| DAKF2902W1... | 0 | | 5999: Msc Elect & Electronic Components | $68,245.00 | 2002 | 1568025 |
| W912C705W0... | 0 | | J067: Maint-Rep Of Photographic Eq | $17,822.00 | 2005 | 7708984 |
| W912C705W0... | P00001 | | J067: Maint-Rep Of Photographic Eq | $6,182.00 | 2005 | 7790448 |
| V580C60756 | 0 | | D307: Automated Information System Svcs | $9,412.00 | 2006 | 8255828 |
| V6186PS001 | 0 | | 9999: Miscellaneous Items | $340.00 | 2006 | 10106847 |
| W912C706W0... | 0 | | 6730: Photographic Projection Equipment | $13,187.00 | 2006 | 11840714 |
| FA663307P0... | 0 | | 5895: Misc Communication Eq | $18,603.00 | 2007 | 12153824 |
| GS05P07SEP... | 0 | | Z111: Maint-Rep-Alt/Office Bldgs | $12,485.00 | 2007 | 13031365 |
| V580A70039 | 0 | | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $28,236.00 | 2007 | 14202132 |
| W912C706W0... | P00001 | | 6730: Photographic Projection Equipment | ($147.00) | 2007 | 14771051 |
| FA663307M0... | 0 | | 7730: Phonograph,radio & Tv-Home Type | $51,139.00 | 2007 | 14810556 |
| V6187P7427 | 0 | | J099: Maint-Rep Of Misc Eq | $1,014.92 | 2007 | 14848526 |
| GS05P07SEP... | PC01 | | Z111: Maint-Rep-Alt/Office Bldgs | $7,150.00 | 2007 | 15010814 |
| HHSF222200... | 0 | | AD21: Services (Basic) | $8,166.00 | 2007 | 15304911 |
| V6188P8924 | 0 | | 9999: Miscellaneous Items | $72.20 | 2008 | 16087764 |
| VA580A8001... | 0 | | D314: Adp Acquisition Sup Svcs | $28,812.00 | 2008 | 16355525 |
| V6188P1880 | 0 | | 9999: Miscellaneous Items | $146.00 | 2008 | 17776915 |
| FA663308M0... | 0 | | S113: Telephone And-Or Communications Ser | $33,818.00 | 2008 | 17945942 |
| V618P81901 | 0 | | 7730: Phonograph,radio & Tv-Home Type | $2,273.00 | 2008 | 18395874 |
| VA263P0173 | 0 | | D317: Auto News, Data & Other Svcs | $13,908.00 | 2008 | 18736478 |
| V6188PD665 | 0 | | 9999: Miscellaneous Items | $694.45 | 2008 | 20276225 |
| V501Q97706 | 0 | | 9999: Miscellaneous Items | $16,972.30 | 2009 | 20675718 |
| FA663309P0... | 0 | | S113: Telephone And-Or Communications Ser | $12,126.80 | 2009 | 21386112 |
| VA580A9000... | 0 | | S119: Other Utilities | $33,672.00 | 2009 | 21491135 |
| FA663309M0... | P00001 | | S113: Telephone And-Or Communications Ser | $50.00 | 2009 | 21551990 |
| FA663309M0... | 0 | | S113: Telephone And-Or Communications Ser | $27,235.30 | 2009 | 21722550 |