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Overseas Private Investment Corporation

Vendor Name
Modification Parent
Major Agency Category
Modification Agency
Major Funding Agency
Procurement Instrument ID
Product Or Service Code Dollars Obligated Fiscal Year To Record
HSGS23F017... R602: Courier And Messenger Services $10,000.00 2004
HSGS23F017... R602: Courier And Messenger Services $0.00 2004
N6600104C5... 7050: Adp Components $1,440,993.00 2004
N6600104C5... 7050: Adp Components $705,663.00 2005
0071 5895: Misc Communication Eq $40,955.00 2005
N0018905F0... 7010: Adpe System Configuration $15,900.00 2005
0194 R407: Program Evaluation Services $218,100.00 2005
N0018305P0... 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup $17,000.00 2005
0008 Z182: Maint-Rep-Alt/R&D Gogo Facilities $1,048,000.00 2005
N0018907MP... Q999: Other Medical Services $43,100.00 2007
FA500008FA... 7030: Adp Software $10,824.00 2008
FA500008P0... 3930: Warehouse Trks & Tractors Self-Prop $13,319.48 2008
FA500008FA... 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup $0.00 2008
0004 J016: Maint-Rep Of Aircraft Components $500,000.00 2008
FA500008P0... R799: Other Management Support Services $28,100.00 2008
FA500007P0... 6760: Photographic Eq & Accessories $0.00 2008
FA500008P0... R799: Other Management Support Services $97,893.00 2008
FA500008P0... 6520: Dental Instruments Eq & Supplies ($9,444.25) 2008
FA500007FA... 5840: Radar Equipment, Except Airborne $0.00 2008
FA500008P0... 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup $13,375.00 2008
FA500008FA... 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup $0.00 2008
FA500008P0... 4910: Motor Vehicle Maint Eq $3,313.29 2008
FA500007P0... 2330: Trailers $0.00 2008
FA500008P0... 6540: Opthalmic Instruments Eq & Supplies $4,096.00 2008
FA481908P0... 7110: Office Furniture ($248.00) 2008
FA481908P0... 7110: Office Furniture $5,896.00 2008
FA500008P0... 6515: Med & Surgical Instruments,eq & Sup $52,315.00 2008
FA481907P0... 7030: Adp Software $0.00 2008
FA500008P0... 7520: Office Devices And Accessories $18,880.00 2008
FA481908P0... 7030: Adp Software $0.00 2008
FA481908F0... 7125: Cabinets Lockers Bins & Shelving $7,793.00 2008
FA481908P0... 6540: Opthalmic Instruments Eq & Supplies $28,430.00 2008
FA500008P0... 7195: Misc Furniture & Fixtures $49,764.50 2008
FA481908P0... 7030: Adp Software $14,400.00 2008
FA500008P0... 6520: Dental Instruments Eq & Supplies $11,313.00 2008
W91QUZ08C0... R799: Other Management Support Services $0.00 2009