Elmo Bolton Hunter
Law clerk, Hon. Kimbrough Stone, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, 1938-1939
Senior assistant city counselor, Kansas City, Missouri, 1939-1941
Cook fellow, University of Michigan Law School, 1941
Special assistant U.S. attorney for prosecution of war fraud cases, Western District of Missouri and District of Kansas, 1941-1942
U.S. Army lieutenant, 1942-1945
Private practice, Kansas City, Missouri, 1945-1951
Judge, Circuit Court of Missouri, 1951-1957
Judge, Kansas City [Missouri] Court of Appeals, 1957-1965
Instructor of law, University of Missouri, 1952-1962
University of Missouri Columbia School of Law
The MU School of Law aspires to be the school of choice for outstanding students, both from Missouri and other states. As a national leader in the field of dispute resolution, we seek to complement a strong traditional curriculum with an orientation toward lawyering as a problem-solving endeavor. We strive to foster a diverse faculty of nationally recognized scholars who are committed to effective teaching, and to attract a student body with diverse experiences and views. We also strive to offer an intellectually rigorous and collegial environment for the study of law. Furthermore, we seek to graduate well-rounded lawyers who are sensitive to ethical issues, prepared to serve clients, and ready to be leaders in promoting justice.