GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB3118... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $6,264.75 | 2006 | 8641351 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB5E25... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $254.70 | 2006 | 8826949 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB3M96... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $169.80 | 2006 | 8957231 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB4F77... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $84.90 | 2006 | 8957232 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB4Z34... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $679.20 | 2006 | 9187954 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB4F75... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $1,018.80 | 2006 | 9792974 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB4Z29... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $339.60 | 2006 | 10067371 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB2T74... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $331.38 | 2006 | 10122826 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB2L53... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $424.50 | 2006 | 10309716 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB2T74... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $331.38 | 2006 | 11420247 |
| GS06FS0068 | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $0.00 | 2006 | 11901874 |
| GS06FS0068 | 1 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $0.00 | 2006 | 11965312 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB8G38... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $331.38 | 2007 | 11985928 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB7126... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $1,273.50 | 2007 | 12126753 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB7M83... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $1,273.50 | 2007 | 12126833 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB5T65... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $165.69 | 2007 | 12172500 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBJF79... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $1,273.50 | 2007 | 12174348 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBCS60... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $84.90 | 2007 | 12189432 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBEA29... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $509.40 | 2007 | 12279200 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNFKV87... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $1,273.50 | 2007 | 12323151 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNE6E66... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $3,735.60 | 2007 | 12326812 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNFAH60... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $169.80 | 2007 | 12342359 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBJH03... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $339.60 | 2007 | 12378195 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNE7N07... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $169.80 | 2007 | 12495246 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBFP78... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $849.00 | 2007 | 12497513 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNE9454... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $84.90 | 2007 | 12502665 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBFL54... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $6,099.06 | 2007 | 12573309 |
SPM7MX07D9... | 0001 | 0 | | 5999: Msc Elect & Electronic Components | $4,251.00 | 2007 | 12657214 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNE9D72... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $254.70 | 2007 | 12673631 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB8L25... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $764.10 | 2007 | 12690538 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBCU97... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $84.90 | 2007 | 12706923 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBD099... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $3,993.00 | 2007 | 12738670 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNFHD90... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $84.90 | 2007 | 12750459 |
SPM7MX07D9... | 0002 | 0 | | 5999: Msc Elect & Electronic Components | $9,558.00 | 2007 | 12755595 |
SPM7MX07D9... | 0004 | 0 | | 5999: Msc Elect & Electronic Components | $14,484.00 | 2007 | 12776219 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBG020... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $509.40 | 2007 | 12842510 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB6E58... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $4,245.00 | 2007 | 12873645 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBK581... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $2,547.00 | 2007 | 12932806 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBE957... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $339.60 | 2007 | 12935601 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBFU37... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $339.60 | 2007 | 12947354 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNEJV86... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $84.90 | 2007 | 12952936 |
SPM7MX07D9... | 0006 | 0 | | 5999: Msc Elect & Electronic Components | $11,792.00 | 2007 | 12952947 |
SPM7MX07D9... | 0007 | 0 | | 5999: Msc Elect & Electronic Components | $13,925.00 | 2007 | 12988846 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB7P75... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $1,656.90 | 2007 | 13075304 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNEG578... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $509.40 | 2007 | 13080138 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBEM62... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $84.90 | 2007 | 13100358 |
SPM7MX07D9... | 0008 | 0 | | 5999: Msc Elect & Electronic Components | $9,273.00 | 2007 | 13106906 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNE9V14... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $3,056.40 | 2007 | 13122236 |
SPM7MX07D9... | 0010 | 0 | | 5999: Msc Elect & Electronic Components | $15,704.00 | 2007 | 13230169 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBB787... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $84.90 | 2007 | 13287754 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNEAA71... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $1,325.52 | 2007 | 13287796 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB6C93... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $1,996.50 | 2007 | 13333559 |
SPM7MX07D9... | 0011 | 0 | | 5999: Msc Elect & Electronic Components | $5,661.00 | 2007 | 13349509 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBMG01... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $2,292.30 | 2007 | 13370679 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBB286... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $84.90 | 2007 | 13371721 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBCB67... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $6,367.50 | 2007 | 13470038 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBAW73... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $254.70 | 2007 | 13488375 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNEL938... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $339.60 | 2007 | 13532177 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBGU62... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $1,188.60 | 2007 | 13542038 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBK935... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $84.90 | 2007 | 13552176 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNFJ860... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $169.80 | 2007 | 13657609 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBHU70... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $1,443.30 | 2007 | 13657626 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB8C09... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $849.00 | 2007 | 13681854 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNFBX77... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $165.69 | 2007 | 13705588 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBG017... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $509.40 | 2007 | 13744267 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBDN18... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $84.90 | 2007 | 13744319 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBDW39... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $84.90 | 2007 | 13744483 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNEEA70... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $84.90 | 2007 | 13777810 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBHE43... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $1,273.50 | 2007 | 13854206 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBLN56... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $849.00 | 2007 | 13872473 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBAZ23... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $339.60 | 2007 | 13895041 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBFU37... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $679.20 | 2007 | 13944833 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBL530... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $1,018.80 | 2007 | 13987796 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBA166... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $339.60 | 2007 | 13999697 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBAW78... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $1,018.80 | 2007 | 13999702 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB6C10... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $84.90 | 2007 | 14077022 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBA717... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $1,358.40 | 2007 | 14101200 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB6G32... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $84.90 | 2007 | 14174489 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNFCJ80... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $84.90 | 2007 | 14196620 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBHW82... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $1,018.80 | 2007 | 14245192 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB8B36... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $679.20 | 2007 | 14271322 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB8687... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $1,018.80 | 2007 | 14271437 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNE7903... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $662.76 | 2007 | 14384493 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBDJ99... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $2,462.10 | 2007 | 14385918 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNFHA28... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $84.90 | 2007 | 14436407 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBEY06... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $84.90 | 2007 | 14481196 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBKU62... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $84.90 | 2007 | 14546658 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB5X20... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $169.80 | 2007 | 14565749 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBCS18... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $254.70 | 2007 | 14565750 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNFBF43... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $169.80 | 2007 | 14598888 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB9B63... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $594.30 | 2007 | 14692704 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNFBP41... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $169.80 | 2007 | 14692715 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBEG28... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $254.70 | 2007 | 14764854 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB8A98... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $84.90 | 2007 | 14787759 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNECU01... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $994.14 | 2007 | 14796561 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBEL76... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $662.76 | 2007 | 14869188 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBKF65... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $84.90 | 2007 | 14916343 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNFJT77... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $679.20 | 2007 | 14916364 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNB7424... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $84.90 | 2007 | 14921988 |
GS06FS0068 | GSMPNBCJ77... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $849.00 | 2007 | 14998549 |