V10193P166... | 0050819991... | 0 | | 9999: Miscellaneous Items | $48,000.00 | 2000 | 129268 |
| V69P6040 | 0 | | C212: Engineering Drafting Services | $0.00 | 2000 | 160874 |
| 523C00580 | 0 | | S114: Water Services | $0.00 | 2000 | 167789 |
| 598C05341 | 0 | | 7030: Adp Software | $0.00 | 2000 | 173154 |
| 5230C0787 | 0 | | S114: Water Services | $0.00 | 2000 | 181186 |
V10193P156... | 0069D20000... | 0 | | Q402: Nursing Home Care Contracts | $4,000.00 | 2000 | 201671 |
5230C0787 | 0052319991... | 0 | | S114: Water Services | $213,000.00 | 2000 | 242072 |
V69P6040 | 0026220000... | 0 | | C212: Engineering Drafting Services | $40,000.00 | 2000 | 254667 |
NIH26397D0... | 0069D20000... | 0 | | W070: Lease-Rent Of Adp Eq & Supplies | $42,000.00 | 2000 | 300313 |
| 0010F19990... | 1 | | Y149: Construct/Other Hospital Bldgs | $175,000.00 | 2000 | 346847 |
V520P6170 | 0052020000... | 0 | | Q402: Nursing Home Care Contracts | $6,000.00 | 2000 | 362652 |
523C00580 | 0052319991... | 0 | | S114: Water Services | $306,000.00 | 2000 | 426038 |
V797P3304J | 0067219991... | 0 | | 6540: Opthalmic Instruments Eq & Supplies | $64,000.00 | 2000 | 468414 |
598C05341 | 0059820000... | 0 | | 7030: Adp Software | $28,000.00 | 2000 | 496926 |
| 0026220000... | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $329,000.00 | 2000 | 527447 |
V539P3127 | 0053920000... | 0 | | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $313,000.00 | 2000 | 537892 |
| 0064920010... | 0 | | S112: Electric Services | $228,000.00 | 2001 | 713555 |
V550P5884A | 0055020010... | 0 | | Q402: Nursing Home Care Contracts | $14,000.00 | 2001 | 713571 |
| F2560000C0... | P00001 | | Z154: Maint-Rep-Alt/Ship Const-Repair Fac | $11,687.00 | 2001 | 730260 |
| V10193P162... | 0 | | D307: Automated Information System Svcs | $0.00 | 2001 | 747459 |
V550P5884A | 0055020010... | 0 | | Q402: Nursing Home Care Contracts | $15,000.00 | 2001 | 760030 |
| 0064920001... | 0 | | S112: Electric Services | $226,000.00 | 2001 | 960703 |
| F2560000C0... | P00002 | | Z154: Maint-Rep-Alt/Ship Const-Repair Fac | $27,378.00 | 2001 | 1024944 |
V550P5884A | 0069D20010... | 0 | | Q402: Nursing Home Care Contracts | $25,000.00 | 2001 | 1053604 |
| 0026220001... | 0 | | S113: Telephone And-Or Communications Ser | $153,000.00 | 2001 | 1084166 |
V10193P166... | 0057020010... | 0 | | V301: Relocation Services | $247,000.00 | 2001 | 1084209 |
V10193P162... | 0054020001... | 0 | | D307: Automated Information System Svcs | $42,000.00 | 2001 | 1115284 |
| 0026220010... | 0 | | S113: Telephone And-Or Communications Ser | $236,000.00 | 2001 | 1146028 |
| 0026220010... | 0 | | S113: Telephone And-Or Communications Ser | $106,000.00 | 2001 | 1162928 |
V550P5884A | 0055020010... | 0 | | Q402: Nursing Home Care Contracts | $27,000.00 | 2001 | 1204162 |
| 0026220010... | 0 | | S113: Telephone And-Or Communications Ser | $106,000.00 | 2001 | 1204178 |
| V797P3333J | 0 | | 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup | $0.00 | 2001 | 1217113 |
| V629P3238 | 2001 | | 6520: Dental Instruments Eq & Supplies | $0.00 | 2001 | 1222586 |
| V797P5435X | 0 | | 6505: Drugs And Biologicals | $0.00 | 2001 | 1233090 |
V550P5884A | 0055020020... | 0 | | Q402: Nursing Home Care Contracts | $29,000.00 | 2002 | 1335030 |
V550P5884A | 0055020020... | 0 | | Q402: Nursing Home Care Contracts | $15,000.00 | 2002 | 1355775 |
| 0026220020... | 0 | | S113: Telephone And-Or Communications Ser | $59,000.00 | 2002 | 1355986 |
V550P5884A | 0055020020... | 0 | | Q402: Nursing Home Care Contracts | $15,000.00 | 2002 | 1376276 |
| 0026220020... | 0 | | S113: Telephone And-Or Communications Ser | $14,000.00 | 2002 | 1435408 |
| 0026220020... | 0 | | S113: Telephone And-Or Communications Ser | $123,000.00 | 2002 | 1435410 |
V101P1665 | 0057020020... | 0 | | V301: Relocation Services | $21,000.00 | 2002 | 1439333 |
| 0026220011... | 0 | | S113: Telephone And-Or Communications Ser | $66,000.00 | 2002 | 1733652 |
| 0064920020... | 0 | | S112: Electric Services | $209,000.00 | 2002 | 1754499 |
| V101P1665 | 0 | | V301: Relocation Services | $0.00 | 2002 | 1773864 |
| 0026220011... | 0 | | S113: Telephone And-Or Communications Ser | $14,000.00 | 2002 | 1813452 |
| 0064920020... | 0 | | S112: Electric Services | $209,000.00 | 2002 | 1892066 |
V550P5884A | 0055020030... | 0 | | Q402: Nursing Home Care Contracts | $15,174.00 | 2003 | 2193423 |
| 0026220021... | 0 | | S113: Telephone And-Or Communications Ser | $7,053.00 | 2003 | 2877045 |
| 0026220021... | 0 | | S113: Telephone And-Or Communications Ser | $57,948.00 | 2003 | 2911358 |
V797P5435X | V657S62094 | 0 | | 6505: Drugs And Biologicals | $3,241.76 | 2006 | 8322660 |
V797P5435X | V657S62281 | 0 | | 6505: Drugs And Biologicals | $3,241.76 | 2006 | 8495415 |
V797P5435X | V671R64428 | 0 | | 6505: Drugs And Biologicals | $7,695.00 | 2006 | 11096985 |
V797P5435X | V600A60390 | 0 | | 6505: Drugs And Biologicals | $11,346.16 | 2006 | 11603842 |
V797P5435X | V600C60733 | 0 | | 6505: Drugs And Biologicals | $9,725.28 | 2006 | 11648451 |
V797P5435X | V657S61929 | 0 | | 6505: Drugs And Biologicals | $3,155.74 | 2006 | 11829391 |
V797P5435X | V671P71930 | 0 | | 6505: Drugs And Biologicals | $8,104.40 | 2007 | 12993794 |
V797P5435X | V760P70681 | 0 | | 6505: Drugs And Biologicals | $19,275.00 | 2007 | 13570985 |
V797P5435X | V760P71002 | 0 | | 6505: Drugs And Biologicals | $16,062.50 | 2007 | 13768528 |
V797P5435X | V760P71327 | 0 | | 6505: Drugs And Biologicals | $16,062.50 | 2007 | 13970345 |
V797P5435X | V671P74340 | 0 | | 6505: Drugs And Biologicals | $8,104.40 | 2007 | 14160832 |
V797P5435X | V760P70237 | 0 | | 6505: Drugs And Biologicals | $16,208.80 | 2007 | 14268154 |
V797P5435X | V760P70412 | 0 | | 6505: Drugs And Biologicals | $16,208.80 | 2007 | 14468280 |
V797P5435X | V600A70092 | 0 | | 6505: Drugs And Biologicals | $11,346.16 | 2007 | 14643460 |
V797P5435X | V760P80155 | 0 | | 6505: Drugs And Biologicals | $16,062.50 | 2008 | 17393069 |
V797P5435X | V600A80042 | 0 | | 6505: Drugs And Biologicals | $9,637.50 | 2008 | 17995133 |