N0018794D9... | | | | S206: Guard Services | $0.00 | 2000 | 237372 |
DECA0196GN... | | | | 8999: Food Items For Resale | $36,547.00 | 2000 | 374164 |
N0018794D9... | PP0022 | | | S206: Guard Services | $224,416.00 | 2000 | 387224 |
N6246700D2... | P00006 | | | S207: Insect And Rodent Control Services | $571,754.00 | 2002 | 1259608 |
N6246700D2... | | | | S207: Insect And Rodent Control Services | $0.00 | 2002 | 2028910 |
SP020001D7... | | | | 6505: Drugs And Biologicals | $38,079.00 | 2003 | 2263277 |
SP047003D1... | | | | 1660: Aircraft Air Condition Heating Eq | $0.00 | 2003 | 3155675 |
SP050001D0... | | | | 8145: Special Shipping & Storage Contain | $33,679.00 | 2004 | 3301164 |
SP041204D0... | | | | 1560: Airframe Structural Components | $0.00 | 2004 | 3384119 |
SP020004D7... | | | | 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies | $3,842.00 | 2005 | 5375273 |
DECA0103G5... | | | | 8999: Food Items For Resale | $107,720.00 | 2005 | 5387064 |
SP050004DB... | | | | 4210: Fire Fighting Equipment | $10,282.00 | 2005 | 5624663 |
SP050099DE... | | | | 3830: Truck And Tractor Attachments | $3,046.00 | 2005 | 6442419 |
SP050002D0... | | | | 5320: Rivets | $4,051.00 | 2005 | 7112753 |
SP020001D7... | | | | 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies | $4,819.00 | 2005 | 7361412 |
SP050004DB... | | | | 9999: Miscellaneous Items | $6,154.00 | 2005 | 7385836 |
N0014001DK... | | | | N099: Install Of Misc Eq | $55,120.00 | 2005 | 7459803 |
DECA0200D0... | | | | 8910: Dairy Foods And Eggs | $123,880.00 | 2006 | 8412967 |
SPM40005D9... | | | | 1615: Helicopter Rotor Blades-Drive Mech | $9,903.00 | 2006 | 9047297 |
SP075002D9... | | | | 2510: Veh Cab Body Frame Structural Comp | $6,363.00 | 2006 | 9637642 |
USZA2203D0... | | | | K099: Mod Of Misc Eq | $18,998.00 | 2006 | 10719451 |
SP075001D9... | | | | 2510: Veh Cab Body Frame Structural Comp | $3,955.00 | 2006 | 11829169 |
USZA2203D0... | 3 | | | K099: Mod Of Misc Eq | ($6,015.00) | 2007 | 12046500 |
N6247005A6... | | | | Z159: Maint-Rep-Alt/Other Industrial Bldg | $7,500.00 | 2007 | 12244972 |
SPM40001D9... | | | | 1560: Airframe Structural Components | $3,775.00 | 2007 | 12354600 |
USZA2203D0... | 1 | | | K099: Mod Of Misc Eq | $0.00 | 2007 | 13031055 |
USZA2203D0... | 2 | | | K099: Mod Of Misc Eq | $0.00 | 2007 | 14186893 |
SPM30208AG... | | | | 8915: Fruits And Vegetables | $3,420.00 | 2008 | 16294920 |
SPM30008AG... | | | | 8915: Fruits And Vegetables | $7,700.00 | 2008 | 16526105 |
SPM30008AG... | | | | 8915: Fruits And Vegetables | $24,005.00 | 2008 | 16828720 |
N6247005A6... | 1 | | | Z159: Maint-Rep-Alt/Other Industrial Bldg | ($2,377.00) | 2008 | 16838398 |
SPM30008AG... | | | | 8915: Fruits And Vegetables | $27,815.00 | 2008 | 17058594 |
SPM30208AG... | | | | 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products | $5,975.00 | 2008 | 17187776 |
SPM30008AG... | | | | 8915: Fruits And Vegetables | $19,312.00 | 2008 | 17243271 |
SPM30008AA... | | | | 8915: Fruits And Vegetables | $3,600.00 | 2008 | 17583850 |
SPM30008AG... | | | | 8915: Fruits And Vegetables | $3,749.00 | 2008 | 17772294 |
SPM30008AE... | | | | 8915: Fruits And Vegetables | $4,246.00 | 2008 | 18017877 |
SPM30208AG... | | | | 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products | $8,032.00 | 2008 | 18700472 |
SPM30008AG... | | | | 8915: Fruits And Vegetables | $22,333.00 | 2008 | 19115980 |
SPM30008AF... | | | | 8915: Fruits And Vegetables | $3,782.00 | 2008 | 19899937 |
SPM30008AG... | | | | 8915: Fruits And Vegetables | $8,855.00 | 2008 | 20063043 |
SPM30208AG... | | | | 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products | $7,807.00 | 2008 | 20198871 |
SPM30008AG... | | | | 8915: Fruits And Vegetables | $4,144.00 | 2008 | 20265113 |
SPM30008AG... | | | | 8915: Fruits And Vegetables | $7,435.00 | 2008 | 20412161 |
SPM30208AG... | | | | 8920: Bakery And Cereal Products | $4,558.00 | 2008 | 20417085 |