Janice Rogers Brown


Greenville, AL
Race or Ethnicity: 
African American
Prior Employment: 

Deputy legislative counsel, State of California, 1977-1979
Deputy attorney general, State of California, 1979-1987
Deputy secretary and general counsel, Business, Transportation and Housing Agency, State of California, 1987-1990
Private practice, California, 1990-1991
Legal affairs secretary, Gov. Pete Wilson, California, 1991-1994
Associate justice, California Court of Appeal, Third District, 1994-1996
Associate justice, Supreme Court of California, 1996-2005
Adjunct professor, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, 1998-1999

Nominated to U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, July 25, 2003; no Senate vote


Name of School: 
California State University, Sacramento
Degree Year: 
Name of School - Second: 

University of California Los Angeles School of Law

UCLA School of Law is the youngest top law school in the nation. At fifty-five years old, our school has never felt bound by outmoded ideas of how law should be taught or studied. Instead, beginning in the 1950s, UCLA created its own tradition - a tradition of innovation. We maintain this tradition persistently, building off our past successes as we propel our school, and students, into a future of unparalleled distinction.

Degree - Second: 
Degree Year - Second: 
Name of School - Third: 

University of Virginia School of Law

Virginia is justly famous for its collegial environment that bonds students and faculty, and student satisfaction is consistently cited as among the highest in American law schools. Intellectual challenges are met in a spirit of cooperation. Small first-year sections promote individual inquiry while providing support and friendship. Students learn together, reading each other's work and freely sharing course outlines and other materials, confidently relying on the nation's oldest student-run Honor System to maintain the highest ethical standards.

Degree - Third: 
Degree Year - Third: 

Judicial Career

Court Name: 
U. S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
Court Name: 

District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals

President Nominating: 
George W. Bush
Party Affiliation of President: 
Commission Date: 