GS07F9762H | AW00019991... | 0 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | $30,000.00 | 2000 | 48920 |
| GS07F97624 | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $0.00 | 2000 | 165074 |
GS07F97624 | 0061420000... | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $19,000.00 | 2000 | 274475 |
GS07F9762H | 0055420000... | 0 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | $38,000.00 | 2000 | 549037 |
GS07F9762H | 0055420000... | 0 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | $38,000.00 | 2000 | 592524 |
GS07F9762H | BU00020030... | 0 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | $81,779.00 | 2003 | 2127435 |
GS07F9762H | 0055420030... | 0 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | $0.00 | 2003 | 2720243 |
GS07F9762H | 0055420030... | 1 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | $26,231.00 | 2003 | 2743782 |
GS07F9762H | 0026220030... | 0 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | $66,961.00 | 2003 | 2753038 |
GS07F9762H | 0024320030... | 0 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | $43,571.00 | 2003 | 3169530 |
GS07F9762H | INM0404DO3... | 0 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | $961.66 | 2004 | 3379948 |
GS07F9762H | N0020304F7... | 0 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | $34,033.00 | 2004 | 3710956 |
GS07F9762H | N0025904F6... | 0 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | $2,894.00 | 2004 | 4247175 |
GS07F9762H | N0025904F6... | P00001 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | ($720.00) | 2004 | 4396147 |
GS07F9762H | INM0404DO3... | 0 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | $961.66 | 2004 | 5105150 |
GS07F9762H | N6809505F1... | 0 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | $81,199.00 | 2005 | 7115188 |
GS07F9762H | V797S50104 | 0 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | $16,460.00 | 2005 | 7387229 |
GS07F9762H | V695Y66523 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $946.12 | 2006 | 8277248 |
GS07F9762H | V6956U5478 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $120.78 | 2006 | 8308182 |
GS07F9762H | V695Y69029 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $2,311.32 | 2006 | 8691159 |
GS07F9762H | V695Y69142 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $2,283.03 | 2006 | 8836398 |
GS07F9762H | V695Y69148 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $2,492.58 | 2006 | 9152601 |
GS07F9762H | V5176P2407 | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $2,237.19 | 2006 | 9295626 |
GS07F9762H | V539A61661 | 0 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | $2,947.84 | 2006 | 9479133 |
GS07F9762H | V6956U5964 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $1,449.92 | 2006 | 9677578 |
GS07F9762H | V581P63311 | 0 | | 6520: Dental Instruments Eq & Supplies | $120.00 | 2006 | 9677585 |
GS07F9762H | V603A69187 | 0 | | 7320: Kitchen Equipment And Appliances | $89,920.02 | 2006 | 9898972 |
GS07F9762H | V632R65661 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $666.58 | 2006 | 10150828 |
GS07F9762H | V632R67109 | 0 | | 6510: Surgical Dressing Materials | $86.01 | 2006 | 10311308 |
GS07F9762H | V515Q60327 | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $5,274.02 | 2006 | 10686566 |
GS07F9762H | V589S66400 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $2,633.42 | 2006 | 10914798 |
GS07F9762H | V603D60007 | 0 | | 6640: Laboratory Equipment And Supplies | $8,955.64 | 2006 | 11059234 |
GS07F9762H | V619S6P415 | 0 | | 9999: Miscellaneous Items | $19,717.47 | 2006 | 11240068 |
GS07F9762H | V663P64848 | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $304.24 | 2006 | 11401401 |
GS07F9762H | V6956U7928 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $1,577.96 | 2006 | 11401468 |
GS07F9762H | V6956U9238 | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $701.37 | 2006 | 11588919 |
GS07F9762H | V663P65100 | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $3,893.79 | 2006 | 11588920 |
GS07F9762H | V695P60554 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $3,580.62 | 2006 | 11710060 |
GS07F9762H | V695Y63702 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $2,371.40 | 2006 | 11838254 |
GS07F9762H | V657R77509 | 0 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | $6,080.21 | 2007 | 12100253 |
GS07F9762H | V695U73599 | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $100.65 | 2007 | 12152221 |
GS07F9762H | V657R77792 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $321.18 | 2007 | 12239957 |
GS07F9762H | V695U74530 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $1,300.00 | 2007 | 12350586 |
GS07F9762H | V657R78081 | 0 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | $10,175.45 | 2007 | 12463715 |
GS07F9762H | V695U75986 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $920.00 | 2007 | 12516617 |
GS07F9762H | V537P70222 | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $5,910.00 | 2007 | 12646615 |
GS07F9762H | V657R78082 | 0 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | $5,789.72 | 2007 | 12648063 |
GS07F9762H | V537U75357 | 0 | | 7510: Office Supplies | $571.90 | 2007 | 12800494 |
GS07F9762H | HHSI245703... | 1 | | 7510: Office Supplies | $3,100.00 | 2007 | 12810968 |
GS07F9762H | V596P78055 | 0 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | $2,300.98 | 2007 | 12994399 |
GS07F9762H | HHSI245703... | 0 | | 7510: Office Supplies | $16,981.85 | 2007 | 13007071 |
GS07F9762H | V614P74317 | 0 | | 7510: Office Supplies | $254.87 | 2007 | 13141361 |
GS07F9762H | V596P78057 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $2,331.66 | 2007 | 13267547 |
GS07F9762H | FA441707F0... | 0 | | 6520: Dental Instruments Eq & Supplies | $4,216.00 | 2007 | 13271735 |
GS07F9762H | V6957U2264 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $2,531.88 | 2007 | 13321061 |
GS07F9762H | V596P78597 | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $1,754.98 | 2007 | 13464844 |
GS07F9762H | V6957U2515 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $503.50 | 2007 | 13521274 |
GS07F9762H | V596P79324 | 0 | | 9999: Miscellaneous Items | $3,221.92 | 2007 | 13542776 |
GS07F9762H | V657R78083 | 0 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | $8,437.44 | 2007 | 13758215 |
GS07F9762H | V596P79380 | 0 | | 7110: Office Furniture | $5,858.50 | 2007 | 13761495 |
GS07F9762H | V596P79675 | 0 | | 6520: Dental Instruments Eq & Supplies | $254.73 | 2007 | 13864357 |
GS07F9762H | V657R78090 | 0 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | $13,691.84 | 2007 | 13960257 |
GS07F9762H | V678A70378 | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $2,318.70 | 2007 | 14037469 |
GS07F9762H | N0020307F8... | 0 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | $5,285.00 | 2007 | 14052861 |
GS07F9762H | V589S70186 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $41.18 | 2007 | 14112786 |
GS07F9762H | V6737F2358 | 0 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | $2,145.71 | 2007 | 14250606 |
GS07F9762H | V678C70489 | 0 | | N071: Install Of Furniture | $106,603.96 | 2007 | 14250631 |
GS07F9762H | V632R73416 | 0 | | 6510: Surgical Dressing Materials | $137.71 | 2007 | 14292118 |
GS07F9762H | V653P71516 | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $17,449.00 | 2007 | 14338307 |
GS07F9762H | V632R76951 | 0 | | 6510: Surgical Dressing Materials | $137.71 | 2007 | 14458368 |
GS07F9762H | V632R72219 | 0 | | 6510: Surgical Dressing Materials | $86.01 | 2007 | 14489511 |
GS07F9762H | V659A70165 | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $4,477.08 | 2007 | 14521057 |
GS07F9762H | V659A70434 | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $8,954.16 | 2007 | 14602785 |
GS07F9762H | V603P77864 | 0 | | 5340: Hardware | $713.80 | 2007 | 14652285 |
GS07F9762H | V603P77983 | 0 | | 9999: Miscellaneous Items | $2,035.88 | 2007 | 14845299 |
GS07F9762H | V603A70604 | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $12,198.66 | 2007 | 14845437 |
GS07F9762H | V6957U3817 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $117.12 | 2007 | 15031554 |
GS07F9762H | V6957U5741 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $503.50 | 2007 | 15233214 |
GS07F9762H | V603A70605 | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $3,019.43 | 2007 | 15355987 |
GS07F9762H | V6957U9724 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $228.77 | 2007 | 15368705 |
GS07F9762H | V603A79044 | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $539.85 | 2007 | 15546674 |
GS07F9762H | V603P78404 | 0 | | 9999: Miscellaneous Items | $23.79 | 2007 | 15560397 |
GS07F9762H | V695A70350 | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $15,305.18 | 2007 | 15758863 |
GS07F9762H | V603A79124 | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $1,939.35 | 2007 | 15758874 |
GS07F9762H | V695P70134 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $2,762.72 | 2007 | 15894569 |
GS07F9762H | V657E70390 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $111,150.00 | 2007 | 15961014 |
GS07F9762H | V6958R0552 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $422.40 | 2008 | 16202161 |
GS07F9762H | V695R82556 | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $78.23 | 2008 | 16501023 |
GS07F9762H | V695R82926 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $2,263.80 | 2008 | 16716724 |
GS07F9762H | V695R88700 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $410.00 | 2008 | 16963875 |
GS07F9762H | V695P80130 | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $6,569.72 | 2008 | 17929588 |
GS07F9762H | N0020307F8... | P00001 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | $0.00 | 2008 | 18113840 |
GS07F9762H | V695R83101 | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $127.00 | 2008 | 18245922 |
GS07F9762H | V695R82011 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $457.60 | 2008 | 18553800 |
GS07F9762H | V695R87267 | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $315.00 | 2008 | 18574761 |
GS07F9762H | V695R88419 | 0 | | 6530: Hosp Furniture,eq,utensils & Sup | $1,806.42 | 2008 | 18822383 |
GS07F9762H | V695P80098 | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $16,552.36 | 2008 | 18890779 |
GS07F9762H | V695P80128 | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $3,652.68 | 2008 | 19111330 |
GS07F9762H | V695A80008 | 0 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | $42,671.40 | 2008 | 19450567 |
GS07F9762H | V657R80665 | 0 | | 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving | $295.95 | 2008 | 19450617 |