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Vendor Name
Modification Parent
Major Agency Category
Modification Agency
Major Funding Agency
Procurement Instrument ID
Product Or Service Code Dollars Obligated Fiscal Year
MDA11399C0004 9999: Miscellaneous Items $127,500.00 2000
MDA11300F0242 J070: Maint-Rep Of Adp Eq & Supplies $28,358.00 2000
MDA11300C0001 9999: Miscellaneous Items $175,579.00 2000
MDA11398C0008 9999: Miscellaneous Items $87,004.00 2000
MDA11300F0218 5820: Radio Tv Eq Except Airborne $73,497.00 2000
MDA11300C0003 9999: Miscellaneous Items $118,195.00 2000
1025 9999: Miscellaneous Items $0.00 2000
MDA11397C0003 S206: Guard Services $26,513.00 2000
1046 9999: Miscellaneous Items $1,150,000.00 2000
MDA11300F0284 5820: Radio Tv Eq Except Airborne $94,787.00 2000
1046 9999: Miscellaneous Items $0.00 2000
0023 T010: Photographic - General - Still $32,500.00 2000
MDA11396C0051 S201: Custodial Janitorial Services $51,384.00 2000
0007 9999: Miscellaneous Items $93,787.00 2000
MDA11396C0027 T010: Photographic - General - Still $714,743.00 2000
MDA11300F0286 5820: Radio Tv Eq Except Airborne $94,787.00 2000
MDA11399C0001 9999: Miscellaneous Items $70,000.00 2000
0006 9999: Miscellaneous Items $26,325.00 2000
MDA11300D0001 9999: Miscellaneous Items $0.00 2000
MDA11398D0009 9999: Miscellaneous Items $0.00 2000
0003 9999: Miscellaneous Items $44,685.00 2000
MDA11300P0139 9999: Miscellaneous Items $25,740.00 2000
MDA11396C0027 T010: Photographic - General - Still $221,876.00 2000
MDA11396C0045 5895: Misc Communication Eq $205,949.00 2000
MDA11396C0027 T010: Photographic - General - Still $459,662.00 2000
MDA11399C0002 9999: Miscellaneous Items $120,564.00 2000
MDA11396C0027 T016: Audio/Visual Services $752,106.00 2000
MDA11300F0020 5820: Radio Tv Eq Except Airborne $726,563.00 2000
MDA11396C0027 T016: Audio/Visual Services $118,193.00 2000
1065 9999: Miscellaneous Items $0.00 2000
0014 9999: Miscellaneous Items $75,000.00 2000
0010 9999: Miscellaneous Items $41,638.00 2000
0009 9999: Miscellaneous Items $88,737.00 2000
0001 9999: Miscellaneous Items $153,728.00 2000
MDA11397C0003 S206: Guard Services $146,750.00 2000
0008 9999: Miscellaneous Items $91,800.00 2000
0003 9999: Miscellaneous Items $37,260.00 2000
MDA11396C0027 T016: Audio/Visual Services $433,753.00 2000
0024 T010: Photographic - General - Still $26,975.00 2000
MDA11397C0003 S206: Guard Services $139,543.00 2000
MDA11397C0018 9999: Miscellaneous Items $41,811.00 2000
MDA11398C0013 9999: Miscellaneous Items $120,564.00 2000
MDA11300F0234 5820: Radio Tv Eq Except Airborne $27,000.00 2000
MDA11397C0003 S206: Guard Services $146,816.00 2000
MDA11300F0014 5820: Radio Tv Eq Except Airborne $250,931.00 2000
MDA11396C0027 T010: Photographic - General - Still $76,856.00 2000
MDA11396C0051 S201: Custodial Janitorial Services $51,384.00 2000
0015 9999: Miscellaneous Items $39,780.00 2000
MDA11396C0051 S201: Custodial Janitorial Services $51,384.00 2000
MDA11398C0001 9999: Miscellaneous Items $118,200.00 2000
MDA11396C0027 T010: Photographic - General - Still $175,866.00 2000
MDA11300P0173 9999: Miscellaneous Items $111,375.00 2000
MDA11300F0278 7010: Adpe System Configuration $44,676.00 2000
MDA11399F0774 5820: Radio Tv Eq Except Airborne $138,953.00 2000
1050 9999: Miscellaneous Items $0.00 2000
MDA11398C0002 T010: Photographic - General - Still $60,324.00 2000
1050 9999: Miscellaneous Items $1,200,000.00 2000
MDA11300P0270 9999: Miscellaneous Items $38,880.00 2000
1065 9999: Miscellaneous Items $1,000,000.00 2000
0014 9999: Miscellaneous Items ($49,206.00) 2000
MDA11300F0001 3610: Printing,duplicating & Bookbind Eq $54,288.00 2000
1009 9999: Miscellaneous Items $75,000.00 2000
MDA11300F0069 7025: Adp Input/Output & Storage Devices $35,936.00 2000
1025 9999: Miscellaneous Items $1,000,000.00 2000
MDA11301P0140 6760: Photographic Eq & Accessories $27,950.00 2001
0006 9999: Miscellaneous Items $40,560.00 2001
MDA11301C0008 J067: Maint-Rep Of Photographic Eq $1,389,073.00 2001
MDA11301F0110 7030: Adp Software $44,144.00 2001
0018 9999: Miscellaneous Items $246,045.00 2001
0017 9999: Miscellaneous Items $45,540.00 2001
MDA11301C0009 5820: Radio Tv Eq Except Airborne $214,808.00 2001
0017 9999: Miscellaneous Items $30,525.00 2001
MDA11301F0141 5805: Telephone And Telegraph Equipment $45,752.00 2001
0014 9999: Miscellaneous Items $45,540.00 2001
0004 9999: Miscellaneous Items $41,400.00 2001
MDA11301F0005 7010: Adpe System Configuration $35,005.00 2001
0033 9999: Miscellaneous Items $33,713.00 2001
MDA11300C0008 9999: Miscellaneous Items $32,136.00 2001
0018 9999: Miscellaneous Items $68,310.00 2001
0012 9999: Miscellaneous Items ($58,334.00) 2001
0025 9999: Miscellaneous Items $26,910.00 2001
MDA11301F0160 D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs $58,049.00 2001
MDA11301F0099 R799: Other Management Support Services $169,921.00 2001
MDA11301P0161 5820: Radio Tv Eq Except Airborne $73,016.00 2001
MDA11301F0060 7030: Adp Software $40,248.00 2001
0019 9999: Miscellaneous Items $68,310.00 2001
0025 9999: Miscellaneous Items $96,525.00 2001
0023 9999: Miscellaneous Items $215,063.00 2001
MDA11301P0159 9999: Miscellaneous Items $30,630.00 2001
MDA11301F0064 5820: Radio Tv Eq Except Airborne $34,500.00 2001
MDA11300C0008 9999: Miscellaneous Items $0.00 2001
0021 9999: Miscellaneous Items $83,899.00 2001
MDA11301F0038 7110: Office Furniture $26,827.00 2001
MDA11301F0069 7010: Adpe System Configuration $61,363.00 2001
MDA11301P0109 4120: Air Conditioning Equipment $35,561.00 2001
1014 9999: Miscellaneous Items $225,000.00 2001
MDA11301F0122 6130: Converters, Electrical, Nonrotating $128,331.00 2001
MDA11301P0222 5820: Radio Tv Eq Except Airborne $97,391.00 2001
MDA11301F0155 5820: Radio Tv Eq Except Airborne $170,328.00 2001
0027 9999: Miscellaneous Items $156,080.00 2001
