DACA6396D0... | 0051 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $45,000.00 | 2000 | 60695 |
DACA6396D0... | 0058 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $49,635.00 | 2000 | 61855 |
DTRS5698C0... | 0005619991... | 0 | | T099: Other Photo Mapping Printing Svc | $138,000.00 | 2000 | 77814 |
DACA6396D0... | 0050 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $140,000.00 | 2000 | 105567 |
DACA6396D0... | 0055 | 3 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $93,586.00 | 2000 | 117713 |
| F3360197CJ... | P00039 | | J023: Maint-Rep Of Vehicles-Trailers-Cyc | $89,068.00 | 2000 | 143872 |
| V598P3973 | 0 | | S215: Warehousing And Storage Services | $0.00 | 2000 | 168684 |
DACA6396D0... | 0055 | 2 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $30,333.00 | 2000 | 204797 |
V598P3973 | 0059819991... | 0 | | S215: Warehousing And Storage Services | $443,000.00 | 2000 | 214278 |
V598P3973 | 0059819991... | 0 | | S215: Warehousing And Storage Services | $318,000.00 | 2000 | 245827 |
DACA6396D0... | 0049 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $57,529.00 | 2000 | 257375 |
V598P3973 | 0059819991... | 0 | | S215: Warehousing And Storage Services | $204,000.00 | 2000 | 274265 |
DACA6396D0... | 0063 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $99,606.00 | 2000 | 285940 |
DACA6396D0... | 0054 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $72,619.00 | 2000 | 331539 |
DACA6396D0... | 0053 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $61,062.00 | 2000 | 381929 |
V598P3973 | 0059819991... | 0 | | S215: Warehousing And Storage Services | $243,000.00 | 2000 | 398860 |
DACA6396D0... | 0052 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $243,021.00 | 2000 | 442552 |
V598P3973 | 0059819991... | 0 | | S215: Warehousing And Storage Services | $132,000.00 | 2000 | 472125 |
DACA6396D0... | 0060 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $69,466.00 | 2000 | 500306 |
| F3360197CJ... | P00036 | | J023: Maint-Rep Of Vehicles-Trailers-Cyc | $947,841.00 | 2000 | 514738 |
| F3360197CJ... | P00043 | | J023: Maint-Rep Of Vehicles-Trailers-Cyc | ($100,000.00) | 2000 | 527775 |
DACA6396D0... | 0040 | 2 | | B545: Study/Housing And Community Develop | $29,998.00 | 2000 | 527784 |
DACA6396D0... | 0055 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $37,021.00 | 2000 | 527799 |
| F3360197CJ... | P00037 | | J023: Maint-Rep Of Vehicles-Trailers-Cyc | $4,458,433.00 | 2000 | 539696 |
V598P3973 | 0059819991... | 0 | | S215: Warehousing And Storage Services | $162,000.00 | 2000 | 541943 |
DACA6396D0... | 0068 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $173,107.00 | 2001 | 603907 |
DACA6396D0... | 0067 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $28,500.00 | 2001 | 623739 |
DACA6396D0... | 0067 | 2 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $98,010.00 | 2001 | 632414 |
DTRS5698C0... | 0005619980... | 5 | | T099: Other Photo Mapping Printing Svc | $50,000.00 | 2001 | 635784 |
DTCG8301D3... | DTCG8301F3... | 0 | | C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio | $24,000.00 | 2001 | 668730 |
DTCG8301D3... | DTCG8301F3... | 0 | | C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio | $25,000.00 | 2001 | 684270 |
DACA6301D0... | 0012 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $73,135.00 | 2001 | 698588 |
DACA6301D0... | 0001 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $74,220.00 | 2001 | 698957 |
DTCG8301D3... | DTCG8301F3... | 0 | | C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio | $38,000.00 | 2001 | 698961 |
DACA6301D0... | 0002 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $94,423.00 | 2001 | 714353 |
DACA6396D0... | 0065 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $32,673.00 | 2001 | 729117 |
DACA6301D0... | 0013 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $95,334.00 | 2001 | 740432 |
DACA6396D0... | 0064 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $35,613.00 | 2001 | 740739 |
DACA6301D0... | 0015 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $32,729.00 | 2001 | 760366 |
DTRS5698C0... | 0005620001... | 0 | | T099: Other Photo Mapping Printing Svc | $100,000.00 | 2001 | 774474 |
DACA6301D0... | 0003 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $25,048.00 | 2001 | 776977 |
DACA6301D0... | 0004 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $74,972.00 | 2001 | 787102 |
DTRS5698C0... | 0005619980... | 3 | | T099: Other Photo Mapping Printing Svc | $308,000.00 | 2001 | 801239 |
DACA6396D0... | 0066 | 1 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $27,900.00 | 2001 | 802640 |
DACA6301D0... | 0006 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $29,390.00 | 2001 | 802662 |
DACA6396D0... | 0055 | 4 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $48,597.00 | 2001 | 817782 |
V598P3973 | 0059820001... | 0 | | S215: Warehousing And Storage Services | $170,000.00 | 2001 | 833118 |
DACA6301D0... | 0008 | 1 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $45,706.00 | 2001 | 833130 |
DACA6301D0... | 0008 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $63,291.00 | 2001 | 849007 |
DACA6301D0... | 0009 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $50,951.00 | 2001 | 884328 |
V598P3973 | 0059820001... | 0 | | S215: Warehousing And Storage Services | $466,000.00 | 2001 | 884374 |
DTFH6101T2... | 0006120010... | 0 | | U008: Training/Curriculum Development | $50,000.00 | 2001 | 893337 |
DACA6396D0... | 0074 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $46,497.00 | 2001 | 900728 |
DACA6301D0... | 0010 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $50,148.00 | 2001 | 914474 |
DACA6396D0... | 0073 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $152,241.00 | 2001 | 914479 |
DACA6301D0... | 0011 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $50,422.00 | 2001 | 931515 |
V598P3973 | 0059820001... | 0 | | S215: Warehousing And Storage Services | $326,000.00 | 2001 | 931520 |
DACA6396D0... | 0065 | 2 | | B502: Air Quality Analyses | $25,954.00 | 2001 | 962221 |
DACA6396D0... | 0072 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $38,555.00 | 2001 | 977077 |
V598P3973 | 0059820001... | 0 | | S215: Warehousing And Storage Services | $208,000.00 | 2001 | 977125 |
DACA6396D0... | 0070 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $74,951.00 | 2001 | 990184 |
V598P3973 | 0059820001... | 0 | | S215: Warehousing And Storage Services | $247,000.00 | 2001 | 1024089 |
DTFH6198T2... | 0006120001... | 9 | | U008: Training/Curriculum Development | $220,000.00 | 2001 | 1028957 |
| F3360197CJ... | P00045 | | J023: Maint-Rep Of Vehicles-Trailers-Cyc | $4,517,009.00 | 2001 | 1115502 |
DTFH6198T2... | 0006120001... | 7 | | U008: Training/Curriculum Development | $400,000.00 | 2001 | 1124488 |
DTFH6198T2... | 0006120001... | 6 | | U008: Training/Curriculum Development | $25,000.00 | 2001 | 1129236 |
DTFH6198T2... | 0006120001... | 0 | | U008: Training/Curriculum Development | $0.00 | 2001 | 1154184 |
DTFH6198T2... | 0006120001... | 10 | | U008: Training/Curriculum Development | $100,000.00 | 2001 | 1175490 |
DTFH6198T2... | 0006120001... | 5 | | U008: Training/Curriculum Development | $25,000.00 | 2001 | 1183846 |
| DTFH6198T2... | 0 | | U008: Training/Curriculum Development | $0.00 | 2001 | 1224201 |
| DTFH6101T2... | 0 | | U008: Training/Curriculum Development | $0.00 | 2001 | 1229702 |
| DTCG8301D3... | 0 | | C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio | $0.00 | 2001 | 1230164 |
| DACA6301D0... | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $0.00 | 2001 | 1236857 |
DACA6301D0... | 0020 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $33,069.00 | 2002 | 1272545 |
DTRS5698C0... | 0005620001... | 3 | | T099: Other Photo Mapping Printing Svc | $42,000.00 | 2002 | 1273520 |
| DACW6302P0... | 0 | | T014: Topography Services | $29,681.00 | 2002 | 1275476 |
DTCG8301D3... | DTCG8302F3... | 0 | | C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio | $51,000.00 | 2002 | 1309900 |
DTRS5698C0... | DTRS5698C0... | 0 | | T099: Other Photo Mapping Printing Svc | $399,251.00 | 2002 | 1314857 |
DTRS5698C0... | 0005619980... | 4 | | T099: Other Photo Mapping Printing Svc | ($35,000.00) | 2002 | 1314869 |
DTCG8301D3... | DTCG8302F3... | 0 | | C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio | $123,000.00 | 2002 | 1356895 |
DTRS5698C0... | 0005620001... | 2 | | T099: Other Photo Mapping Printing Svc | $16,000.00 | 2002 | 1366527 |
DTCG8301D3... | DTCG8302F3... | 1 | | C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio | $22,000.00 | 2002 | 1391794 |
DTCG8301D3... | DTCG8302F3... | 0 | | C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio | $73,000.00 | 2002 | 1436043 |
DTRS5698C0... | DTRS5698C0... | 8 | | T099: Other Photo Mapping Printing Svc | $127,146.80 | 2002 | 1441265 |
DTRS5698C0... | DTRS5698C0... | 9 | | T099: Other Photo Mapping Printing Svc | $0.00 | 2002 | 1441267 |
DTRS5698C0... | 0005620001... | 4 | | T099: Other Photo Mapping Printing Svc | $180,000.00 | 2002 | 1471357 |
| 0059819971... | C | | S215: Warehousing And Storage Services | $147,000.00 | 2002 | 1553651 |
DTRS5698C0... | 0005620020... | 0 | | T099: Other Photo Mapping Printing Svc | $63,000.00 | 2002 | 1569780 |
DACA6301D0... | 0027 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $218,000.00 | 2002 | 1654495 |
DACA6301D0... | 0028 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $160,276.00 | 2002 | 1694803 |
DACA6301D0... | 0029 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $45,983.00 | 2002 | 1709883 |
DTRS5698C0... | 0005619980... | 5 | | T099: Other Photo Mapping Printing Svc | $168,000.00 | 2002 | 1735567 |
DACA6301D0... | 0030 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $290,000.00 | 2002 | 1789893 |
DACA6301D0... | 0026 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $45,000.00 | 2002 | 1830490 |
DTCG8301D3... | DTCG8302F3... | 1 | | C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio | $23,000.00 | 2002 | 1854875 |
DACA6301D0... | 0021 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $28,986.00 | 2002 | 1863932 |
DTCG8301D3... | DTCG8302F3... | 0 | | C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio | $63,000.00 | 2002 | 1909176 |
DTCG8301D3... | DTCG8302F3... | 2 | | C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio | $3,000.00 | 2002 | 1952811 |
DACA6301D0... | 0022 | 0 | | B599: Other Special Studies And Analyses | $21,860.00 | 2002 | 1952938 |
DTCG8301D3... | DTCG8302F3... | 1 | | C211: A/E Svcs. (Incl Landscaping Interio | $8,000.00 | 2002 | 1988374 |