Willamette University College of Law Library in Salem, OR
Willamette University College of Law
Willamette University is an independent, nonsectarian institution of higher learning founded in 1842, which educates men and women in the liberal arts and in selected professional fields. The University's mission now extends far beyond from the Oregon Territory and the Pacific Northwest to encompass the larger world beyond. In its pursuits, Willamette University: cherishes the dignity and worth of all individuals, and strives to reflect the diversity of our world; encourages close relationships among faculty, students, and staff to enhance learning and foster community; provides a lively and challenging education in a small university setting where teaching and learning are strengthened by ongoing scholarship and research; embraces a commitment to service and leadership in our various communities and professions; honors its historic roots in The United Methodist Church and values the ethical and spiritual dimension of education; believes that education is a lifelong process of discovery, delight, and growth, the hallmark of a humane life.