Massachusetts District Court
One Courthouse Way
Suite 2300
Boston, MA
See map: Google Maps
Judges of this Court (past and present):
A. David Mazzone
Allison Dale Burroughs
Andrew Augustine Caffrey
Anthony Julian
Arthur Daniel Healey
Bailey Aldrich
Charles Edward Wyzanski Jr.
David Sutherland Nelson
Denise Jefferson Casper
Douglas Preston Woodlock
Edward Francis Harrington
Elisha Hume Brewster
F. Dennis Saylor IV
Francis Cabot Lowell
Francis Joseph William Ford
Frank Harlan Freedman
Frank Jerome Murray
Frederic Dodge
George A. O`Toole Jr.
George Clinton Sweeney
Hugh Dean McLellan
Indira Talwani
James Arnold Lowell
James Madison Morton Jr.
John Davis
John Joseph McNaught
John Lowell
John Lowell
Joseph Louis Tauro
Leo Theodore Sorokin
Levin Hicks Campbell
Mark Gerald Mastroianni
Mark Lawrence Wolf
Michael Adrian Ponsor
Nancy Gertner
Nathaniel M. Gorton
Patti B. Saris
Peleg Sprague
Reginald C. Lindsay
Richard Gaylore Stearns
Robert Ernest Keeton
Rya Weickert Zobel
Thomas Leverett Nelson
Timothy Spafard Hillman
Walter Jay Skinner
Wendell Arthur Garrity Jr.
William G. Young
William T. McCarthy