| W25G1V05P3... | P00001 | | S208: Landscaping/Groundskeeping Services | $49,999.00 | 2005 | 6014458 |
| W25G1V05P2... | 0 | | S208: Landscaping/Groundskeeping Services | $100,000.00 | 2005 | 6510580 |
| W25G1V05P3... | 0 | | S208: Landscaping/Groundskeeping Services | $50,000.00 | 2005 | 6689294 |
| W25G1V05P4... | 0 | | Z224: Maint-Rep-Alt/Parking Facilities | $88,372.00 | 2005 | 7206569 |
| W25G1V05P4... | 0 | | S208: Landscaping/Groundskeeping Services | $99,999.00 | 2005 | 7892975 |
| W25G1V06P2... | 0 | | Y152: Construct/Maint Bldgs | $16,900.00 | 2006 | 8702243 |
| W25G1V06P2... | P00001 | | Y152: Construct/Maint Bldgs | $6,225.00 | 2006 | 9117233 |
W25G1V06A0... | 0003 | 0 | | J099: Maint-Rep Of Misc Eq | $6,665.00 | 2006 | 9117263 |
| W25G1V05P4... | P00002 | | S208: Landscaping/Groundskeeping Services | ($4.00) | 2006 | 9182264 |
| W25G1V06P0... | P00001 | | Z199: Maint-Rep-Alt/Misc Bldgs | $5,500.00 | 2006 | 9401307 |
W25G1V06A0... | 0002 | 0 | | Z152: Maint-Rep-Alt/Maint Bldgs | $10,525.00 | 2006 | 10144501 |
| W25G1V05P4... | P00001 | | Z224: Maint-Rep-Alt/Parking Facilities | $11,485.00 | 2006 | 10339538 |
| W25G1V06P2... | 0 | | Z152: Maint-Rep-Alt/Maint Bldgs | $28,000.00 | 2006 | 10689131 |
| W25G1V06P0... | 0 | | S208: Landscaping/Groundskeeping Services | $99,999.00 | 2006 | 10986938 |
| W25G1V06P0... | 0 | | Z199: Maint-Rep-Alt/Misc Bldgs | $16,947.00 | 2006 | 10986940 |
| W25G1V06P2... | 0 | | Y152: Construct/Maint Bldgs | $11,500.00 | 2006 | 11075012 |
| W25G1V06P0... | 0 | | Z152: Maint-Rep-Alt/Maint Bldgs | $6,800.00 | 2006 | 11260809 |
| W25G1V06A0... | 0 | | Z152: Maint-Rep-Alt/Maint Bldgs | $0.00 | 2006 | 11964421 |
W25G1V06A0... | 0012 | 0 | | J099: Maint-Rep Of Misc Eq | $1,425.00 | 2007 | 12064798 |
W25G1V06A0... | 0013 | 0 | | Z152: Maint-Rep-Alt/Maint Bldgs | $24,750.00 | 2007 | 13835004 |
| W25G1V05P3... | P00003 | | Z299: Maint, Rep/Alter/All Other | $1,618.00 | 2007 | 14754387 |
| W25G1V05P3... | P00002 | | Z299: Maint, Rep/Alter/All Other | ($1,618.00) | 2007 | 15052318 |
W25G1V06A0... | 0007 | 0 | | J099: Maint-Rep Of Misc Eq | $2,575.00 | 2007 | 15052341 |
W25G1V06A0... | 0009 | 0 | | Z152: Maint-Rep-Alt/Maint Bldgs | $2,950.00 | 2007 | 15178049 |
W25G1V06A0... | 0011 | 0 | | J099: Maint-Rep Of Misc Eq | $7,350.00 | 2007 | 15857514 |
| W25G1V08P3... | P00001 | | Z152: Maint-Rep-Alt/Maint Bldgs | $5,800.00 | 2008 | 16328352 |
| W25G1V08P3... | 0 | | Z152: Maint-Rep-Alt/Maint Bldgs | $17,000.00 | 2008 | 16546570 |
W25G1V06A0... | 0017 | 0 | | Z152: Maint-Rep-Alt/Maint Bldgs | $8,640.00 | 2008 | 16680122 |
| W25G1V08P3... | 0 | | 5680: Misc Contruct Materials | $100,000.00 | 2008 | 16804377 |
| W25G1V08P3... | 0 | | Z152: Maint-Rep-Alt/Maint Bldgs | $17,400.00 | 2008 | 16988305 |
| W25G1V08P3... | P00002 | | 5680: Misc Contruct Materials | $0.00 | 2008 | 17732941 |
| W25G1V08P3... | P00001 | | 5680: Misc Contruct Materials | $0.00 | 2008 | 17968993 |
| W25G1V08P3... | 0 | | 5680: Misc Contruct Materials | $99,999.00 | 2008 | 18185433 |
W25G1V06A0... | 0018 | 0 | | Z152: Maint-Rep-Alt/Maint Bldgs | $8,388.00 | 2008 | 18299770 |
| W25G1V08P4... | 0 | | Z152: Maint-Rep-Alt/Maint Bldgs | $4,975.00 | 2008 | 19514919 |