| 0511420000... | 0 | | Z199: Maint-Rep-Alt/Misc Bldgs | $113,000.00 | 2000 | 379689 |
| 0511420000... | 1 | | Z199: Maint-Rep-Alt/Misc Bldgs | $6,000.00 | 2001 | 817082 |
| 0511420001... | 1 | | Z199: Maint-Rep-Alt/Misc Bldgs | $4,000.00 | 2001 | 832465 |
| 0511420001... | 0 | | Z199: Maint-Rep-Alt/Misc Bldgs | $0.00 | 2001 | 868131 |
| DACW4303V3... | 0 | | Z162: Maint-Rep-Alt/Recreational Bldgs | $24,945.00 | 2003 | 2856798 |
| AG61254361... | 0 | | Z199: Maint-Rep-Alt/Misc Bldgs | $16,900.00 | 2004 | 3467153 |
| N0016405P1... | 0 | | 8030: Preservative And Sealing Compounds | $12,956.00 | 2005 | 6451171 |
| W912P906V3... | 0 | | Y291: Construct/Rec Non-Bldg Structs | $13,617.00 | 2006 | 9051258 |
| W912P906V3... | P00001 | | Y291: Construct/Rec Non-Bldg Structs | ($2,843.00) | 2006 | 9329786 |
| V556P70075 | 0 | | Z162: Maint-Rep-Alt/Recreational Bldgs | $5,989.00 | 2007 | 12313995 |
| DJBLEXGJP1... | 0 | | 7220: Floor Coverings | $124,141.68 | 2007 | 12960693 |
| GS07F0243T | 0 | | R499: Other Professional Services | $0.00 | 2007 | 15976817 |
GS07F0243T | V556C80297 | 0 | | N099: Install Of Misc Eq | $11,238.19 | 2008 | 16919706 |
GS07F0243T | DJBFTDHNG1... | 0 | | 1390: Fuzes And Primers | $55,000.00 | 2008 | 17129873 |