Choccolocco is an unincorporated community in Calhoun County, Alabama, United States. It was founded in 1832. The community gained brief notoriety in 2001 when The Daily Show aired a piece on the "Choccolocco Monster", a part of local folklore concerning sightings of a mysterious creature in the area in the late 1960s. An October 2001 article in the Anniston Star newspaper revealed that the creature was, in fact, local resident Neal Williamson dressed in a cow skull and a sheet. As a teenager, Williamson would don his costume and gain the attention of passing cars by jumping out of the woods onto the roadside, often startling motorists.

What is alternative dispute resolution?

Alternative Dispute Resolution is a mechanism by which different types of legal disputes are resolved through out-of-court processes like arbitration, and mediation as an alternative to civil litigation. ADR methods can be effective in reducing the time, money, and adversarial nature associated with traditional court-based proceedings.

Answers to alternative dispute resolution issues in Alabama

Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") is a mechanism by which civil disputes are resolved as an alter­native to...

Neutral case evaluation is one of the three different forms of resolving civil disputes through Alternative Dispute...

Mediation is one of the three different forms of resolving civil disputes through Alternative Dispute Resolution:...

Federal court opinions concerning alternative dispute resolution in Alabama