University of South Carolina School of Law

Founded in 1867, the mission of the School of Law is to teach law through in-depth study; to contribute through faculty and student research to the common good, to the fund of legal knowledge, and to legal development and reform; and to cooperate with state government, the community, and the organized Bar in developing and implementing appropriate programs in legal research, law reform, criminal justice reform, and continuing legal education.

Phone Number:
(803) 777-4155 Location
University of South Carolina School of Law
701 Main Street
Columbia, SC
United States
See map: Google Maps
Judges Graduating from this School:
Adrian Anthony Spears
Alva Moore Lumpkin
Andrew Gordon Magrath
Charles Henry Simonton
Charles Weston Houck
George Bell Timmerman Sr.
Hamilton Glover Ewart
John Gayle
Robert Budd Gilchrist
William Hiram Brawley
Bruce Howe Hendricks
Charles Earl Simons Jr.
David C. Norton
Dennis W. Shedd
Donald Stuart Russell
Falcon Black Hawkins Jr.
Henry Franklin Floyd
Henry Michael Herlong Jr.
Jean Galloway Bissell
Joseph Fletcher Anderson Jr.
Karen J. Williams
Mary Geiger Lewis
Patrick Michael Duffy
Robert Bryan Harwell
Robert Foster Chapman
Robert Witherspoon Hemphill
Solomon Blatt Jr.
Terry L. Wooten
Timothy Martin Cain
William Byrd Traxler Jr.
William S. Duffey Jr.
William Walter Wilkins
George Ross Anderson Jr.
Julianna Michelle Childs