Richard Paul Conaboy
U.S. Army sergeant, Air Corps, 1945-1947
Private practice, Scranton, Pennsylvania, 1951-1962
Deputy attorney general, State Workman`s Insurance Fund, Pennsylvania, 1953-1959
Hearing examiner, Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board, 1959-1962
Judge, Court of Common Pleas of Lackawanna County [Pennsylvania], 1962-1979; president judge, 1978-1979
Chair, U.S. Sentencing Commission, 1994-1998
Catholic University of America - School of Law
The School of Law at The Catholic University of America is committed to excellence in legal education within the profound intellectual tradition of the Church. Giving priority to the sacred dignity and uniqueness of each human person, the law school program is a standing invitation for men and women to pursue a professional calling fully informed by faith, moral inquiry and respect for the rule of law. The rigorous course of study embodies, in the words of the university's first rector, "the harmony between reason and revelation . . . [and] the genius of America."