| 0066320000... | 0 | | 7490: Miscellaneous Office Machines | $583,000.00 | 2000 | 4805 |
| 0056419991... | 0 | | W075: Lease-Rent Of Office Supplies | $210,000.00 | 2000 | 14596 |
| POS0119991... | 0 | | W036: Lease-Rent Of Sp Industry Machinery | $30,000.00 | 2000 | 85329 |
| CS00219980... | 3 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $61,000.00 | 2000 | 86830 |
| V405P3231 | 0 | | J074: Maint-Rep Of Office Machines | $0.00 | 2000 | 160844 |
| V663P45750... | 0 | | 3610: Printing,duplicating & Bookbind Eq | $0.00 | 2000 | 167760 |
| V405P3230 | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $0.00 | 2000 | 181161 |
V405P3231 | 0040519991... | 0 | | J074: Maint-Rep Of Office Machines | $27,000.00 | 2000 | 254875 |
GS26F1016B | OFMAM20000... | 0 | | 3610: Printing,duplicating & Bookbind Eq | $45,000.00 | 2000 | 299264 |
GS26F1016B | OFMAM20000... | 0 | | 3610: Printing,duplicating & Bookbind Eq | $51,000.00 | 2000 | 318688 |
V663P45750... | 0053119991... | 0 | | 3610: Printing,duplicating & Bookbind Eq | $56,000.00 | 2000 | 327636 |
V405P3230 | 0040519991... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $40,000.00 | 2000 | 361030 |
V463P00949... | 0046320000... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $216,000.00 | 2000 | 552191 |
V405P3231 | 0040520001... | 4052 | | J074: Maint-Rep Of Office Machines | $9,000.00 | 2001 | 627851 |
| CS00219980... | 4 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $61,000.00 | 2001 | 627859 |
V405P3230 | 0052320001... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $104,000.00 | 2001 | 627870 |
V405P3230 | 0052320001... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $74,000.00 | 2001 | 663901 |
V463P00949... | 0046320010... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $222,000.00 | 2001 | 663902 |
GS26F1016B | 0064220010... | 0 | | J099: Maint-Rep Of Misc Eq | $30,000.00 | 2001 | 665716 |
V405P3231 | 0040520010... | 0 | | J074: Maint-Rep Of Office Machines | $10,000.00 | 2001 | 678748 |
V405P3230 | 0040220010... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $26,000.00 | 2001 | 692440 |
| V4505P3230 | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $0.00 | 2001 | 724203 |
V405P3230 | 0040520010... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $20,000.00 | 2001 | 724761 |
V405P3231 | 0040520010... | 0 | | J074: Maint-Rep Of Office Machines | $8,000.00 | 2001 | 736901 |
V405P3230 | 0040520010... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $20,000.00 | 2001 | 751646 |
V663P45750... | 0053120001... | 0 | | W058: Lease-Rent Of Communication Eq | $60,000.00 | 2001 | 756197 |
V405P3231 | 0068920010... | 0 | | J074: Maint-Rep Of Office Machines | $120,000.00 | 2001 | 783271 |
V663P45759... | 0065320001... | 0 | | 7490: Miscellaneous Office Machines | $88,000.00 | 2001 | 785009 |
V405P3230 | 0040520010... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $18,000.00 | 2001 | 795823 |
| 0056420001... | 0 | | W075: Lease-Rent Of Office Supplies | $247,000.00 | 2001 | 829524 |
V4505P3230 | 0063120001... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $68,000.00 | 2001 | 940590 |
V405P3230 | 0068920010... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $108,000.00 | 2001 | 970487 |
V405P3231 | 0060820001... | 0 | | 3610: Printing,duplicating & Bookbind Eq | $122,000.00 | 2001 | 973128 |
V405P3230 | 0060820010... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $26,000.00 | 2001 | 1003908 |
V405P3231 | 0060820010... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $13,000.00 | 2001 | 1104714 |
V405P3231 | 0060820010... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $26,000.00 | 2001 | 1127668 |
V405P3230 | 0052320001... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $135,000.00 | 2001 | 1127675 |
V405P3231 | 0060820010... | 0 | | J074: Maint-Rep Of Office Machines | $13,000.00 | 2001 | 1127707 |
V405P3230 | 0040520001... | 4051 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $17,000.00 | 2001 | 1159015 |
V405P3231 | 0040520001... | 0 | | J074: Maint-Rep Of Office Machines | $0.00 | 2001 | 1159058 |
| V663P45759... | 0 | | 7490: Miscellaneous Office Machines | $0.00 | 2001 | 1188439 |
V405P3230 | 0040520001... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $0.00 | 2001 | 1189209 |
V405P3231 | 0040520001... | 4051 | | J074: Maint-Rep Of Office Machines | $8,000.00 | 2001 | 1200241 |
| V663P45750... | 0 | | W058: Lease-Rent Of Communication Eq | $0.00 | 2001 | 1218382 |
| V463P00949... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $0.00 | 2001 | 1235138 |
V405P3230 | 0040520020... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $20,000.00 | 2002 | 1248341 |
V405P3230 | 0040520020... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $20,000.00 | 2002 | 1271528 |
V663P45759... | 0065320011... | 0 | | 7490: Miscellaneous Office Machines | $93,000.00 | 2002 | 1305660 |
GS26F1016B | POS0120011... | 2 | | W036: Lease-Rent Of Sp Industry Machinery | $44,000.00 | 2002 | 1320067 |
GS26F1016B | POS0120011... | 0 | | W036: Lease-Rent Of Sp Industry Machinery | $0.00 | 2002 | 1360968 |
| 2900020020... | 0 | | 6760: Photographic Eq & Accessories | $30,000.00 | 2002 | 1538950 |
405P3231 | 0040520011... | 0 | | J074: Maint-Rep Of Office Machines | $9,000.00 | 2002 | 1566243 |
| 2900020020... | 0 | | 6760: Photographic Eq & Accessories | $30,000.00 | 2002 | 1582103 |
V405P3230 | 0063120011... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $75,000.00 | 2002 | 1662598 |
V405P3230 | 0052320011... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $107,000.00 | 2002 | 1748641 |
GS26F1018B | POS0120011... | 0 | | W036: Lease-Rent Of Sp Industry Machinery | $26,000.00 | 2002 | 1768881 |
V405P3230 | 0052320011... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $153,000.00 | 2002 | 1768887 |
| 0068920020... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $0.00 | 2002 | 1787642 |
V405P3230 | 0052320011... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $178,000.00 | 2002 | 1787643 |
V405P3230 | 0060820011... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $17,000.00 | 2002 | 1804930 |
| CS00219980... | 5 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $61,000.00 | 2002 | 1829662 |
V405P3230 | 0060820020... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $51,000.00 | 2002 | 1829663 |
| 0064220020... | 0 | | 6740: Photo Developlng & Finishing Eq | $30,000.00 | 2002 | 1845048 |
V405P3230 | 0068920020... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $105,000.00 | 2002 | 1845051 |
V405P3230 | 0068920020... | 0 | | 7490: Miscellaneous Office Machines | $0.00 | 2002 | 1868293 |
| 0068920020... | 4 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $81,000.00 | 2002 | 1887342 |
V405P3230 | 0068920020... | 5 | | 7490: Miscellaneous Office Machines | $68,000.00 | 2002 | 1887348 |
V405P3230 | 0068920020... | 4 | | 7490: Miscellaneous Office Machines | $68,000.00 | 2002 | 1905427 |
V405P3230 | 0068920020... | 0 | | 7490: Miscellaneous Office Machines | $0.00 | 2002 | 1931473 |
V405P3230 | 0051820011... | 0 | | W070: Lease-Rent Of Adp Eq & Supplies | $33,000.00 | 2002 | 1951101 |
V405P3230 | 0040220011... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $27,000.00 | 2002 | 1971193 |
531C27007 | 0053120011... | 0 | | 3610: Printing,duplicating & Bookbind Eq | $62,000.00 | 2002 | 1983840 |
V405P3230 | 0040520011... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $20,000.00 | 2002 | 2007697 |
V405P3230 | 0040520020... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $20,000.00 | 2002 | 2024662 |
| 531C27007 | 0 | | 3610: Printing,duplicating & Bookbind Eq | $0.00 | 2002 | 2053903 |
| 405P3231 | 0 | | J074: Maint-Rep Of Office Machines | $0.00 | 2002 | 2062387 |
V668P2508 | 0066820021... | 0 | | W053: Lease-Rent Of Hardware & Abrasives | $15,688.00 | 2003 | 2101012 |
| 2900020021... | 0 | | 7010: Adpe System Configuration | $36,000.00 | 2003 | 2268522 |
| CS00219980... | 6 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $61,463.00 | 2003 | 2830978 |
GS26F1016B | POS0120011... | 3 | | W036: Lease-Rent Of Sp Industry Machinery | $17,574.00 | 2003 | 3002777 |
| V668P2508 | 0 | | W053: Lease-Rent Of Hardware & Abrasives | $0.00 | 2003 | 3233925 |
V405P3230 | V523C48004 | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $150,090.24 | 2004 | 3761640 |
V405P3230 | V523C48129 | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $150,090.24 | 2004 | 3853246 |
V405P3230 | V405C20061 | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $92,811.00 | 2004 | 4070348 |
V668P2508 | V668C40010 | 0 | | W053: Lease-Rent Of Hardware & Abrasives | $81,044.40 | 2004 | 5049995 |
V668P2508 | V668C50020 | 0 | | W053: Lease-Rent Of Hardware & Abrasives | $81,044.40 | 2004 | 5140375 |
V405P3230 | V523C58119 | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $154,675.38 | 2005 | 5789321 |
V405P3230 | V405C20061... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $46,405.50 | 2005 | 7344598 |
V405P3230 | V631C60112 | 0 | | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $24,272.92 | 2006 | 8191114 |
V668P2508 | V668C68784 | 0 | | W053: Lease-Rent Of Hardware & Abrasives | $20,300.00 | 2006 | 8354390 |
V405P3230 | V631C60123 | 0 | | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $12,136.46 | 2006 | 8443697 |
| HSCEOP06P0... | P00003 | | 7490: Miscellaneous Office Machines | $3,807.00 | 2006 | 8568623 |
V668P2508 | V668C68784... | 0 | | W053: Lease-Rent Of Hardware & Abrasives | $14,010.00 | 2006 | 8914600 |
V668P2508 | V668C68787 | 0 | | W053: Lease-Rent Of Hardware & Abrasives | $14,000.00 | 2006 | 9167007 |
V405P3230 | V631P62042 | 0 | | V999: Other Travel Svcs | $175.00 | 2006 | 9377793 |
| HSCEOP06P0... | P00002 | | 7490: Miscellaneous Office Machines | $846.00 | 2006 | 11099353 |
V405P3230 | V523C68173 | 0 | | X119: Lease-Rent Of Other Admin-Svc Bldgs | $126,025.20 | 2006 | 11745370 |
| DJMS08OSCM... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $3,205.92 | 2008 | 19253375 |
| DOCAB133C0... | 0 | | 7045: Adp Supplies | $3,270.00 | 2008 | 20071202 |
| DJBFTDIF71... | 0 | | W070: Lease-Rent Of Adp Eq & Supplies | $8,087.40 | 2009 | 20730396 |