elect Electronic Measuring Instrumt $29,979.00 2000
TIRNC99A00004 7045: Adp Supplies $0.00 2000
NMA10000A0007 7030: Adp Software $0.00 2000
NMA10000A0002 D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs $0.00 2000
NMA10000A0003 D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs $0.00 2000
26348622 7050: Adp Components $0.00 2000
NMA10000D0001 J074: Maint-Rep Of Office Machines $0.00 2000
0022 D301: Adp Facility Management $31,734.00 2000
0017 J070: Maint-Rep Of Adp Eq & Supplies $114,305.00 2000
NMA10000F0178 7010: Adpe System Configuration $85,266.00 2000
0088 7050: Adp Components $50,153.00 2000
NMA10000F0045 7050: Adp Components $114,519.00 2000
NMA10000F0360 7010: Adpe System Configuration $32,736.00 2000
NMA10000F0149 6675: Drafting Surveying & Mapping Instru $349,928.00 2000
NMA10000F0027 7010: Adpe System Configuration $39,525.00 2000
0002 D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs $159,967.00 2000
NMA10000F0100 7025: Adp Input/Output & Storage Devices $235,211.00 2000
NMA10097C5007 D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs $1,687,430.00 2000
0002 5805: Telephone And Telegraph Equipment $87,091.00 2000
NMA10000F0006 D306: Adp Systems Analysis Services $267,003.00 2000
NMA10000F0006 D306: Adp Systems Analysis Services $0.00 2000
0001 D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs $600,000.00 2000
NMA10000F0071 7030: Adp Software $30,534.00 2000
0004 U012: Information Training $27,000.00 2000
0002 7030: Adp Software $1,414,280.00 2000
