Dollars Obligated by this Agreement The value of this contract. A positive obligation amount means the agency has or will pay the Vendor this amount. A negative amount is a de-obligation, money that was paid back to the agency.:
Base Contract and Exercised Options Value For new awards or Indefinite Delivery Vehicles, this is the contract value for the base contract and any options that have been exercised, if any, at the time of the award. For modifications, this is the change in the current contract value, positive or negative, that results from this modification.:
Base Contract and All Options Value This is the mutually agreed upon total contract or order value including all options (if any). For Indefinite Delivery Vehicles, the estimated value for all orders expected to be placed against the agreement. For modifications, the change (positive or negative) in the mutually agreed upon total contract value.:
Agency Categories
Contracting Office Agency
Office Type: Contracting Office
Office: Funded by Foreign Entity
Not Applicable
Date Signed The date that a mutually binding agreement was reached. The date signed by the Contracting Officer or the Vendor, whichever is later.:
Effective Date The date that the parties agree will be the starting date for the contract's requirements. :
Current Completion Date For an initial award, the scheduled contract completion date for the base contract and any options exercised at the time of the award. For modifications that exercise options, the revised scheduled completion date for the base contract and the exercised options.:
Contract Action Type
Purchase Order
Type Of Contract Pricing
Y: Time And Materials
Subcontract Plan
Not Applicable
Letter Contract
Not Applicable
Performance Based Service Contract
X: Not Applicable
Contingency Humanitarian Peace Keeping Operation
Not Applicable
Cost or Pricing Data
Not Applicable
Cost Accounting Standards Clause
Not Applicable
Purchase Card as Payment Method Indicates whether the payment method was a Purchase Card. Vendors cannot be paid by Payment Card for Indefinite Delivery Vehicle Contracts.:
Number of Actions Identifies the number of actions that are reported in one modification. Only the Department of Defense must report this information. For new contracts or modifications to contracts, agreements or orders, this is the number of actions that involved contract modifications for additional supplies or services.:
National Interest Action Code
Not Applicable
Multiple Or Single Award IDC
Not Applicable
Vendor Name
Vendor Alternate Name:
Vendor Legal Organization Name:
Division Name
Not Applicable
Vendor Address
CHARLOTTE, NC 28208-5861
United States Vendor State Congressional District
Vendor Site Code :
Vendor Alternate Site Code:
DUNS number
The Vendor's unique Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number issued by Dun & Bradstreet. :
Parent DUNS Number
The prime awardee parent organization's Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number issued by Dun & Bradstreet. :
Registration Date:
Modification Parent
Location of Performance Location of the principal plant or place of business where the items will be produced, supplied from stock or where the service will be performed. :
Address Place of Performance
Place of Performance Congressional District
Product Service Code Category
41: Refrig, Air Condit/Circulat Eqpt
Product Or Service Code
4120: Air Conditioning Equipment
Principal NAICS Code
The principal North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code (used to designate major sectors of the economies of Mexico, Canada, and the United States) that indicates the industry in which the vendor does business. :
Transaction does not use Government Furnished Equipment or Property
Procurement Instrument Identifier The unique identifier for each contract, agreement or order. This may be the Contract, Purchase Order, or Agreement Number for this award. :
Fiscal Year The fiscal year in which the award occurred. :
Extent Competed
C: Not Competed
Reason Not Competed
One: Only One Source - Other
Number of Offers Received The number of actual offers or bids were received in response to the solicitation for this award. :
Commercial Item Acquisition Procedures
D: Commercial Item Procedures Not Used
Solicitation Procedures
Sss: Only One Source
Type Of Set Aside
None: No Set Aside Used.
Annual Revenue
The vendor's annual gross revenue, taken from an average of the last three years as obtained from System for Award Management (SAM).:
Contracting Officer Business Size Determination
O: Other Than Small Business
Service Contract Act
Transaction is subject to the Service Contract Act concerning payment of prevailing wage rates and fringe benefits to service employees. :
Inter Agency Contracting Authority
X: Not Applicable