Ted Cabot
Clerk, Circuit Court of Florida, Broward County, 1945-1953
Private practice, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 1953-1959
State senator, Florida, 1954-1958
Judge, Circuit Court of Florida, Broward County, 1959-1966
University of Miami School of Law
Founded in 1996, the School of Law's Center for Ethics and Public Service is an interdisciplinary clinical program devoted to the values of ethical judgement, professional responsibility, and public service in law and society. The Center's in-house clinics and educational programs provide legal representation to low-income communities in the fields of children's rights, public health entitlements, and nonprofit economic development, as well as legal ethics education and professional training to the Law School, University, and Florida business, civic, and legal communities. The Center observes three guiding principles: interdisciplinary collaboration, public-private partnership, and student mentoring and leadership training. Our goal is to educate law students to serve their communities as citizen lawyers.