| 2D5245NBLX | 0 | | 8465: Individual Equipment | $651.00 | 2002 | 2021656 |
| INLHWP0201... | 1 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $0.00 | 2004 | 3285654 |
| TIRSE04P00... | 0 | | W099: Lease-Rent Of Misc Eq | $321.00 | 2004 | 3285657 |
| DEAF5204NA... | 0 | | 7510: Office Supplies | $18,000.00 | 2004 | 3290303 |
| PSA04PO006... | 0 | | S216: Facilities Operations Support Svcs | $10,000.00 | 2004 | 3307449 |
| TIRNO04P00... | 0 | | | $1,054.56 | 2004 | 3327140 |
| AG61254361... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $745.00 | 2004 | 3372807 |
| INLHWP0201... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $0.00 | 2004 | 3372808 |
| INLHWP0400... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $1,158.00 | 2004 | 3380515 |
| 4S0137NALX | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $0.00 | 2004 | 3409134 |
| GS25F010MF... | 0 | | 7030: Adp Software | $3,240.00 | 2004 | 3468674 |
| TIRSE04P00... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $321.00 | 2004 | 3468675 |
| PSA04PO000... | 0 | | S216: Facilities Operations Support Svcs | $6,000.00 | 2004 | 3620762 |
| TIRSE04P00... | 0 | | 3695: Misc Special Industry Machine | $321.00 | 2004 | 3665513 |
| B2540074 | 1 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $246.18 | 2004 | 3712388 |
| TIRSE04P00... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $340.00 | 2004 | 3712389 |
| TIRSE04P00... | 0 | | 3695: Misc Special Industry Machine | $642.00 | 2004 | 3712390 |
| 4382MK4001... | 0 | | | $7,930.84 | 2004 | 3777912 |
| INDNBCP040... | 0 | | J074: Maint-Rep Of Office Machines | $1,170.00 | 2004 | 3777915 |
| PSA04PO010... | 0 | | S216: Facilities Operations Support Svcs | $9,000.00 | 2004 | 3815541 |
| TIRSE04P00... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $343.00 | 2004 | 3856070 |
| SS05045004... | 0 | | 9999: Miscellaneous Items | $9,427.50 | 2004 | 3889878 |
| TIRSE04P00... | 0 | | W099: Lease-Rent Of Misc Eq | $10,600.84 | 2004 | 3928520 |
| INF116504V... | 0 | | 7490: Miscellaneous Office Machines | $4,676.00 | 2004 | 3998577 |
| TIRNE04P00... | 0 | | W099: Lease-Rent Of Misc Eq | $579.00 | 2004 | 4029034 |
| RS00120021... | 0 | | J074: Maint-Rep Of Office Machines | $0.00 | 2004 | 4045025 |
| TIRNE04P00... | 1 | | W099: Lease-Rent Of Misc Eq | $0.00 | 2004 | 4164540 |
| TIRSE04P00... | 0 | | W099: Lease-Rent Of Misc Eq | $3,291.00 | 2004 | 4213617 |
| SS09045166... | 0 | | E152: Purchase Of Maintenance Buildings | $10,397.70 | 2004 | 4227772 |
| INF122004M... | 0 | | 7520: Office Devices And Accessories | $3,000.00 | 2004 | 4378620 |
| ING04AKSA4... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $651.00 | 2004 | 4444892 |
| INF601814P... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $155.40 | 2004 | 4444903 |
| TIRSE04P00... | 0 | | W099: Lease-Rent Of Misc Eq | $3,649.80 | 2004 | 4593045 |
| INDNBCP041... | 0 | | J099: Maint-Rep Of Misc Eq | $1,456.40 | 2004 | 4593047 |
| TIRNE04E00... | 0 | | | $1,800.00 | 2004 | 4605190 |
| TIRNE04P00... | 0 | | J074: Maint-Rep Of Office Machines | $2,442.00 | 2004 | 4607065 |
| INLKAD0450... | 0 | | R613: Post Office Services | $4,943.00 | 2004 | 4609269 |
| B2540074 | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $30,911.72 | 2004 | 4615983 |
| INF745354M... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $157.50 | 2004 | 4651369 |
| TIRNE04P00... | 0 | | W099: Lease-Rent Of Misc Eq | $777.00 | 2004 | 4659575 |
| SS02045006... | 0 | | 7490: Miscellaneous Office Machines | $10,397.70 | 2004 | 4672508 |
| TIRSE04P00... | 0 | | W099: Lease-Rent Of Misc Eq | $3,861.00 | 2004 | 4740456 |
| GS03P04DXC... | 0 | | | $5,784.00 | 2004 | 4824848 |
| TIRSE04P00... | 0 | | W099: Lease-Rent Of Misc Eq | $521.00 | 2004 | 4919483 |
| 631C40100 | 0 | | R613: Post Office Services | $58,000.00 | 2004 | 4938043 |
| 631C40101 | 0 | | R613: Post Office Services | $64,000.00 | 2004 | 5049111 |
| RS00120021... | 1 | | J074: Maint-Rep Of Office Machines | $0.00 | 2004 | 5049137 |
| ING04CRSA0... | 0 | | J074: Maint-Rep Of Office Machines | $3,006.99 | 2004 | 5082649 |
| TIRSE04P00... | 0 | | W099: Lease-Rent Of Misc Eq | $321.00 | 2004 | 5094623 |
| PSA04PO002... | 0 | | S216: Facilities Operations Support Svcs | $16,000.00 | 2004 | 5123340 |
| INISMK0004... | 0 | | 9999: Miscellaneous Items | $18,507.00 | 2004 | 5140010 |
| GS25F0110M... | 0 | | 7490: Miscellaneous Office Machines | $7,656.00 | 2004 | 5140012 |
| V244P00449 | 0 | | J074: Maint-Rep Of Office Machines | $0.00 | 2004 | 5208301 |
| FCCPUR0500... | 8 | | | $5,716.88 | 2005 | 5265512 |
| DOLB05CE10... | 0 | | 3590: Misc Service & Trade Eq | $400.00 | 2005 | 5311620 |
| FCCPUR0500... | 7 | | | $1,570.96 | 2005 | 5378015 |
| EP05900000... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $48.25 | 2005 | 5455158 |
| TIRSE05P00... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $3,855.60 | 2005 | 5455184 |
| FCCPUR0500... | 3 | | | $289.00 | 2005 | 5468688 |
| INR05PG203... | 0 | | 7490: Miscellaneous Office Machines | $900.00 | 2005 | 5482921 |
| B052J00206 | 0 | | J070: Maint-Rep Of Adp Eq & Supplies | $2,630.00 | 2005 | 5482937 |
| FCCPUR0500... | 6 | | | $5,831.00 | 2005 | 5512774 |
| DR050105 | 0 | | | $2,151.00 | 2005 | 5516667 |
| GS25F010MF... | 1 | | 7030: Adp Software | $690.00 | 2005 | 5531941 |
| INF745256M... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $579.00 | 2005 | 5539802 |
| DOLB05CE10... | 0 | | 3590: Misc Service & Trade Eq | $579.00 | 2005 | 5597835 |
| TIRSE05P00... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $2,700.00 | 2005 | 5597873 |
| TIRNE05P00... | 0 | | W099: Lease-Rent Of Misc Eq | $160.50 | 2005 | 5666310 |
| INOPO54800... | 0 | | R699: Other Administrative Support Svcs | $900.00 | 2005 | 5678456 |
| DOLB05C620... | 0 | | | $260.00 | 2005 | 5722236 |
V244P00449 | V503C50027 | 0 | | J074: Maint-Rep Of Office Machines | $5,400.00 | 2005 | 5722253 |
| TIRNE05P00... | 0 | | W099: Lease-Rent Of Misc Eq | $321.00 | 2005 | 5727855 |
| TIRNE05P00... | 0 | | X249: Lease/Rental Of Other Utilities | $1,158.00 | 2005 | 5727877 |
| TIRNE05P00... | 0 | | | $579.00 | 2005 | 5793503 |
| DOLB05EF20... | 0 | | | $3,676.00 | 2005 | 5793507 |
| TIRNE05P00... | 0 | | J074: Maint-Rep Of Office Machines | $160.50 | 2005 | 5793534 |
| AG63954263... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $1,626.00 | 2005 | 5793556 |
| DOLB05CE20... | 0 | | | $591.00 | 2005 | 5805778 |
| INF745256M... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $579.00 | 2005 | 5874796 |
| V518C55283 | 0 | | R604: Mailing And Distribution Services | $27,000.00 | 2005 | 5898021 |
| DOLB05A420... | 0 | | | $495.00 | 2005 | 5899563 |
| AG01204301... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $733.00 | 2005 | 5902886 |
| V518C55236 | 0 | | R604: Mailing And Distribution Services | $27,000.00 | 2005 | 5933860 |
| INF436105M... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $315.00 | 2005 | 5937936 |
| TIRNE05P00... | 0 | | J074: Maint-Rep Of Office Machines | $777.00 | 2005 | 5941356 |
| DOCEM133F0... | 0 | | 9999: Miscellaneous Items | $10,528.55 | 2005 | 5972318 |
| HSCECA05PF... | 0 | | J074: Maint-Rep Of Office Machines | $3,660.00 | 2005 | 6033872 |
| TIRNE05P00... | 0 | | X249: Lease/Rental Of Other Utilities | $321.00 | 2005 | 6114951 |
| RRB05P0282 | 0 | | 7490: Miscellaneous Office Machines | $3,700.00 | 2005 | 6127949 |
| AG63954363... | 1 | | 7490: Miscellaneous Office Machines | $430.50 | 2005 | 6127969 |
| INF4361250... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $315.00 | 2005 | 6150426 |
| 959P05P006... | 0 | | S216: Facilities Operations Support Svcs | $12,500.00 | 2005 | 6191770 |
| 959P05P007... | 0 | | S216: Facilities Operations Support Svcs | $10,000.00 | 2005 | 6214291 |
| EP05900007... | 0 | | J074: Maint-Rep Of Office Machines | $2,680.68 | 2005 | 6269688 |
| DEAP6505WG... | 0 | | 3695: Misc Special Industry Machine | $1,678.50 | 2005 | 6358576 |
| INF122005M... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $3,200.00 | 2005 | 6386768 |
| INR05PG203... | 0 | | J074: Maint-Rep Of Office Machines | $1,658.00 | 2005 | 6403226 |
| INLHWP0500... | 0 | | W074: Lease-Rent Of Office Machines | $1,158.00 | 2005 | 6416669 |
| INLHCP0500... | 0 | | 7520: Office Devices And Accessories | $3,400.00 | 2005 | 6498712 |
| INOPO54000... | 0 | | | $3,000.00 | 2005 | 6511421 |