Marjorie O. Rendell
Private practice, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1973-1993
Villanova University School of Law
Villanova is rooted in the Catholic tradition that emphasizes the unique value of individual human lives and our endowment with free will. It inspires us to provide a professional education emphasizing honesty, integrity, and responsibility. This aspect of the tradition is embodied in St. Thomas More, whose figure graces the main entrance in Garey Hall, and whose principled resistance to corruption has been an exemplar of integrity for centuries. Respect for human dignity is also embodied in our commitment to service. Students are taught that pro bono legal service to the poor should be part of their careers, both as students and as lawyers. This aspect of our tradition is embodied in St. Ives, who taught that a lawyer's vocation must include a sense of responsibility for the poor. His figure stands next to that of St. Thomas More at our entrance.