Michigan State University College of Law
MSU Law offers a rigorous and intellectually challenging required curriculum enhanced by numerous specialty programs. Its integrated learning connecting theory to practice provides a thorough education in all principal areas of law and practice and gives you knowledge and hands-on experience that prepares you for a successful career.
Phone Number:
(517) 432-6800 Location
Michigan State University College of Law
368 Law College Building
East Lansing, MI
United States
See map: Google Maps
Judges Graduating from this School:
Bernard A. Friedman
Frederick William Kaess
George E. Woods
Thaddeus M. Machrowicz
Arthur F. Lederle
Benjamin F. Gibson
Ernest Aloysius O`Brien
George La Plata
Lawrence Paul Zatkoff
Marianne O. Battani
Richard Fred Suhrheinrich
Sean Francis Cox
George Clifton Edwards Jr.