Frank Murphy
Private practice, Detroit, Michigan, 1914-1917, 1922-1923
U.S. Army first lieutenant, 1917-1919
Chief assistant U.S. attorney, Eastern District of Michigan, 1919-1922
Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives from Michigan, 1920
Professor of law, University of Detroit, 1922-1927
Judge, Detroit [Michigan] Recorder`s Court, 1923-1930
Mayor, Detroit, Michigan, 1930-1933
Governor general and high commissioner, Philippine Islands, 1933-1936
Governor, Michigan, 1937-1938
Attorney General of the United States, 1939-1940
University of Michigan Law School
Michigan Law students rely on technological services to communicate, perform legal research, enhance learning, and conduct administrative business. To support the academic and administrative functions of the Law School, the Information Technology Department (LawIT) provides stable and user-friendly computing, networking, and audio-visual infrastructure, services, and support for the Law School community.
Judicial Career
Allotment as Circuit Justice:
Seventh Circuit, February 12, 1940-October 13, 1941, March 1, 1943-July 19, 1949
Sixth Circuit, June 2, 1941-October 13, 1941
Eighth Circuit, October 14, 1941-February 28, 1943
Tenth Circuit, October 14, 1941-February 28, 1943