Paul M Hebert Law Center Louisiana State University
LSU Law Center offers training in both civil law, used in Louisiana and in 60% of the world's jurisdictions, and common law, in force in 49 other states and in 40% of the glob.
Phone Number:
(225) 578-8646 Location
Paul M Hebert Law Center Louisiana State University
202 Law Center
Baton Rouge, LA
United States
See map: Google Maps
Judges Graduating from this School:
Elmo Pearce Lee
Frank Joseph Polozola
Wayne G. Borah
Alvin Benjamin Rubin
Benjamin Cornwell Dawkins Jr.
Donald Ellsworth Walter
Earl Ernest Veron
Elmer Gordon West
Frank Burton Ellis
G. Thomas Porteous Jr.
Gaston Louis Noel Porterie
Henry Alvan Mentz Jr.
Henry Anthony Politz
Jack Murphy Gordon
James J. Brady
James L. Dennis
James Travis Trimble Jr.
Jay C. Zainey
John Malach Shaw
John Victor Parker
John Wheadon deGravelles
Lansing Leroy Mitchell
Ralph E. Tyson
Robert Frederick Collins
Robert Gillespie James
S. Maurice Hicks Jr.
Stanwood R. Duval Jr.
Thomas E. Stagg Jr.
Elizabeth Erny Foote
Helen Ginger Berrigan