DTRS5793D0... | 0005719960... | 256 | | AZ12: R&D-Other R & D-A Res/Expl Dev | $10,000.00 | 2000 | 6874 |
GS23F0008K | F4262000F0... | 0 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $147,331.00 | 2000 | 8483 |
GS09K99BHD... | DE00020000... | 0 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $241,000.00 | 2000 | 17556 |
GS09K99BHD... | BP00020000... | 0 | | D301: Adp Facility Management | $405,000.00 | 2000 | 31125 |
DTRS5793D0... | 0005719940... | 257 | | AZ12: R&D-Other R & D-A Res/Expl Dev | $25,000.00 | 2000 | 32497 |
GS23F0008K | NMA30200F0... | 0 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $69,341.00 | 2000 | 34769 |
GS09K99BHD... | BH00020000... | AO02 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | ($39,000.00) | 2000 | 46017 |
GS09K99BHD... | BH00020000... | 0 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $117,000.00 | 2000 | 58667 |
DTRS5793D0... | 0005719981... | 258 | | AZ12: R&D-Other R & D-A Res/Expl Dev | $99,000.00 | 2000 | 58965 |
GS09K99BHD... | DE00020000... | 0 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $285,000.00 | 2000 | 76879 |
GS09K99BHD... | DE00020000... | PO01 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $61,000.00 | 2000 | 150186 |
| GS23F0008K | 0 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $0.00 | 2000 | 162071 |
| DTRS5798D0... | 0 | | AZ12: R&D-Other R & D-A Res/Expl Dev | $0.00 | 2000 | 166810 |
| GS23F0008K | 2001 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $0.00 | 2000 | 168798 |
GS23F0008K | F3465000F0... | 0 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $49,987.00 | 2000 | 205222 |
GS23F0008K | BP00020000... | 0 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $2,467,000.00 | 2000 | 219331 |
GS23F0008K | BP00020000... | PC06 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $197,000.00 | 2000 | 228278 |
GS23F0008K | BP00020000... | PC02 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $159,000.00 | 2000 | 247177 |
GS23F0008K | BP00020000... | PC04 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $135,000.00 | 2000 | 261745 |
GS23F0008K | BP00020000... | 0 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $0.00 | 2000 | 276250 |
GS23F0008K | BP00020000... | 0 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $0.00 | 2000 | 282007 |
GS23F0008K | SP041000F9... | 0 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $199,374.00 | 2000 | 286807 |
GS23F0008K | BP00020000... | PC05 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $310,000.00 | 2000 | 303441 |
GS23F0008K | BN00020000... | PS01 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $376,000.00 | 2000 | 340271 |
GS09K99BHD... | BH00020000... | AC03 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $155,000.00 | 2000 | 340280 |
GS23F0008K | N0001400F0... | P00003 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $45,052.00 | 2000 | 354792 |
GS23F0008K | BN00020000... | PS02 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $108,000.00 | 2000 | 361032 |
GS09K99BHD... | DF00019991... | 0 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $114,000.00 | 2000 | 361035 |
GS09K99BHD... | DF00019991... | 0 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $650,000.00 | 2000 | 375105 |
GS23F0008K | N0001400F0... | 0 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $242,752.00 | 2000 | 382298 |
GS23F0008K | BN00020000... | 0 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $176,271.00 | 2000 | 386209 |
GS23F0008K | F4262000F0... | 0 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $89,834.00 | 2000 | 411395 |
GS23F0008K | F4262000F0... | 0 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $58,297.00 | 2000 | 428410 |
GS23F0008K | F2960100F0... | 0 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $35,000.00 | 2000 | 440160 |
GS23F0008K | N0042100F0... | P00003 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $31,412.00 | 2000 | 468466 |
GS09K99BHD... | DF00019991... | AO01 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $34,000.00 | 2000 | 468518 |
GS09K99BHD... | BH00020000... | 0 | | | $0.00 | 2000 | 500864 |
GS23F0008K | F0560400F8... | 0 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $79,552.00 | 2000 | 514880 |
DTRS5793D0... | 0005719981... | 255 | | AZ12: R&D-Other R & D-A Res/Expl Dev | $5,000.00 | 2000 | 552781 |
GS23F0008K | DASG6000F0... | 0 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $100,000.00 | 2000 | 554353 |
GS23F0008K | N0042100F0... | 0 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $217,205.00 | 2000 | 554355 |
GS09K99BHD... | BN00020000... | 0 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $35,000.00 | 2000 | 571488 |
GS23F0008K | F2960100F0... | P00001 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $65,000.00 | 2000 | 579921 |
GS23F0008K | F2960100F0... | P00004 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $50,000.00 | 2001 | 604678 |
GS09K99BHD... | BP00020001... | 0 | | D301: Adp Facility Management | $1,922,000.00 | 2001 | 618549 |
GS09K99BHD... | DE00020010... | 2 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $132,000.00 | 2001 | 618550 |
GS09K99BHD... | T0901DF503 | 0 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $799,062.99 | 2001 | 625997 |
GS23F0008K | F3460101F0... | 0 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $120,000.00 | 2001 | 630374 |
GS23F0008K | F4262001F0... | 0 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $150,393.00 | 2001 | 645160 |
GS09K99BHD... | DF00020010... | 0 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $98,000.00 | 2001 | 647918 |
GS09K99BHD... | DE00020010... | 0 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $25,000.00 | 2001 | 647919 |
GS09K99BHD... | DE00020010... | 0 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $88,000.00 | 2001 | 647978 |
GS09K99BHD... | DE00020010... | 1 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $122,000.00 | 2001 | 647979 |
GS09K99BHD... | DE00020001... | 0 | | 7030: Adp Software | $0.00 | 2001 | 678811 |
GS09K99BHD... | DF00019991... | AO02 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $731,000.00 | 2001 | 678812 |
GS09K99BHD... | BH00020000... | AO03 | | | $0.00 | 2001 | 692405 |
GS23F0008K | F4262000F0... | PH0002 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | ($45,209.00) | 2001 | 696730 |
GS09K99BHD... | BG00020010... | 1 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $61,000.00 | 2001 | 703313 |
GS09K99BHD... | DE00020001... | 2 | | 7030: Adp Software | $682,000.00 | 2001 | 710396 |
GS09K99BHD... | BP00020010... | 0 | | D301: Adp Facility Management | $1,499,000.00 | 2001 | 724797 |
GS09K99BHD... | POS0120010... | 0 | | 7010: Adpe System Configuration | $2,368,000.00 | 2001 | 736959 |
GS09K99BHD... | DE00020010... | 0 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $191,000.00 | 2001 | 736961 |
GS09K99BHD... | BP00020001... | 0 | | D301: Adp Facility Management | $60,000.00 | 2001 | 756249 |
GS09K99BHD... | DF00020010... | AC02 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $1,176,000.00 | 2001 | 770099 |
GS09K99BHD... | BN00020010... | 0 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $2,920,464.75 | 2001 | 770161 |
GS09K99BHD... | DE00020001... | 0 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $257,000.00 | 2001 | 770162 |
GS09K99BHD... | DE00020001... | 1 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $243,047.54 | 2001 | 783268 |
GS09K99BHD... | BF00020020... | 1 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $243,047.54 | 2001 | 798079 |
GS23F0008K | DASG6000F0... | P00001 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $50,000.00 | 2001 | 800576 |
GS23F0008K | F4262001F0... | 0 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $149,000.00 | 2001 | 826387 |
GS09K99BHD... | BG00020010... | 0 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $0.00 | 2001 | 826893 |
GS09K99BHD... | DE00020010... | 1 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $4,000.00 | 2001 | 829573 |
GS09K99BHD... | BH00020000... | AO04 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $184,000.00 | 2001 | 845103 |
GS09K99BHD... | BG00020010... | 0 | | D307: Automated Information System Svcs | $133,000.00 | 2001 | 864917 |
GS09K99BHD... | BH00020000... | AO01 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | ($367,000.00) | 2001 | 881187 |
GS23F0008K | BP00020010... | PC20 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $931,000.00 | 2001 | 882152 |
GS23F0008K | BF00020010... | AS02 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $107,000.00 | 2001 | 897551 |
GS23F0008K | F4262001F0... | 0 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $124,459.00 | 2001 | 907742 |
GS09K99BHD... | DF00019991... | AO01 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $119,000.00 | 2001 | 907788 |
GS09K99BHD... | BH00020000... | AO05 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $84,000.00 | 2001 | 910235 |
GS23F0008K | BP00020000... | PC09 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $561,000.00 | 2001 | 912420 |
GS23F0008K | BN00020000... | PO05 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $40,000.00 | 2001 | 922006 |
GS23F0008K | F4262001F0... | 0 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $29,857.00 | 2001 | 922007 |
GS09K99BHD... | BH00020010... | 0 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $83,000.00 | 2001 | 940580 |
GS23F0008K | BN00020000... | PS03 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $537,000.00 | 2001 | 958816 |
GS23F0008K | DS00020010... | 0 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $200,000.00 | 2001 | 974875 |
GS09K99BHD... | BH00020000... | AO03 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $182,000.00 | 2001 | 985610 |
GS09K99BHD... | BN00020010... | PS01 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $406,445.07 | 2001 | 998684 |
GS23F0008K | F3460101F0... | P00001 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $166,238.00 | 2001 | 1015163 |
GS09K99BHD... | BH00020000... | AO02 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $550,000.00 | 2001 | 1015216 |
GS23F0008K | DASG6000F0... | 0 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $0.00 | 2001 | 1021391 |
GS23F0008K | F4262000F0... | P00002 2 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $86,955.00 | 2001 | 1031432 |
GS09K99BHD... | DF00020010... | AC01 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $1,275,000.00 | 2001 | 1034138 |
GS23F0008K | BP00020000... | PC17 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $276,000.00 | 2001 | 1036038 |
GS23F0008K | F4262000F0... | P00002 1 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $89,233.00 | 2001 | 1046974 |
GS09K99BHD... | DE00020010... | 0 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $511,000.00 | 2001 | 1046987 |
GS23F0008K | BP00020010... | PC22 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $176,000.00 | 2001 | 1052259 |
GS23F0008K | BF00020010... | 0 | | R425: Engineering And Technical Services | $107,000.00 | 2001 | 1060945 |
GS09K99BHD... | BF00020020... | 0 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $256,951.63 | 2001 | 1065582 |
GS09K99BHD... | DE00020010... | 0 | | D399: Other Adp & Telecommunications Svcs | $0.00 | 2001 | 1076485 |