| N0018304P0... | 0 | | 9999: Miscellaneous Items | $1,000.00 | 2004 | 3589561 |
| W91YTZ05P0... | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $2,599.00 | 2005 | 6114006 |
| N0018305P0... | 0 | | 9999: Miscellaneous Items | $1,750.00 | 2005 | 6947323 |
| N0018306P0... | P00001 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $0.00 | 2006 | 9175161 |
| N0018306P0... | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $2,485.00 | 2006 | 9310946 |
| N0018306P0... | P00002 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $0.00 | 2006 | 10614698 |
| V5587P2378 | 0 | | H399: Inspect Svcs/Misc Eq | $95.00 | 2007 | 12277072 |
| V5587P8954 | 0 | | 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies | $147.95 | 2007 | 13317050 |
| V5587P3986 | 0 | | J099: Maint-Rep Of Misc Eq | $1,406.00 | 2007 | 13465195 |
| N0018307P0... | P00001 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $0.00 | 2007 | 14105001 |
| N0018307P0... | P00002 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | ($3,000.00) | 2007 | 14496379 |
| V5587R0782 | 0 | | 7510: Office Supplies | $90.45 | 2007 | 15523362 |
| N0018307P0... | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $5,880.00 | 2007 | 15701092 |
| V5588P9225 | 0 | | J066: Maint-Rep Of Instruments & Lab Eq | $150.00 | 2008 | 16380615 |
| N0018307P0... | P00003 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $0.00 | 2008 | 17443167 |
| N0018307P0... | P00004 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $3,000.00 | 2008 | 17600032 |
| V5588P4687 | 0 | | J066: Maint-Rep Of Instruments & Lab Eq | $1,664.50 | 2008 | 17618963 |
| N0018308P1... | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $0.00 | 2008 | 17746748 |
| V534Q80679 | 0 | | J074: Maint-Rep Of Office Machines | $194.60 | 2008 | 17789348 |
| V534Q80413 | 0 | | 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies | $42.50 | 2008 | 18165265 |
| V534Q80141 | 0 | | J074: Maint-Rep Of Office Machines | $1,906.80 | 2008 | 18208899 |
| V534Q81743 | 0 | | 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies | $506.50 | 2008 | 18851708 |
| HHSN263200... | 1 | | J066: Maint-Rep Of Instruments & Lab Eq | ($878.80) | 2008 | 19438816 |
| HHSN263200... | 0 | | J066: Maint-Rep Of Instruments & Lab Eq | $4,050.00 | 2008 | 20431580 |
| W81XWH09P0... | P00002 | | 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies | $0.00 | 2009 | 20756215 |
| W81XWH09P0... | P00001 | | 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies | $200.00 | 2009 | 20776519 |
| W81XWH09P0... | 0 | | 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies | $9,819.50 | 2009 | 20982248 |
| N0018308P1... | P00001 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $3,146.00 | 2009 | 21178518 |
| N0018309P1... | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $0.00 | 2009 | 21367288 |
| N0018308P1... | P00003 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $0.00 | 2009 | 21758479 |