Sylvia H. Rambo
Attorney, Trust Department, Bank of Delaware, Wilmington, Delaware, 1962-1963
Private practice, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 1963-1976, 1978-1979
Public defender, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, 1973-1976; chief public defender, 1976
Adjunct faculty, Dickinson School of Law, 1975-1977; assistant adjunct professor of law, 1975-1976; adjunct professor of law, 1976-1977
Judge, Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland County [Pennsylvania], 1976-1978
Dickinson School of Law - Penn State
Founded in 1834 by Judge John Reed, The Dickinson School of Law is the oldest law school in Pennsylvania and the fifth oldest in the nation. Throughout its history, the law school has trained distinguished graduates who have gone on to become leaders of the bar, of the judiciary, of government, and of business. These alumni include the first secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, five governors, three U.S. senators, and more than 100 federal, state and county judges and countless prominent lawyers and civic leaders.