Morton Aaron Brody
Private practice, Washington, D.C., 1958-1961
Private practice, Waterville, Maine, 1961-1980
Justice, Maine Superior Court, 1980-1990; chief justice, 1985-1990
Associate justice, Maine Supreme Judicial Court, 1990-1991
University of Chicago Law School
The University of Chicago Law School occupies a unique niche among this country's premier law schools. Located on a residential campus in one of America 's great cities, Chicago offers a rigorous and interdisciplinary professional education that blends the study of law with the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural sciences. Students, faculty, and staff form a small, tightly knit community devoted to the life of the mind. Learning is participatory. Chicago does not seek to impose a single viewpoint or style of thought on its students. Instead, our faculty exposes students to contrasting views, confident in students' abilities to choose their own paths.