Roseann Ambrosia Ketchmark
Registered nurse, Lindsay, Oklahoma, and Kansas City, Missouri, 1986-1990
Assistant prosecutor, Jackson County, Missouri, 1990-1995
First assistant prosecutor, Platte County, Missouri, 1995-2001
Assistant U.S. attorney, Western District of Missouri, 2001-2015; first assistant, 2001-2006, 2009-2010; executive assistant, 2006-2007, 2010
Former names: Roseann Ambrosia Smith, Roseann Ambrosia Geffre, Roseann A.G. Smith, Roseann A.G. Ketchmark
Nominated to U.S. District Court for the Western District of Missouri, November 20, 2014; no Senate vote
University of Oregon School of Law
The University of Oregon Law School offers a rigorous legal education with a curriculum that balances - Basic intellectual and analytic skills for the practice of law - An introduction to advanced and frontier areas of law - Knowledge of the persistent values of law and the legal system - An opportunity to develop hands-on legal skills