Frank Howell Seay
Private practice, Seminole, Oklahoma, 1963-1966
County attorney, Seminole County, Oklahoma, 1963-1966
First assistant district attorney, Twenty-Second Judicial District, Oklahoma, 1967-1968
Judge, Oklahoma District Court, Twenty-Second Judicial District, 1968-1979; associate judge, 1968-1974; judge, 1974-1979
University of Oklahoma College of Law
Our faculty, staff and administration are deeply committed to ensuring that each one of our students experience success in law school and beyond. All objective signs over the last decade affirm that success, as statistically 95-100% of those who matriculate will graduate, pass the bar examination on their first attempt, and find jobs in the field of their choice. In short, although our admission standards are very high, we do everything possible to help our students succeed.